Members Only Post #171 – The Truth About Vices & About Weakness

We’ve been told our whole lives to cut out vices and to cultivate virtue. Yet when we get into the real world it quickly becomes obvious that vice seems to be rewarded, at the very least monetarily and status wise whereas virtues seems to not do much at all or even be a liability in many places. Why is this? Does it have to be this way? What is vice and virtue and why do they matter to our lives? Should we be cultivating vice and stamping out virtue? Is there a balance we need to strike?

This is a complicated topic and one that I wanted to do a deeper dive on. First off we have to have a common understanding of what vice and virtue are. And I think this fundamental misunderstanding is why so many people run into trouble. First off let’s define our terms. The dictionary definition of vice is “a moral fault or failing” or “moral depravity or corruption.” meanwhile the dictionary definition of virtue is “conformity to a standard of right.” or “a particular moral excellence.”

Now looking at all this I think it’s only natural that we go on to define moral. The dictionary definition of moral is “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior” or “expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior.” Now, what does all this tell us? Well first and foremost it tell us that most get what exactly vice and virtue is wrong.

But how? And why does this harm so many people?

The Truth About Vice & Virtue

So how do most people get this wrong? Or at least misapply it? Most people see vice as things that are deemed bad by society and while this is some overlap those things done line up on hundred percent. Same with virtue. For according to society have unrestrained greed is a vice and I’d agree with that, despite all the highest people in society practicing greed at a level that would make demons blush. But at the same time society would say that being stupid is not a vice yet in my book it’s one of the greatest vices.

Vice and virtue don’t have to be what society defines them as. In my book foolishness and weakness are just as much vices as the seven deadly sins. They’re just as destructive to your life, happiness, and wellbeing. Likewise there are things society would deem horrible vices that I could care less about. So what is vice and what is virtue depends on what you moral system is. Modern society takes the absolute worst misinterpretations of Buddhism, Christianity, Paganism, and then just general nonsense and puts it in a soul destroying mish-mash.

They have a vague “do good things” where virtue is often being a weak fool and vice often being a strong wise man. However in a rational system this wouldn’t make any sense. In a rational system things that bring about good such as strength and wisdom are virtues and things that bring about ill such as stupidity and weakness are vices. Simple as that. And with this simple understanding virtues and vices take on a whole new understanding.

Being able to fight, face challenges, and overcome are virtues. Being able to recognize patterns, think critically, and not get swindled or misled are virtues. Being duped even though you had good intentions is still a vice. Being weak even though you’re a nice person that does all your evil overloads tell you, is a vice. And so on and so forth. Many would say I’m “redefining” vice and virtue here to fit my own ends.

But as we can plainly see from the definitions, the dictionary definitions, I’m doing no such thing. I’m pointing out what vice and virtue actually are and bringing power back to the concept.

Vice Is That Which Destroys

We are new empowering understanding of virtue and vice so much more falls into line. The following things are virtues: Working out, fighting, reading, writing, meditating, spending time in nature, learning about business, making money in the right way. Whereas all the following are vices: Giving in to baser desires, wasting your time, not thinking about things, relying on unhealthy methods to deal with life and cope. And so on and so forth. Virtue and vice become empowered and start to make sense in context to the rest of the world.

Vice is that which destroys and virtue is that which empowers. Speaking of which let’s look up the definition of empowers because it’s a word that’s been hijacked and has lost much of the true meaning. According to the dictionary empower means “to give official authority or legal power to” or “enable” so we’re talking about giving your self more power essentially. As always cultivate virtue and cull vice. Doing both gives you power and to survive and thrive in this world you’re going to need power, that’s for certain.

Charles Sledge