What does it mean to expand one’s mind? And why is it important? Expanding your mind means learning new things, growing in new skills, and understanding new facets of the world around you. It doesn’t mean believing in obscure nonsense or woo woo beliefs. It simply means to seek out new ideas, test their validity, and see what you learn from them. Most people, especially those who say they’re open minded, are actually close minded and will never grow or learn more about the world around them.
A big reason for this is that people tie different things to their beliefs. They tie their identity, their lives, their self-esteem, and many other things to what they believe in. And then when these beliefs are challenged or proven to be false they react with hostility. Because to them it’s not the belief that’s being attacked but the very core of their being, they feel as if their soul is being attacked.
One way to counteract this, though it’s impossible to snuff it out completely, and that wouldn’t be a good thing anyways, is through learning and expanding your mind. I’ve said before that many people believe that truth is something in the middle. Somewhere between left and right, somewhere between up and down, somewhere between this party/ideology/culture and that party/ideology/culture. But I don’t think that’s true.
The milquetoast middle is where the most lies flourish, truth is often far on the outskirts. Existing out there outnumbered by nonsense one hundred to one. But it’s still out there, you just have to sort through all the nonsense to get to it. And I want to talk about how to do that. How to expand your mind to therefore incorporate more truth and live a better life. As without truth how can we now what is good and worthy? What is worth spending our time and life on?
How To Search From Truth
We all have certain beliefs and ways of thinking that are common to use. One’s that we’ve used and abused over the years and that are comfortable to us. Maybe we identify we a certain ideology, way of living, political party, culture, or nation, and everything that comes with all of that. However how do we know if we came to this through truth or if we came to this simply from environment and what others told us? Are we thinking for ourselves or simply a puppet for someone else? Here’s how to know, what I did, and what I recommend.
First thing is to educate yourself on your own positions, whatever they may be. Always ask “why”, why this, why that. Why has the greatest power. Find out why you believe certain things and where those certain things came from. Imagine you are about to go into a debate to defend everything that you believe in and you must argue for it. Read, learn, absorb everything that you can about you already codified sets of beliefs and convictions. Figure out if they’re yours and why they’re there.
Then once you’ve done that go to the opposite side of the isle. Think of the most reprehensible, annoying, stupid, awful ideas on the other side of the spectrum from you, whatever that may be. Then dive in, read all that you can about it, learn why those awful people think what they think, where it comes from, remember to always ask yourself why. Why, why, why. You’ll find tons of contradictions between the two views. Ask where did these come from and why are they here? Is it a matter of perspective or something else? Keep digging and learning.
Then see what you can synthesize between the two. Figure out what makes sense to you now and what doesn’t. Figure out what beliefs have faded away, which have gotten stronger, and any new ones that you’ve picked up. You’ve gone to either side of the spectrum and dove in, now you should be enlightened right?
Well not quite, though you are on your way there. There is more to be done.
Leaving The Spectrum Behind
However don’t think because you educated yourself within the spectrum that you’re now educated like Chomsky said limit the spectrum of acceptable opinions but allow very lively debate within that spectrum, that’s how you keep people passive and obedient. To find truth, to find reality, you have to leave the spectrum behind and go to the dark places, go to the fringes. The outer ring where madness, insanity, and truth all live together. With madness and insanity dominating the space and truth slinking between the cracks, yet still there to be grasped by the intrepid explorer.
Now how does one go about looking at the fringes? Well again I’d recommend starting with something that seems like it might make sense to you but you think is a little out there and then work from there. You’ll have to really go around the fringes to find truth but know that it is there. As you go you’ll collect nuggets of truth and make them part of who you are. Go into the dark caverns and places that people say not to tread. Dive into anything that has been banned by religions or ideologies or political parties.
Exposure to the truth can often be horrible, scary, and life changing. But it’s the truth and is worth it. You might not always like what you find and truth may make you a little bit insane. But to live, survive, and thrive in the modern world we all need to be a little bit insane anyways. Seek out the truth and don’t stop looking for it. Expand your mind, for a mind expanded can never return to its old size.