Members Only Post #157 – How To Increase Your Libido Through Natural Means

Men have many problems today that for most of recorded history, they never had. One of these is getting laid and not just getting laid but having the desire to get laid. With all of the advice that flies around about how to attract women and have the sex life that you want it amazes me how little of it is dedicated to addressing the most important facet when it comes to having a good sex life and getting the partner/s that you want.

And that is making sure you have a high libido. Look if you have a high enough libido you’ll figure out how to attract the girls that you want, simple as that. You will find a way. Most guys who say they don’t have the success they want with girls simply don’t care enough about it. At first that sounds crazy because guys are all sex crazy right and horny all the time? But the fact of the matter is most modern males are anything but.

I’m not saying they don’t get horny or anything but just not near the levels that a healthy male say one thousand years ago would have. There are levels to this, essentially. A guy with a healthy libido won’t have much trouble with approach anxiety, figuring out how to talk to girls, and the like. Or at least with all the “motivation” that he has he’ll figure out how to overcome things real quick.

The most important facet of having the sex life that you want is making sure your libido is working properly and if you’re a male in the modern world it most likely is not.

Getting Your Libido Up To Cave Man Speed

Is going to be a challenge but is certainly a worthy goal. Let’s take a look at the many facets of libido and things related to it then we’ll get into the biggest thing that you can do to increase your libido. First off what is libido? Libido is sex drive, essentially how badly you want to have sex. All guys think they’re horny but again there are levels. A guy with flowing testosterone and a functioning dopamine circuitry is going to be far hornier than guy with crappy hormones and effed up dopamine receptors.

Though when asked both will say they’re horny, after all they’re guys. So don’t think “Nah, this isn’t a problem for me. I’m definitely horny.” because it goes beyond that. Again, levels. We’re trying to get you to that top level and no that won’t make you a sex crazed maniac, though you may have sex way more frequently. But it will make you healthy and properly motivated. And if you’re a guy who’s struggling with girls then this is the number one key to fixing that.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best social skills, charisma, dominance, confidence, or whatever else if you don’t have the motivation, the drive to go out and meet different girls. And with a healthy libido this will never, ever be a problem. Desire is the key to attraction as well, women desire to be desired. And without desire it’ll be hard to create a true deep, primal desire in the girl that you want. So by fixing your own libido it’ll have far reaching effects beyond simply wanting to have sex more.

Factors For Cave Man Libido

Now let’s look at some of the factors for getting cave man libido. First off hormones, if your hormones are working right then you can forget having cave man libido or even regular man libido. Let’s look at the basics of making sure that your hormones are functioning properly. First off make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. Eight hours a night for most. Make sure your room is cool, dark, and comfy. Turn off electronics at least an hour before bed. Next do some form of intense exercise. Go to the gym, do sprints, MMA, whatever just something that works hard and fast.

So I’m not talking long distance running or things of that nature. Though hiking and swimming outside certainly have benefits. Which brings me to my next point, spend time outside. Get sun on your skin, wind in your hair, and all of that. Get some fresh air and spend time in nature. This does two things. One gets you in the natural rhythm and all that comes with it and two it helps to destress you. Stress is a libido killer. Which means do all that you can to reduce stress, especially chronic stress.

If you can’t do anything about the stress then work to become more resilient to stress. Meditate, exercise, and eat right. Also make sure your dopamine receptors aren’t fried. Dopamine plays just a big of role in libido as testosterone, at least on the grand scale. Don’t eat junk food, don’t mindlessly scroll social media, don’t watch porn, don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, etc, and certainly don’t jerk off.

The Biggest Factor For Cave Man Libido

Now the biggest factor for having a cave man libido, that is diet. Now I say diet and most people will think one thing which may be only half way accurate. Now obviously cutting out sugary sweets and processed foods is good for you, likewise including more real foods found in nature is good for you. However the whole chicken/broccoli/sweet potato may be good for you but it’s not necessarily going to increase your libido. There is a trifecta of foods that will increase you libido like nothing else.

That trifecta is steak, eggs, and liver. Those three foods will do more to increase your libido than any other foods out there, especially liver which is nature’s multivitamin. Those three foods will provide you will just about everything that you body needs to function at its highest capacity and that includes in the libido department. If you only do one of the three do liver and do it twice a week.

If you only do two of the three do eggs and liver, and when I say eggs I mean whole eggs, whites and yolk, the way it was supposed to be. However for best effect have all three. I have three to four eggs everyday, liver twice a week, and steak one to two times per week. I don’t eat them but oysters also work well because of their zinc content. But again make those three staples and you’ll have no problem with libido.

The Guide To Cave Man Libido

Follow what I laid out here and you’ll be well on your way to having a cave man libido. This is a good thing it means your mind, body, and soul are working properly and that you’re giving your body that things that it needs to survive and thrive. The things that it needs to have a cave man libido. So cook up some liver, plan a camping trip, and make sure to get your zzz’s and see if you ever have a problem with libido again.


Charles Sledge