Members Only Post #152 – The Importance Of Cash Flow

How’s your money? I don’t want you to just gloss over that statement and keep reading without actually thinking about it. So go ahead and take a few seconds to think about.




Now expand upon it. How’s your money? Can you afford the things that you want? The lifestyle that you want to live? The goals that you have for yourself? Look at it realistically, according to various sources inflation is anywhere from 4-10% right now, at least real inflation when calculated in the old way. Meaning that every bit of money that you earn is a quickly depreciating asset. Many people think they can get by in this world with jobs that pay 40-60k and why that may be fine for a couple in the future I just don’t see that cutting it.

The modern economy is making only some jobs viable. The fact of the matter is that sooner or later many, if not most, people will be better off on government support than working a job that gives them less than 50k a year in American dollars. At least in the Western World. You’ll have those supported by the government and the uber-rich before long. But before that you’ll have those supported by the government, the rich, and the uber-rich.

What we want to do is lay out a game plan to get into the rich while you can and then where to go from there so you don’t end up stuck and screwed. So let’s get into this.

The Perils Of Government Support & The “Middle Class”

Now you may be thinking “Charles, what’s so bad about just living on the government dole?” and I’d say in some cases, absolutely nothing, ride that puppy for all its worth. But there are some things to consider. First off when you on the government dole you are controlled by the government and its whims. So if something changes then you could be completely screwed and have no way to fight back against it. Things change and in today’s world they’re changing at a faster and faster rate.

One day you may be sitting there well and good and the next things might be cut and as the old saying goes eventually you run out of other people’s money, so it’s not much of a viable long term solution either. However for certain runs of time or while working on other projects and things, its the smartest thing to do. Educate yourself about benefits, how they work, and how to get the most out of them.

On the other hand many people think that with their incomes they can maintain a middle class lifestyle. They can live in their safe neighborhood, afford to do things like vacations, and the like. Now I’d say that in the modern United States of America if you wanted to maintain that middle class lifestyle for at least ten more years you should be making 120,000 USD a year. If not then you’re likely joking with yourself.

It’s going to get more and more expensive to do simple things. In the 50’s you could afford a home, to feed your family, and live in a safe area working the majority of jobs out there. That doesn’t exist anymore and if you think that it does you’re setting yourself up for failure and maybe even danger. If you live in the United States, the UK, Germany, France, Australia, or New Zealand you should really sit down and start considering your finances. Because they’re going to get squeezed more and more.

The Solution To Inflation, Higher Taxes, & The Disintegration Of Half The World’s Countries?

Now what has been set in motion economic wise in most Western countries is not something you or I are going to be able to solve country wide. But that’s not our problem either. Our problem is to take care of ourselves and our families. So we need to look at viable jobs for potentially moving, earning enough to stay afloat, and making ourselves “Antifragile” for what’s coming. Now a viable job would be any that make you over 120,000 USD. Not that, that’s a magic number but that’ll keep you from living in a dangerous place most likely.

So what gets you there? There’s doctors, lawyers, some tech guys, engineering of some sorts, and even plumbers, electricians, and the like that know how to market. And then there’s the most reliable and profitable of any of those fields, sales. Commission sales, preferably of big ticket items but even medium ticket ones can work And sales doesn’t require fancy, meaning expensive, degrees or certifications or going through a whole lot of red tape.

Sales can save you.

That might sound a bit far fetched or hyperbolic and maybe it is a little, but not as much as you think. Stop worrying about how to get girls, stop worrying about what your bench press is, stop worrying about if you’re “alpha” or whatever the kids are saying now-a-days and instead focus on getting your cash flow right. So many male’s problems are economic yet it seems to be area most ignore.

And they ignore it at their own peril.

A Warning For The Rapidly Changing World

Get your money right or else…or else you’re going to run into trouble in the coming years. You still have time, you still have some moving room and leeway but that’s rapidly closing. Now is the time to get your money right. I know I probably sound like one of those guys are those shows about money where the yell a lot and the sky is always falling. I’m not saying that they sky is falling. I’m saying given trends a lot of people are going to be surprised when they end up screwed.

Remember it’s not necessarily about working hard or even smart, though both are good things. It’s about working profitably. Start brushing up on your sales skills and see where openings are around you. As you first challenge you can sell yourself to a sales employer. Go down to the local car lot and see if you can get a job there. Study sales like you would study anything else. Become a master of it, knows the ins and outs of it, and get plenty of live experience.

It can do nothing but help you in life. Sales equals money and money is something that I’m pretty sure each and every one of us could use some more of. Again don’t mean to sound like the sky is falling. But did want to give you some things to think about.

Nothing more and nothing less.


Charles Sledge