Members Only Post #137 – Learning From Nature

We live in such a information saturated world that often it can seem almost strange or even unbelievable that people could get by, and get by much better, without so much information. Now-a-days we need tons of information just to get by in day to day life. Essentially no matter what job you work there is more and more to learn to accomplish the job to do it.

Whereas once being a ditch digger meant you went to town and dug ditches, and maybe needed the skill of digging and driving now you may need to have a bunch of complex skills on how to work different payment processors, new forms of equipment, stay up to date on various safety and environmental regulations, and so on and so forth.

It’s enough to make a man go mad, and that’s ditch digging with other jobs it only gets more and more complex. Again enough to make men go insane, which is exactly what has happened, we’ve gone insane as a society, as a world, even a species. There are certainly exceptions but we know where the majority is headed.

The Nonsense Of Civilization

When man lives divorced from natural processes, divorced from himself, and divorced from nature, all sorts of strange things can come to occupy his mind and heart. He can be led to believe the most grand of lies and behave in the most debased of ways all while calling it good and holy. When man is divorced from nature he can’t help but go wrong. We all see the weird and strange ways in which people act and behave in the modern world.

And how much goes wrong from it. Many complain about it but few offer solutions or point out where the error came from in the first place. I remember going from “hill people” living to the city at a younger part of my life and being so confused how some people could live in certain ways and the crazy things they believed.

Anyone who spent more than day in the woods could tell you certain things that would or wouldn’t work. Honestly it stretches the gamut of being a “nice guy” to get laid to working 60 hours a week to live in a house you never see to not disciplining children to a whole lot of other things. There is a sense that the woods instills in you that helps you see through the BS.

Nature As A Great Teacher

Humans really are animals, animals with a thin veneer of a high function. Really humans are animals with the capacity, and nothing more, for rational thought. Like an animal that has a seizure every now and then that makes it a computer for a few seconds. And because of this nature can teach us a lot not just about the ways and rhythms of the world but about man as well. Man being an animal just as the others, mammals at least. Though much can be learned from fish, birds, reptiles, and the like as well.

Nature quickly teaches you the value of strength, cleverness, and “fitness” in the Darwinian sense. It teaches you the competitiveness and collaboration of life. It teaches competition for resources, the value of family and a pack, even the value of a culture in a way. You can learn more from nature then you ever did in school if you just pay attention to it. I don’t mean to say there’s not a place for reading and writing and the like.

I’m just saying nature needs to be part of it too. Time needs to spent in the woods, fields, plains, hills, rivers, mountains, deserts, beaches, wetlands, islands, swamps, and so on and forth. Even if a park is all you can get too any place can teach you. And it’ll teach you quick, it’ll help you sort out all that nonsense the world tries to put in your head to brainwash you.

Get In Nature, Get An Education

You might not like to camp, that’s fine, I’m not saying that you necessarily have to camp or be a hunter, though I like and recommend both those things. Rather I’m saying get out in nature and take a look around, see what you see, what you can learn. How the world really works. You might be surprised how good of a teacher that nature can be.

Charles Sledge