Members Only Post #116 – The Need For Nobility

People are essentially dumb animals, and I’m not exception. We are all almost entirely controlled by base instincts and emotions. Humans have been referred to as sheep throughout the centuries and I’d say that paints a pretty accurate picture. With this being said it makes humanity as a whole vulnerable to any that possess above average intelligence, charisma, and/or drive. It doesn’t take much to manipulate people.

People will believe literally anything. And that’s relatively healthy people. Take people who eat foods that aren’t real, are on mind altering drugs, are lied to 24/7 by schools and media, are told stories designed to fit certain ends, and so and so forth and it’s a wonder anyone can have a coherent thought anymore. Various ideologies are offered to guide people and keep them safe, to shepherd people.

But all are operated by wolves in sheep’s clothing. It doesn’t matter what label they go under. Capitalist, communist, left wing, right wing, liberal, conservative, and so on and so forth. It all stems from the same source and serves the same master. While I think at least half of humanity will always be controlled and essentially used, what about the other half. How do you get people who are free, happy, and living their own lives?

I’d say it’s nobility.

What Is Nobility?

I know we don’t like class anymore in the “enlightened” West and that hierarchy and caste are considered bad thing. Everyone is considered equal in spite of merit. Or actually the less merit one has the more merit one is given in the upside down thought system. But this isn’t necessarily a political article. The truth of the matter is there is hierarchy and understand true hierarchy according to the primal/cosmic order is important.

For example strength is better than weakness, wit better than dullness, health better then sickness, and so on and so forth. So when I talk about nobility I talk about those higher on the primal/cosmic order. Those that are doing more right and therefore can rise to be leaders in their families and communities. It is these people, the nobles, that can give a people hope and serve as true shepherds against the wolves.

Nobility is those who possess higher qualities, who are better than those around them, in fact, not in act or birth or wealth but in fact. Granted this is kind of nebulous but it’s hard to have a hard definition of what is better. It’s something that has to be felt in one’s heart. It is this group of people that helps the sheep to navigate the outside world and not fall prey to every passing predator or parasite. It is these people that keep the sheep safe.

Becoming A Noble & Why It’s Needed

We should all strive to be noble in our own families. Noble in the definition that I’m laying out above. Noble as in strong, wise, smart, capable, disciplined, and so on and so forth. Essentially just about every article on this site covers the “how” of accomplishing this, so I’m going to lay out more general stuff here. Look at the categories I cover wealth, health, attraction, masculinity. See if there’s any you lack in and work on improving it right here and now. Buy books on the subject, take a daily action towards strengthening that area, just do something for it.

Now why it’s needed. It’s needed because the people are lost without the nobles to guide them. Without nobles to lead them. They’re lost and will be taken apart by the wolves/snakes/whatever analogy you want to use. Without the nobles the world goes/is going/went to hell. And its the nobles that can lead the flock back from the abyss and keep them from going there in the first place. Without these men who are stronger of mind, body, and spirit there is no hope. Leaders are needed, those above the flock are needed. They are above the flock because of merit but don’t possess arrogance.

It is men like this that will change things, that have changed things, that actually can change things. And it’s this reason that the entire modern world works so that men like this never rise, never develop, never come to be. By hook or crook they beat out and down this instinct in men. Be passive, be weak, accept whatever it done to you. Smoke more weed, watch more porn, buy more products, eat more fast food, see more movies, and so on and so forth. Become a zombie slave. But that doesn’t have to be your fate or the fate of the people/community/place/nation that you love.

Nobility can save them all.

Charles Sledge