Members Only Post #113 – A Curriculum For Men & Posterity

I was going to call this a curriculum for a new nobility, but I don’t think that word would best communicate what I’m getting at here. What I want to outline here is a “curriculum” a schooling if you will that when undertaken would produce the best men possible. Would produce the supermen, the higher men, the new nobility, or in a plainer way of speaking, just men who are making the most out of their lives and talents.

It’s no secret that modern education does nothing to develop one’s abilities and intelligence, it retards them. It’s designed to clamp down on children and snuff out another free thought. It’s to get them to be worker drones who won’t question their “betters”. That is the modern mission of modern education and it has succeeded in doing this beyond it’s creators wildest dreams. Modern education and schooling is a sickness and it’s designed to infect the young.

But what if we could make our own curriculum, our own way of schooling. What would be included in it? Granted the government would never allow this to replace “real schooling” but it could be done in line with it, concurrently with it, alongside it. The true education grafted onto or over the false education. And it’d be for more than just children, though they’d benefit most from it, it’d be for us too, for all males out there looking to make the most out of life.

Let’s take a moment to think about what this would look like.

The Subject Matters Of Life

What skills would the classes consist of? Let’s say the basics like reading, writing, grammar, arithmetic, and hard sciences are covered. What else should we include in this. Lately I have been looking at various forms of schools and education through time and around the world and have been very interested in what I’ve found. Not surprisingly the modern West, especially America, has about the worst one I’ve ever found. But even today there are others doing interesting things.

For example in the Republic of Dagestan in Russia there are all boys school where they train to fight multiple times a day as well as have a rigorous curriculum. I found that fascinating. Or looking back at the son’s of nobility they were taught weapons, rhetoric, and a great many other things. Also interesting. I thought what would I want to teach a son before having him thrust out into the world with everything that’s in it? What is going to give the greatest advantage? It had to be rigorous but it had to be achievable, though still understanding there will be those that can’t accomplish it.

But in striving will become more than they ever would before. But again, what do we put in it. The end goal is to produce men that are capable and good, good in the sense of noble, in the sense of refined and higher. Those capable of changing and affecting the world that they set out into. Produce men that are both wise and strong. Produce men that are good, not in the sappy sort of way, but in the true, again noble, sort of way. Something we very rarely see today. What would it take? What would the requirements be?

A Rough List Of Subject Matter

So let me go through a rough list that I came up with, it’s not perfect and it’ll miss things, and a lot of it was based of the structure of this site, which seeks to accomplish a similar goal. Let’s get started.

Classical Education – Again the basics we talked about above. Reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, real history, hard sciences, rhetoric, logic, and the like.

Combat Skills – Basic small unit tactics, riflemanship, basic warfare maneuvers and strategies. Hand to hand combat for effectiveness. Also things like MMA for physical, mental, and will development that aren’t related to warfare.

Bushcraft – Survival skills, how to survive in different climates, a focus on live training, camping, building. If we threw them in the woods how long before they produced an effective “civilization”?

Soft Skills – Persuasion, marketing, copywriting, sales, intrigue, and the like. Understanding human nature and how to manipulate it and not be manipulated oneself. Courtcraft and the like. This would also cover money making skills. They can survive in the hard life but can they survive in the soft? Both can destroy a man.

Mindset – Self-belief, patterning, real psychology, how the mind works and how to use it, thought patterns. How to forge an iron will, how to cultivate true self-belief, the mindset that is most conducive to success in life, and so on and so forth. Sort of like the strangest secret but taken to a whole new level.

Art – Art appreciation, an appreciation and love of beauty, true beauty, creative thinking, painting, drawing, writing and telling stories, the art life, poetry, sculpting, creating things with one’s hands. Would include woodworking and the like in here as well.

Health/medicine – The basics of true nutrition, for me I’d use books like the Carnivore Diet and Nourishing Traditions as a start and go from there. “Alternative” ways of healing. Importance of diet and exercise. Meditation, sleep, how to get the human body to perform at peak condition. Treating wounds and sickness. How to cure things naturally. Natural “pain free” birthing for women. Things like how to cure eyesight naturally with things like Bates method. Maybe also include homestuff like disciplining for children and organization and the like.

Right Relations – The right relations between men and women, understanding their differences and their proper roles, understanding the psychology and unique desires of each. How to have the best chance of having a healthy and productive family.

Theology – This is a unique one. I think everyone should have a religion that reflects their people and their culture. Something that gives you purpose.

Putting It All Together

I’m in no way saying that this is either a perfect list or a comprehensive list. This was what came off the top of my head and I think can serve as a good starting point, nothing more and nothing less. I don’t know how such a school would ever do or it’d even be allowed. Maybe in healthy countries, meaning those not in the West. Maybe parts of it could be done as a sort of a homeschool thing, done in line with school. Or maybe it’d a good idea and not much more than that. Whatever it is, hope it got you thinking and wondering about things. Sometimes that’s the best that can happen.

Charles Sledge