Members Only Post #105 – Why Do People Love Things That Hate Them

We all do things that are irrational. Things that hurt us instead of help us and we often do these things over and over again. It’s human nature and it’s something that’s very hard to overcome and that no ever overcomes completely, hence being human. However by examination we can help to steer that nature in the right direction and make the most out of it. By understanding it and highlighting the nature we can live better lives ourselves. Healthier, happier, more productive, and more natural lives. The lives we were meant to live.

But that doesn’t happen without examination, as well as action. And today I want to examine an aspect of human nature that we all “suffer” from and that is likely causing us at least some sort of discomfort at the least and maybe destroying our lives or the lives of someone we know on the other end. Regardless let’s take a look at this, this being why people love, support, and fight for things that want to kill, destroy, and corrupt them. Now you might have an idea of this in your head, maybe certain political groups come to mind but understand we all do it.

It’s not just something “those guys over there that are stupid do” we all do it, every one of us from time to time and to some extent. Sure some are worse than others but it’s not about who’s worse off, it’s about taking right action and living an examined life. So let’s take a look at some of these things and how they might strike closer to home then you think. Since this site tends to lean towards more “red pill/right wing” type people I’ll start with them because as I said this isn’t about who’s worse it’s about taking right action.

Loving Those That Hate You, The Peak Of Foolishness?

Capitalism, Republicans, Libertarians, giant corporations, these are just a few of the things that a lot of red pill/right wing type people support yet that want nothing more then to wipe red pill/right wing type of people off the face of the earth. There are plenty more examples out there, these are just the ones that came to mind. Like I said plenty more, you can probably think of at least a few yourself. But the fact remains the same.

People will argue for, fight for, and even die for things that don’t give a damn about them or are even actively working to destroy them. Why is this? Why does this happen and how can you prevent it in your own life? I think the chief and biggest reason is not knowing the true nature of the thing. We can all get tricked and we’ve all been misled in life, granted as we go through life we should be more wise to tricks and deceptions but some never learn this lesson.

So there’s two parts to this gullibility, perhaps thinking humans and human creations (like ideologies) are at their base good or thinking you can trust your government, news, media, schools, next door neighbor, whoever without being skeptical of them at least at first. Trust by verify as the old saying goes, although that might be taking it too far anymore. Maybe verify then trust. And then also not examining things. Most people never ask themselves why or if they do they never seek out an answer. Why when we vote for this people that say they’re for us do things keep getting worse for us? And so on and so forth.

Critical Thinking & Asking Why

Another thing is most people don’t keep digging, they accept things at face value, and therefore they’re easy to trick and manipulate. Thus we end up with people supporting, fighting, and even dying for things that hate them and that are glad to see them go. Granted there are other reasons out there, for some things the truth can’t be known to most people yet, some lies have yet to be unwrapped, but for the vast majority of cases it’s because of a lack of critical thinking and a lack of asking why?

Why should I support this person/group/ideology/whatever? Because they say they’re going to help? Why? How? What do they actually do? And so on and so forth. You can’t just roll over and accept everything told you. Now granted I’m not telling you to question everything to a neurotic degree. Just keep your critical thinking skills sharp and always have you eyes and ears open for what’s going on around you. People lie, cheat, and deceive and they keep doing it because there are easy marks out there they can keep getting things from.

If you give a dog a treat every time he bites you, don’t be surprised when he keeps biting you. Anyways this is something to think about. Think about the things you support and why, the things you believe in. Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living just as the unexamined faith is not worth believing and the unexamined group or ideology is not worth supporting. Your respect, attention, money, and support are things that should be earned not given freely when possible. Support those that support you and yours, it only makes sense.

Charles Sledge