Members Only Post #103 – Rural Mountains & Urban Coastal Living, A Clash Of Worlds & Ideologies

So wasn’t sure how to “copywritize” this headline but rest assured even though it’s not laden with benefits, we will be discussing some very important matters in this article. So I’ve talked before about how it’s great to master and understand the “lower” level aspects of masculinity. Things that males in the modern world rarely ever understand and/or master so remain almost perpetually adolescents. Things like how to date and mate how you want, how to acquire money, how to be strong and “tough” for lack of a better word. Basic stuff that in a healthy society you sort of figure out in grade school.

I have a books, PDFs, and tons of articles that cover all of that more then you could ever desire, just refer to the masculinity, attraction, and wealth parts of the site and learn away. But with that being said there’s more to life and there comes a time when one has to expand their understanding of the world around them and how it works. It matters little if you can date good looking girls, have good money in the bank, could handle yourself in a fight, if you fail to understand society, politics, history, and the world around you (among other things).

One thing I’ve talked about is political awareness and by political awareness I don’t mean if you’d rather vote left or right, or you know what Labour vs Conservatives is or Republican vs Democrat or whatever. That’s all a show and a game, neither side is for you. I mean true politics, like how demographics affect the destiny of a locale, or how geography affects it, or how one place in the world will be heaven for you and another place will be hell, and you might very well be living in hell at this point in time.

Two Ways To View The World

Today I’m going to be talking about geography and how it affects the people living there, I’m going to be using the United States of America as an example because it’s the place that I’m most familiar with at the moment. If you can go ahead and look up the election map for either the 2016 or 2020 election, county by county. Would recommend the 2016 one because more accurate but either will serve our general purposes here. There’s something you’ll notice right away. Essentially every city (and there county city is located in) went to either Biden or Hillary and every rural place went to Trump. At first glance it seems the entire county except a few select spots was for Trump but population wise Biden and Hillary both got the popular vote either time.

Essentially what we have here is a clash of two different living styles and two ways to view the world. Some has classified this as a r/K thing and while I think that certainly sheds some light on the subject I don’t think it explains the whole thing. We have the rural and mountain way of living and we have to coastal and urban way of living. One values certain things and the other values other things. I’ll give a quick example. In a mountainous rural place something like gay/transgender rights would mean very little and be seen as degenerate. Likewise in a coastal urban setting something like being tough of one’s son so they’ll be tough would be seen as backwards in most cases.

Not perfect examples but you get the essential scheme here. Obviously there’s some overlap and those that had just moved from one area to the other will generally transfer their ideologies and ways of viewing the world to their children. And there are exceptions of course, I’m talking about a general trend here, not a scientific rule. In a “country” like America (really an empire covering multiple “countries”) there is so much landmass and so many different types of people that it causes conflict when they seek one way to rule over all of them. The people are just too damn different, diversity isn’t strength, it’s conflict.

What This Means For You & Your Life

This goes beyond politics of course (it always does). There are takeaways for your own life and your happiness. First off is understanding what you want from life. Because more and more the path you choose isn’t going to be compatible with the other. Do you want to go around and sleep with lots of girls, living an unattached life? But you live in a small rural town? That’s going to be hard. Likewise do you want to settle down with a nice girl and have a big family but you live a coastal city? That’s going to be hard. Not impossible, but why make things harder on yourself then they already are?

Moving can completely change your life, but also isn’t a decision to take lightly or without research. The grass isn’t always greener, but then again sometimes it is. I think there’s going to be less and less room for the middle ground and not just in America but in the Western world as a whole. And since the West likes to export its cancerous popular culture among other things to the rest of the world, it won’t be long before this applies to the entire world. Regardless you have to be clear what you want. I see so many guys who try to pursue the “cad” lifestyle or whatever you want to call it but then whine about degeneracy around them and all the stuff that comes with it.

They spend their nights trolling clubs and bar but also whine about there “not being any good women out there”. This is complete hypocrisy and no way to live your life. Figure out what you want, what you actually want, not what society says you want, not what you parents say you want, not what your religion says you want, not what the “red pill” or some other ideology tells you what you want, not what some internet marketer/guru tells you what you want, not what I tell you what you want, but what you actually want. Once you get clear on that a whole lot of other things will clear up.

The Middle Is Disappearing

And I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. The middle is usually bullshitters or people who go with whatever way to wind blows and aren’t honest. Figure out what you want in life and understand that no way of living is perfect and each will have benefits and drawbacks. You have to measure them out and figure out which one is right for you. Stop thinking you can live one way and then one day when you’re done with it magically turn around and live the other the next. Things take time and you don’t always have the time you think.

Figure out what you want from this life. Really sit down and think hard about it. Because it’s going to matter. People and places aren’t the same, at all. Matter of fact they’re often opposites. Going to a middle of the road place usually just means you’ll be in the middle of a lot of conflict with no one really happy on either side. I’d recommend going to place that is either extreme one way or at least trending very far that way. Maybe I’m wrong but it’s something to think about. And thinking like this is almost always a good thing.

Charles Sledge