Members Only Post #102 – When Voting Doesn’t Matter

I write my articles ahead of schedule, often far ahead of schedule. For example as I write this the fallout from the American election is still going on. As with every election, especially in countries as corrupt as America, there is voter fraud going on. The question right now is was it enough voter fraud to completely change the outcome of the election? I don’t know what the official narrative will end up being one way or the other. I do know being an official narrative it’ll be a lie.

But I do know that it has people up in arms. At least for the time being. Granted with the media being what it is people’s memories are very short term so who knows if this will even be a thing by the time this comes out. But there’s still lessons to be learned from it, not just political, which you may not care about, but also for living your life in general. So let me state that I never thought voting mattered, much, if at all. But with that being said it serves a very important purpose.

It lets the masses think they have a say in thing. It’s a mass illusion/delusion to keep the sheep in line essentially. Voting is the opiate of the masses. It gives people the false impression that they have power. And this is an incredibly important function. If you want iron clad control over people you don’t do it through totalitarian measures, through show of force. People can see that and fight back against it. It’s too obvious. You have to do it in a “soft” way, and that’s what democracy is. Mob rule and the mob is controlled by things like media, news, and education which is controlled by others.

Political Lessons To Be Learned

Now you might think that’s a conspiracy theory or whatever, fine, I don’t have the time to go into all of that right now. But I think we can all agree those with money and power work and manipulate to keep and grow that money and power. That’s human nature and common sense. But anyways what does this have to do with anything? Well here’s the thing, a lot of people think that the election was stolen. One way or the other. Say Trump proves voter fraud and ends up being ushered into the white house. Unlikely but all that means is another side thinks the election was stolen.

Either way you have people unhappy and you have people who are quickly losing faith in the process. Granted anyone with half a brain would have lost faith in the process before the first civil war but that’s a whole other topic. Point is, people are losing faith in the system of government. And this is bad for the people in power. Once people think that the process is rigged and that they don’t have a say in matters they’ll look to assert their powers in other ways and those ways can be to get power outside of the system.

When people don’t see a political solution to their problems they resort back to taking care of things themselves, and that’s the last things those in power want. They’ll start to question things, start to become self-reliant, start to become stronger, smarter, and more dangerous. Once people see elections can be stolen one way or the other so blatantly, they’ll stop voting and stop pretending like the elections matter at all. Instead they might start stockpiling food and guns or go to a place where they have faith in the government.

Personal Lessons To Be Learned

The first one might be if you live in the united states and especially if you live in a densely populated area you might want to get out. Especially if you plan on having generations of family here, like kids and grandkids. Also if you know nothing of shooting, bushcraft, small unit tactics, guerilla warfare, and the like, now might be a good time to brush up. Not because you’re going to fight the government or anything foolish but rather because when things collapse (even partially) these are essentially skills to keep yourself safe.

Two there are sales/psychological lessons to be learned. You can do pretty much whatever the hell you want to people so long as you let them pretend like they have some power. Like a kid sitting in the passenger seat with one of those toy steering wheels, they think they have just as much power as you, when you control it all the whole time. Sort of reminds you of the voting process, doesn’t it? Anyways understand while even though something like voting doesn’t actually matter, while the illusion of it mattering means so much.

Human nature, which human psychology is part of, is essential to understanding the world around you and how best to navigate it. People are dumb, arrogant, ignorant, cowardly, sick, and a whole lot of other things. But when you take time to study and learn about them, they are also one other thing, predictable. Election cycles are interesting, not because they change anything (though this one could, just not because of who was elected) but because you can learn a lot about human nature from them.

One Other Thing…

With how crazy things can get in the world there are two things I’m recommending more and more. They are the fluidity and solidarity routes. Let me give a brief explanation (maybe I’ll do a post on them later). The fluidity route is being able to essentially pack up and move whenever needed. It involves focusing on learning different languages, having location independent jobs and skills, the basics of surviving in different cultures, and essentially being water to avoid being squished by the world and the craziness going on in it.

The second it the solidarity approach and is a more risky one, but pretty much the only option if you want a big extended family. The solidarity approach involved finding a remote mountainous place to live and moving there with your family, including extended, and trusted friends, and building a community there. For this you may have to move countries but also need to learn homesteading, survival type stuff, small unit tactics, and the like. And it a much more extensive undertaking. But may eventually be the only option when there’s nowhere left to run.

Anyways while elections might not matter in who’s elected they do matter in the population’s reaction to them. I think even Americans are starting to pick up on the futility of voting and how there is no such thing as a political option to solving the problems of their world. Where this leads, we’ll see. Hopefully nowhere violent but it seems more and more that’s where everything is headed.

Speaking of which anyone know any good courses on Russian? ;).

Charles Sledge