Members Only Post #101 – The Upside Down World

When it comes to understanding politics, projection is one of the most important things you can learn. While a whole lot of psychology is neurotic men spreading their neurosis throughout a society there are also some legitimate things that have come from the study. One of these being projection. Essentially a person accuses the other person of doing what they themselves want to do, would do, or are currently doing. This holds true from everything from regular relationships to relationships between political parties and even countries.

For example when a girlfriend/boyfriend constantly accuses the other of cheating or is always bringing up suspicions on it then there’s a decent chance that the person is, in fact, cheating. Obviously there may be other factors depending on that person (maybe they have trouble trusting, been burned before, etc.) but if none of those factors are there then that’s a likely culprit. Works the same with politics. When one side says the other wants to destroy and enslave them (without this actually having take place or taking place), it generally means that’s what they want to do to the opposition.

Works on all sorts of levels. Through projection one can get up to seem down and left to seem right. Accuse the other person of what you want to do so that people think that that person (or group or whatever) is the problem. Thus you create a small part of the upside down world. Granted projection isn’t the only method to make up down, left right, and go against the primal/cosmic order but it’s a effective one and one that’s used very often right now.

Whatever Is Pushed, Is A Lie

More and more we’re finding that the “official narrative” of things has been lies, no matter how you want to look at it. This is a global thing not just fixed to any one country or region. Whether it’s be a nice guy, get a degree, and you’ll find a nice girl and have a stable job, or don’t eat red meat because it’s bad for you, or any number of a million other things. This leads people to questioning more and more of what they’ve been told. Now granted this can lead to ridiculous things like that the world is flat (though anymore I can’t say anything’d shock me.” but it also leads to working to discover truths.

More and more whatever is pushed by the schools, by the media, by the talking heads can be identified as a lie. As a fabrication, as whatever the opposite of the truth is. Whenever I hear something on the news, from a friend hearing it from the news or a talking head, or any other mainstream source my thought is “I wonder what the truth is.” regardless of whether it comes from left, right, up, down, or anywhere else. There is so much spin on anything it’s ridiculous. All you know is that you can’t trust what you’re told. And that’s unfortunate, to put it lightly.

One mind exercise I recommend doing is think about everything you hear on the news/media from the schools/government/corporations/etc. and think if the complete opposite of everything they said was the truth, what would that be like? This isn’t to take seriously just use a a mind exercise, you’ll find at least one or two things that make far more sense. Example vegetarianism is the healthiest thing for mankind, mankind who evolved on red meat and became mankind because of red meat. There are plenty more examples.

Finding A Stable Base

For the right advice and knowledge on how to live your life you’re going to have to research and figure things out for yourself. You’re going to have to keep digging and not stop to find the truth. Because the truth has been buried under more lies then this world has likely ever supported before. But you can find it if you just keep digging, keep going after it. Don’t accept the first answer that you get, nor the second, nor the third. Keep digging and keep going. Keep looking for those gold needles of wisdom and truth in the haystack of shit that is the world.

With these needles you can construct a firm foundation from which to stand on. I hope that my books and website help with this and are the main reason that I write. The more needles that you find the easier it is to find others. But you have to keep going, don’t stop. The search for truth is a lifelong endeavor. You will always be searching, building, and refining. Understand that what the masses do is foolishness, they are sheep with sheep masters. And remember that the sheep master does not have your best interest at heart. This doesn’t mean to be paranoid, it means to be smart.

Coming out of Babylon helps too. Even if you go to the city for fun and “adventure” I’d still recommend having a place out in the country that you go back too, away from the maddening crowd. Turn off the TV, unplug the internet, and let yourself recharge in the silence from time to time. The more you do this the more ridiculous all of these things the upside down world is doing seem. The less of the poison you’ll get. The upside down world wants you unhealthy and enslaved in every way. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. But that’s no way to go through life and that’s not how man was meant to live.

Come out of it and be free.

Healthy and free, as you were created to be.

Charles Sledge