If You Want Success In Life There’s No Getting Around This “One Little Trick”

You can learn a ton from copywriting and not just about how to use words to convince people to do (and especially feel) things. You learn a ton about human nature, about the nature of business, and human psychology as a whole. More than you ever would in your basic psychology class, that’s for damn sure. This is one of the reasons that I recommend sales, copywriting, and marketing to everyone.

Not just people who have small businesses, work in sales, or are ad writers. Because not only does it help you from getting taken advantage of yourself but it also teaches you so much about how the world around you works and how people function. For example writing headlines alone will tell you more about people than most psychology books or heedless living ever will. You probably see it all the time.

Those ads on the sides of websites talking about this “one thing” or “one little secret” and so on and so forth. Maybe they make you laugh or you think they’re cheesy but they get more clicks then the vast majority of headlines out there. Meaning that they work like magic. Which brings us to another point of human nature (I do have a point in all of this).

The Truth About Magic

People are always looking for magic and for a “quick fix” solution and people will do ridiculous things as well as pay exorbitant prices in order to get these magical cures, techniques, and such. People are naturally drawn to magic and to the quick fix solution. It moves tons of worthless product and is probably a huge part of the Western economy as a whole. Less then honest business men taking money from those that let their sloth (and greed and other things) get the best of them.

I remember one copywriter talking about how the whole business runs on the seven deadly sins and one should always include one when writing a headline. Great for business, no so great for life. And this is a dichotomy I always run into when writing headlines for the site. Do I write the one that is going to get lots of clicks (and get people into the article that is usually contrary to the headline in some unique way) or do I go with a more straightforward headline and miss out on the clicks?

Truth is there is no such thing as magic, despite what peddlers will try to sell you. That includes supplements, courses, books, coaching, seminars, and any and everything else. There is no such thing as magic and there is no such thing as an easy button. Sure there is working smart and working dumb there is working for a helpful paradigm and working from an unhelpful paradigm. There is working from a base of knowledge and working from a base of ignorance. But there is no working from magic and not working from magic.

The One Little Trick The Successful Don’t Want You To Know

There is a price for anything that you want in life. And whether or not you get that thing generally relies on whether or not you are willing to pay that price or not. If you’re willing to pay the price then you’ll likely get it and if you’re not then you likely won’t get it, simple as that. Sometimes you’ll find that the things that you want just aren’t worth it. If you’re lucky you’ll figure that out sooner rather than later. But other times you’ll have to walk the path to figure it out.

But I’m still skirting around the issue, what is the “simple little trick” (or whatever) to be successful in life and in your endeavors. The thing that the successful know and want to keep secret? The thing that the 3 low payments of 99.99$ courses will ever tell you? The thing that is an unbreakable law of the universe? The thing that is the reason you started reading this article in the first place and made it this far through?

This thing is putting in the work, nothing more and nothing less. It’s working hard while also learning more and more so you can work smart. Because if you want to have a chance of success you can’t just work smart but lazy and you certainly can’t just work hard but work dumb. You have to both be working smart and be working hard for things to turn out well and then you have to do that for a sizable amount of time.

The Secret To Success Finally Revealed

And it didn’t even cost you that much. Put in the work, do it in a smart way, and put in the time and that’s the recipe for success. Maybe at some point in the future I’ll write an article titled “The 3 Step Recipe For Guaranteed Success” now obviously success can’t be guaranteed but it’d get a lot of eyeballs on the piece. But that’ll be awhile before that happens. You have the “formula”, the “one little trick” right here, the “secret” to success. Now all you have to do is go out and apply it day in and day out for years and success will “magically” happen.

Not the funnest thing to hear, but it’s the truth.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge