How To Restart Your Life & Where You Should Start

I’m a fan of Jack Donovan, author of The Way of Men, don’t agree with everything he says but then again don’t agree with everything anyone has said. I even look back on old things I wrote and would change things here and there. However that doesn’t mean there isn’t great value to be had in listening to him. One concept Jack talks about is “restarting the world.”

Essentially meaning that things have gone so wrong to look for opportunities where one can “restart” and remake the world in their own image, in a healthier, more vital, more primal, more natural image. Moving away from the psychotic monoculture and moving towards individual tribes and identities, things of that nature.

Today I want to talk about a similar concept but applying it to yourself instead of your world. We all know that all change starts from within. If we want to change the world or restart it, we must start by changing or restarting ourselves. Many of us are not where we want to be in life, and for many different reasons.

Even if successful in our modern age, most of us still do not feel fulfilled. Even with our money, relationships, and health in a decent place there’s still so much more that is left wanting in our modern world. But for most of us getting to having our money, relationships, and wealth in the right place would be a good start.

So I’ve written this is you know you want to restart your life, meaning that you want to change the direction your headed in and turn it around. You want to move forward, grow, find success, and become more than you ever thought possible but are overwhelmed by all the options available to you.

You want to get a new start, restart, and are not sure where to begin.

Start Here Because It’s The Foundation For So Much Else

Health, wealth, relationships. Three pivotal parts of life on earth for us. Three things that we strive to get right so we can life a relatively happy life. But its also overwhelming, especially at first. Most people never get these things where they want them and they can always get better. We can always have more money, better and more varied relationships, and be stronger, faster, healthier, sexier, whatever. So there also comes a point when you have to know when enough is enough.

But that’s far down the road. Where to start? Through my coaching program I’ve worked with many people who are just starting on this journey and feel like they are drowning in a tidal wave. They’re not sure which way to go and what to do. Because here’s the thing when you first start out.

Everything is going to be an improvement.

But as time goes on you do not have time for everything. You need to zero in on what works for you, what is most effective and efficient for achieving the goals that you want. Look at weight loss. Chose literally any diet and any workout system and you’ll lose some weight. Like I said everything works at the start, everything.

Unfortunately this doesn’t hold true the further down the path that you get.

But that’s advanced stuff and we’re focused on the start. There are two things that have consistently gotten results for my coaching clients down the road. Two things that when we start with them, everything else tends to fall into place after. We don’t start with these two things and we run into large complications. We start with these two things and it helps everything else.

So what are the two things?

They are.

  1. Getting in better shape, will explain more in a bit.
  2. Reading books.

Number One – Getting In Better Shape

So this encompasses a lot more than it would seem at first. This is more than just losing fat and gaining muscle although that is a part of it. This has to do with getting healthier across the board, especially hormonally. And this starts with diet. Without the right stuff in your food you’re going to have a hard time getting the motivation to do much of anything. Which is why we start here. We get this right and it makes changing the other things a lot easier.

You eat the right foods then it’ll help your hormones level out as well as support mental health. Giving you motivation, focus, drive, and a whole hell of a lot more. Diet is really the foundation to start with. You want to eat nutrient dense foods, meaning foods that have a lot of micronutrients that your body can use. Things like eggs, liver, steak, raw milk, cheese, and the like.

Start here because it underpins everything else. Try to change you finances or get your relationships sorted out when you feel like hammered dog crap every day is fighting a battle uphill. Start eating right and keeping it that way and day by day that hill starts to level out. Until your fighting a battle on level ground where you have a much higher chance of winning and making progress.

Tack on some fitness to do this and often it’s about all anyone needs to get where they want to go in life. Lift weights, do MMA, BJJ, boxing, go hike, whatever, even a walk everyday with some fresh air will do wonders. Especially when eating in this way, which is the key.

Number Two – Reading Books

Next we come to the second biggest thing. We all know that knowledge is power and yet so few do much of anything to acquire more knowledge, which doesn’t make any sense. They’ll struggle with problems day in and day out, problems which plenty of others have had and solved, and do nothing to figure them out. And therefore they get stuck in the same ruts day in and day out with nothing to show for it.

Which leads to stagnation, which leads to giving up, which leads to numbing oneself, which leads to deterioration or a desperate fight to stay stuck in the same place and not go backwards. Which is a place no one wants to be, and yet so many people end up there. Knowledge is the answer. Read books, reading is a superpower and one of the consistent gaps between those that are successful and those that are not is how many books read.

Books read translates to higher salaries, more power, more understanding, more knowledge, more wisdom, and better wellbeing. I’m talking about non-fiction books here. Fiction has its own reward but that’s something separate. Look at what problems you have and start educating yourself on how to solve those problems. Combine this with the dietary changes and these two things will get you further than most will ever get in their lives.

With Two Simple Changes…Get In The Top 20%

Of those who have success and live the lives that they want. I’m not saying these two things are everything but they’re the two best things to start with, to restart your life with and to help you accomplish the fundamental work that’ll change your life. They’ll help you start good habits and replace bad habits. Which at the end of the day is what determines where your life ends up. What you do on a daily basis determines your future.

Start with these two things and that future will have the best chance of being bright.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge