This is a guest post from Forever Alpha Blog.
A while back in August, I wrote an article for Charles talking about the importance of looks, sex and money, and how these were the three baselines that were required for a man to live a life of true abundance and happiness.
Sure, there is more to it than these three baselines of course, but if you fail to hit the required baselines it’s more or less impossible to live the kind of life you truly want.
If you’re constantly worried about paying your rent, can’t afford to travel as often as you’d like to, or you can’t afford to upgrade your house, you’re going to suffer to some degree.
If you’re completely starved of sex (like the typical Western Beta is), or are simply dissatisfied with the quality of your sex life (like the vast majority of men are, many Alphas included), then you’re not as happy as you could be. You’re also liable to being controlled by your favourite woman, as she knows that you will cave into her demands. Imprisonment is the opposite of happiness.
If you’re chubby, skinny-fat, or simply have no clue how to dress well to stand out, not only are you going to struggle to get the very attractive women, but you will also not feel as confident as you could do. All men want to plough the most attractive women, whether they verbally admit it or not. It’s going to be very difficult to do this with any level of consistency if you’re not good-looking.
I’m sure we’ve all heard a woman say “Looks don’t matter, it’s all about personality”, to then look at a random guy from a distance and say “Oh, he’s just not really my type”. Hmmmm, okay.
If you’re not good looking enough, it’s an instant rejection from her, regardless of how good your internal factors are. Your internal factors such as dominance and non-compliance are incredibly important, especially in the long-term, but your external factors are what will create the initial attraction that leads to everything else.
Today, I’m going to delve into the looks area in more detail. Improving my looks was probably one of the most life-changing things I have done over the past handful of years, as it simply transformed the way the outside world responded to me. My sex appeal then went through the roof and my sex life transformed as a result. You can do this too if you put in the work.
The Physique Of The King Of The Jungle
Although there are other factors that will improve your sex life, your fitness is the biggest one. How well/cool you dress and your overall style/persona are important, but fitness more so, and it happens to be the one I’m best at.
So, in terms of fitness, what physique are we looking for if we want to become the King Of The Jungle?
Muscle Mass
Without slabs of muscle mass, it’ going to be impossible to be King of The Jungle. Building muscle is a long process, I won’t lie to you like most of supplement industry will do. But it’s worth it once you get there.
You may have heard of “The Dad Bod”. Women use this, and then examples of guys like Leonardo Di Caprio as tools to manipulate their husbands into staying chubby, which is nothing more than a blatant attempt to reinforce a monopoly over their Beta’s resources and attention, through the removal of any competition.
Firstly, Leonardo Di Caprio is a world-famous, multi-millionaire actor, you and I are not, so it’s a pointless comparison. Secondly, you must ensure that you never fall into this trap in the first place. If you are currently in this trap with a girlfriend or wife, maximising your looks will allow you to escape from that hellhole and into the abundant top 20% of men. Do not listen to women who promote “The Dad Bod”.
Women love guys with muscle.
How much muscle is best?
It’s a great question, but it will vary based upon your overall build and height. In terms of specific quantities of muscle, you’re probably looking at between 20 pounds of solid muscle and up to your genetic limit. Different people obviously have different limits.
This muscle will thicken up your shoulders, arms, back, legs and ass, all of which enhance your attractiveness to women. More muscle equals more masculinity. A focus on your traps and neck muscles will also give you an edge over most men. Most men believe it’s all about your chest and arms. It isn’t. The most masculine look will have a focus in the following areas:
- Neck
- Traps
- Shoulders
- Back
- Legs
Most men will grow whilst training about 7-8 sets per week for any given body part. This will need to increase over time, but 7-8 sets is a good place to start. I would highly suggest increasing the number of sets you perform (on a weekly basis) in the most aggressive manner, in the above muscle groups.
These need to grow the fastest and the largest if you want to be more masculine and attract more women.
Another way of measuring muscle mass is using relative strength. This takes into account your total bodyweight. It may be very difficult for a shorter guy to pack on 25-30 pounds of total muscle mass, for example, but if you’re well built and 6’4 it would be expected to be no problem.
Some good relative strength targets to shoot for would be:
- 2.5 times bodyweight deadlift
- 2 times bodyweight squat
- 1.5 times bodyweight bench press
It’s impossible to hit these numbers without a lot of muscle in the key areas, namely, your traps, back, shoulders and legs.
The biggest tool in your toolkit for gaining muscle is going to be a calorie surplus. It is possible to gain muscle whilst losing fat if you’re a beginner, but it won’t be as effective.
Body Fat
Most men in the Western World are overweight. Obesity levels are higher than ever, and our health is collectively declining. But as obesity levels rise, so do the levels of skinny-fat guys, or only slightly chubby guys. These are guys who believe they’re in shape due to the fact that their BMI is still “healthy”, but this is only because they have zero muscle mass and a skinny frame.
This is becoming the norm, but nobody seems to realise this. Because it’s the norm, you now have many guys who think they’re “in shape”, yet they wonder why the only way that they can get (irregular and unenthusiastic) sex is from a dominant girlfriend. They’re actually the furthest thing from being in the top 20%. The King Of The Jungle doesn’t need a girlfriend or wife in order to have a hope of getting laid. He gets it whenever he wants, regardless of his relationship status.
To be the King Of The Jungle, you not only need muscle, but you also need lower body fat levels. Low body fat reveals the muscle you have built, makes you look like a Greek God, and makes your face a LOT more chiselled.
I built a lot of muscle many years ago, to give you some context. Now I am already muscular, I can tell you for a fact that the transformation I go through when I go from 15% body fat down to 8% is truly amazing. It sharpens your physique, narrows your waistline, and reveals a very strong jaw line and cheekbones. Very important for attracting women.
“In shape” is subjective and meaningless. You are not as attractive as you could be if you haven’t lowered your body fat levels below 12% or so.
So, how do we lower our body fat levels below 12%?
There are many ways to skin a cat, but I will share what I did with you. I believe that my system appears to be superior to everything else for long-term, consistent results in terms of fat loss, and maintaining your new physique.
If you don’t mind yo-yo-dieting for the rest of your life, then feel free to ignore everything I say. But if you want low body fat levels forever, the best way to do this is to do the following:
- Set your fat loss goals, plans and timelines.
- Begin an Intermittent Fasting schedule, giving yourself several weeks to adjust to the new routine before dropping your calories to any significant degree. Intermittent Fasting is better for diet adherence for people who have any form of a life, that is, once you have adapted to the new eating schedule. Jumping straight in is a recipe for disaster.
- Once you’ve adjusted, drop your calories by 10% or so, following the macro guidelines, snack guidelines and caffeine recommendations I give in the above link.
- Enjoy the smooth-sailing phase of Intermittent Fasting. Adjust your calories downward by 5% increments, as you see fit. OR increase your cardio by the equivalent number of calories burnt. This phase will last quite while, depending on how far away from single digit body fat % you are.
- As the diet begins to get really hard, you are either approaching your goal physique, or if you’re not, take a 2 week diet break at maintenance calories. Once complete, go back to step 3 and repeat from there.
Some extra really important notes with fat loss:
- Never slash your calories, as doing this instantly renders your entire plan unsustainable, and you will pay the price for being impatient.
- Your protein requirements will go up the leaner you get. Once you get lean, they will go up to 0.85+ (up to 1.4 in some cases) grams per pound of bodyweight, depending on how lean you are.
- Drink lots of water with each meal as this will aid fullness significantly.
- You’re missing out if you’re not consuming caffeine in a fat loss phase. Just don’t overdo it.
In order to become the King Of The Jungle and sleep with a variety of the hottest women, you need to have the looks department sorted out. This means success with both muscle levels and body fat levels. Not one or the other. BOTH.
It’s perfectly do-able, I’m living proof of this and I certainly don’t have elite genetics, I’m not on drugs, and I’m basically just a normal guy.
If you want to sleep with the hottest women, you need to look good, and you can do if you acquire the knowledge and put in the work.