How To Keep From Going Crazy, Being Broke, Or Living A Life That You’ll Regret

So that’s a tall bill to fill there in the title. Keep you from going crazy while also keep you from being broke and keep you from living a life that you’ll regret? What can do all of that? Well let me start by saying that nothing can guarantee all of that. What I’m going to lay out for you will greatly increases the chances that you don’t end up in any of those situations that we’ve listed but that’s all that can be done with the randomness of life.

But anyways let’s take another look at these three things.

  1. Going crazy.
  2. Being broke.
  3. Living a life filled with regret.

In the modern world that makes up at least half of the population but is probably closer to eighty percent. That’s a lot of people. Given that there are roughly 7.7 billion people in the world that means that somewhere around 3.85 to 6.2 billion people are living these lives of quiet desperation.

And know that this is by design. I don’t want to get too far in the weeds here but people today are managed like cattle. Designed to be productive enough to feed off of but docile enough to not rebel against the system in place. It’s always been like this it’s just today the means of doing it have become more sophisticated.

Though I don’t agree one hundred percent with him or the video Stefan Molyneux did a video called “The Story Of Your Enslavement” that’s worth a look explains some of this, if you want a more in depth discussion.

But let’s get back to the task at hand, how do we avoid ending up in this situation? How do we avoid the fate of fifty to eighty percent of the population? And do we need special connections, talents, or the like to do it?

When People Follow This They End Up Broke, Confused, Crazy, & Sick

First off, no you don’t have to have special connections, talents, or the like to avoid going crazy, being broke, or living a life filled with regret, though they sure do help. So what do you need? First off let’s look at why people end up crazy, broke, and regretful. What do most people do? Well they do what most people do. That sounds redundant but let’s think about it for a moment.

Most people do what others do. They take their cues from what others are doing and authority figures. There are essentially a bunch of pipers leading around a bunch of mice. Might not be a pretty picture but it’s an accurate one. So most people take their cues from their neighbors, friends, social groups, and they listen to what they’re told by various authority figures.

And why do they do this?

They do this because its perceived as being safe. Humans are social creatures, tribal creatures. We fall apart when we’re alone. There is no such thing as an independent person. We can go through periods of independence but without other human contact we go mad. Lone humans, much like lone wolves, are prey or at least easy targets.

However while you may be accepted for following the mainstream there are many drawbacks that come with it as well. First off if you do average things then you’ll get average results. Sounds simple and that’s because it is. Yet so many fail to understand this. You don’t achieve success by following the crowd, you achieve success by looking at what the successful do and copying it.

The masses are not meant to be followed.

But why?

There is a wisdom in crowds is there not? Yes, there is but there is also madness. Learn about the crowd, about human nature, but don’t follow them.

When You Follow This, Most Things Start To Make Sense

So you know not to follow the crowd but we still have to answer why. And here’s why. People don’t think for themselves. It’s hard work and people hate hard work like the plague. They don’t want to think so they outsource their thinking to others and thereby save themselves the trouble. They get acceptance and don’t have to think for themselves. What a bargain.

But there’s drawbacks. People outsource their thinking to talking heads. These talking heads taking a myriad of forms and essences but they’ll all in positions of authority and have people listening to them. Teachers, preachers, doctors, lawyers, influencers, and so on and so forth. But here’s the thing about following authority figures and it has to do with how the world works.

Money controls the world, it runs the world. Meaning that it also controls the authority figures that people put so much faith into. Essentially meaning that money controls what is acceptable, what is not, what is believed, and what is ridiculed. It has very little to do with life experience.

Follow the money and things start to make sense. Why are people encouraged to take worker bee jobs where they’ll always be miserable? Why are people forced into mind numbing pills and unneeded surgeries when simple diet and exercise could solve so many of their problems? Why do people pay money to people to hate them to watch moving pictures on a screen or words on a page?

Money controls what the majority think, say, believe, and do. And money is for money’s interest, not your own.

How To Stay Out Of Being Broke, Crazy, & Filled With Regrets

Don’t follow the mainstream advice. Look at the money and what it wants and then do what’s best for you. Learn to think for yourself. Understand that there are times when you’ll want to follow mainstream advice because there are things that it gets right. But understand that there are times when you’ll have to walk a different road and that it’ll feel weird and you’ll feel alienated at times. But you have to do that from time to time to get where you truly want to go in life.

Don’t follow the mainstream, follow the money, and you greatly increase your chances to never end up broke, crazy, or living a life filled with regrets.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge