How To Increase Sex Drive Through Diet

Having a healthy sex drive is a byproduct of having healthy hormone production, healthy mind functioning, and general physical fitness. While at first glance it may seem like a petty thing to focus on, the fact of the matter is that it’s a good show of overall health and proper functioning. After all if you have no desire to do the thing that you genes most want to do, how can you say that you have great health?

Far from being a petty thing to focus on, it’s actually a good indicator of many factors involving health. I’m not saying that it’s the only thing that you should rely on but it’s certainly something that’s important. So anyways, how to tell if you have a good sex drive? What qualifies as “healthy” and what qualifies as “needs help?”. While there are no exact measurements or hard and fast rules we can use. There are some things that’ll help.

Do you wake up with a boner? If you never do then something might be wrong. Do you desire sex every day? If you have a wife or girlfriend do you have sex with them at least five times a week? Obviously things like life, stress, work, and a whole host of other things can get in the way of this but you should at least have the desire to have it every day. Do you notice pretty girls around you?

These might sound like dumb questions but it’s worth asking and be honest. I’ve seen a lot of guys that are always talking about “Oh yeah I’m always horny” and the like yet are in very poor physical health. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. But my guess is that they’re no functioning as well as they could be. Regardless let’s talk about how to go about increasing your sex drive through diet.

The Big C

One of the most important things for having a good sex drive, as well as good overall health, is making sure that you’re eating enough cholesterol. Now cholesterol is a big topic and if you want to do a deep dive into it, here’s a great article on why cholesterol is good for you. But with that being said let’s go through the basics. Though most cholesterol your body produces doesn’t come from what you eat, it’s still important to get this needed substance in. Cholesterol is “Cholesterol is a type of steroid the body produces to perform many vital functions. It is the precursor to many steroid hormones, including sex hormones and hormones necessary for glucose metabolism and ion balances in the body” and this comes from Medical News Today, not an alternative health site.

It performs many vital functions in the body. one of which is being what your body creates sex hormones out of, sex hormones like testosterone. And while sex drive isn’t just about testosterone, to say it doesn’t play a big roll would be foolish. Eating things like organ meats, red meats, eggs, whole raw milk, and the like is essential to developing a healthy sex drive like we talked about above.


Look up foods that are considered aphrodisiac and in most cases you’ll find that these are foods that are high in micronutrient content. Foods that are nutrient dense. For example liver, oysters, testicles, and the like. I’m a big proponent of “like heals like” which means for example if you’re having trouble with sex drive then eating things like bull testicles and the like will help greatly with that problem. But it doesn’t just have to be that. Mix in different foods. Foods that are high in zinc are know for this too, like oysters.

Cruciferous vegetables when properly prepared are also good for sex drive as they have been shown to reduce high estrogen levels and help support hormonal balance. Stick with nutrient dense foods.

What To Do

Are you a heavy drinker? Do you go out every night and drink? What do you drink? You want to avoid alcohol and sugar as much as possible and limit your caffeine. For example when going out to a bar get whiskey on the rocks as opposed to an estrogen laden beer. Though not drinking at all would be best. Avoid processed foods as much as possible, nothing new there. If it comes in a package then its probably not good for you. I’d also recommend against protein powders, supplements, and the like.

Get what you need from real food that’ll have the real effects that you want. If you want a boost for a night out then maybe you can try a supplement or two, but overall those should be seen as temporary measures for having overall health that’ll provide you naturally what you need.

Increase Your Sex Drive

You should be doing the above in addition to making sure you get good, deep sleep, getting sunshine, exercising, keeping a low bodyfat, not overdoing dopamine, avoiding porn and masturbation, and living as naturally as possible. Do all of that and having a low sex drive with more than likely be a thing of the past. Not to mention you’ll have overall vibrant health that’ll serve you well through the days of your life. As always thanks for reading and if you liked what you read here, I’d recommend you check out my books on Amazon

God Bless,

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge