How To Create The Life That You’ve Always Wanted

Now to start off this is a very big topic to address in a roughly 1,000 or so word article. It would take an entire library to even start to grasp this concept. What I’m going to try to do here is give you some rough guidelines to help you get started down the right path. Some guidelines that when followed CONSISTENTLY OVER TIME will result in you being much closer to the life that you want.

Again that’s when followed consistently over time. So many people forget this part or want to skip or ignore it and it just doesn’t work. You have to work hard and work smart and also do it day in and day out to get the results that you want out of life. Anyone telling you otherwise is selling you a bill of goods. This is why something like writing out a daily list of goals you want to accomplish is so critical.

It seems like such a little thing but its those day to day little things that drastically add up over time. And its those day to day little things that’ll either make you or break you. Life is about forward movement and evolution, if you’re not growing then you’re going backwards. We exist in dynamic states even our very bodies are energy of fast moving atoms. When one fails to understand this they will not accomplish the life that they want.

No One Thing

One big concept that I want to get out of the way is that there is no ONE thing that’s going to give you all the answers and give you everything that you want. Life is dynamic and multifaceted. It’ll take more than X to fulfill you and give you the life that you want. X might be a career, a certain lifestyle, a big goal, or even something like having a family. As great as those things can be in and of themselves they do not make a complete life.

There are going to be many parts of your life to get right. A lot of people divide this into health, wealth, and relationships but I think that it’s a bit more complicated than that (though that does work as a good start). Here’s what I suggest. I suggest taking some time to be alone and write out what your ideal life would be like. Write down an example week like you would for a journal.

Maybe this sounds a bit cheesy or lame but just give it a try. Think about the things that you want and also understand that during your journey to accomplish those things the end goal will most likely change and can sometimes change very drastically. Which is fine, as long as you got started on the journey and are taking the day to day actions to accomplish your goals for the life that you want to live.

Yes You’ll Need Goals

Goal setting can either be a wonderful boon for your life that skyrockets productivity and kicks you into high gear or it can be a completely useless and futile exercise. All depending on how you use it. Here’s how I do it and what has worked for me. I have large goals that I write down, I don’t do the 5 year 1 yer stuff because I think its stupid and there’s no way you’ll be able to accurately predict timelines for things.

So I have big large goals I’m working towards. So for awhile one big goal was make a living off copywriting. Yours might be publish my first novel with a mainstream publisher or have a professional fight or get sober or any number of other things. These are just big overall goals that don’t have a timestamp on them but are going to be a process to complete. I usually have 5 though there is nothing special about that number (but would avoid doing too many as you’ll spread yourself too thin).

Next (and honestly this is the most important part) each and every day I write down on a sheet of paper daily goals that’ll move me closer to my larger goal. So for the copywriting example some tasks on my daily list might be ‘send out 10 upwork proposals’, ‘follow up by calling prospects x, y, and z’, read a chapter from Joe Sugarman book, and so on and so forth. And after each task was complete I’d mark it off with a check mark, if I didn’t get to it then I’d put an X next to it.

Time Is Magic

And then doing this day and day out for over a year I was able to drastically change my life (of course I had other non-business goals I did this for as well just used copywriting as an example). Time is the magic ingredient that so many people forget. We live in an instant gratification society but that is just not the way that things work in the real world. Good things take time and effort. While some people get the effort right, very few get the time right (meaning sticking with it not timing).

This isn’t rocket science, but it does take effort, consistent effort, which for most people is the hardest kind of effort. But also remember the compound effect and how things grow exponentially in power over time. But its the daily actions that seem to do nothing that success comes from. Its the stuff that you do where you’re like “nothing is happening, this is useless” day in and day out that ultimately makes the difference and makes things change.

Remember life is about constant forward motion, evolution, and growth. Not to say just being still and relaxing aren’t part of life because they’re very important parts but there’s a difference between relaxing and stagnating. You can’t just sit around, you have to have big goals that you work day to day to accomplish. And then WITH TIME you’ll start to see the life that you want take shape before you. Slowly but surely. You’ll most likely be focused on the slowly part but never forget the surely part as well.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge