How To Become Automatically Attractive To Women

So much has been written on the topic of attracting women, more than should ever be needed. And I’ll admit I’m probably guilty of this as well. There’s a lot to be said on the topic, however it’s one topic that I rarely, if ever, see the Pareto principle applied to. So many focus on so many different aspects of this that they get bogged down in the details on something that should only ever be a side focus for a man.

Attracting women is a biological function, it’s not something that ever required a whole lot of thought. To be successful with women is a byproduct of who you are and certain factors. Now, I want to elaborate on this because this is where a lot of people go wrong. They assume that if they weren’t born with certain physical traits then it’s hopeless.

They regulated to a life of always being rejected but this is just not the case and a classic example of catastrophizing. Where instead of doing the hard work required to be successful it’s much easier to just throw up your hands and say “muh genetics” and what not. Just about anyone can have a decent amount of success with women, especially when following tried and true principles.

Always Check With Pareto

Whenever embarking on learning any knowledge of developing a skill, always check with pareto. Always look for those twenty percent actions that generate eighty percent of results. Let’s apply this to men who are successful with women and attract many different women. Are they men who have studied game for days? No. Are they guys who obsessed over their looks? Again, sometimes but not always.

Sometimes it can be hard to find commonalities between them all, and everything can help or hinder depending. But what are the underlying facets with the guys who have the most success? We’ve all heard about famous actors who’ve struggled with attracting women. Rich men who have trouble with it. As well as guys in great shape yet their success with women is far from what most would think it should be.

So what is it? If its not game, riches, looks, or fame alone, what else do we have? Obviously all the previously mentioned things make a difference and can even be considered in the twenty percent, but there’s more. Something people fail to mention about the pareto law is that it repeats itself. Meaning that not only do twenty percent of your efforts yield eighty percent of your results. But twenty percent of that twenty percent yields eighty percent of those results.

Meaning generally that while twenty percent of your activities generate eighty percent of your results. But 4 percent of your efforts create sixty four percent of your results. My math may not be exact on that but it’s close. The takeaway being a very small list of actions creates the majority of your results. You must not just use the pareto principle but use it again.

Pareto the pareto to come away with the master actions.

The Master Actions To Becoming Automatically Attractive To Women

So if we can include game, looks, money, and fame in the pareto twenty percent but not in the master four percent, what then is there? Again, at the start I mentioned that attraction is a biological function. The reason we have this drive and are successful or unsuccessful at it is because of biology. People place a lot of stress on cultural considerations of attraction but these have far less impact than we think, even when it comes to what women find attractive.

So what is the master action when it comes to being attractive with women? Hormones. Without hormones you’ll never attract a woman naturally. When these “experts” talk about guys who are “naturals” much of the time they’re just mentioning guys who have their hormones in the right balance. Confidence, strength, even charm, are largely byproducts of optimal testosterone production.

Part of me wishes every man could experience what optimal testosterone production was like just for a week. Then they’d know that much of their issues with women, not to mention life, just come down to not producing enough testosterone. Remember attraction and mating are biological functions. And exist independent of what society deems acceptable, tells you is attractive, or just about anything else.

It’s an evolutionary process that’s far stronger and older than any other factor.

The Road To Optimization

Optimal testosterone means optimal attractiveness to women. Of course this is not something to obsess over, just something to keep in mind. And here’s a brief overview of what to do to optimize it naturally. First off make sure that you’re getting your cholesterol and micronutrients in. I’m going to recommend a few things in this regard.

First off make sure you’re eating liver, eggs, and raw milk if legal in your territory. Eat organ meats and animal fats. I’d recommend salting your water with real salt as well as having a healthy fermented beverage such as kombucha, kefir, or kvass. In addition to this do explosive movements in exercise. Sprint, jump, fight, things of that nature. Sleep as much as possible in a cool dark room with a comfy bed. Get fresh air and sunlight. Swim in a cold lake or river.

And so on and so forth. The closer you can get to natural living the better off you’ll be. Some with respond right away to doing these things, others will take time. We’re all working with different genetic health. But keep on the path. Optimizing hormones will help you in all, and I do mean all, facets of your life.

And if you want to become automatically attractive to women then optimizing hormones is the way to do it.

I have a few books on this subject you can find on Amazon, as well is as if you want a step by step plan then check out my coaching program. And as always.

Best Wishes,

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge