How To Achieve Just About Any Huge Goal That Might Seem Impossible

All successful people have goals. They have big goals, long goals, short goals, daily goals, and even hour by hour goals. I’m not saying that they necessarily write all these things out but they have them in their minds and in their hearts. Though they will often write out their big, short, long, and daily goals. If you don’t have goals, something that you want to accomplish and somewhere that you want to be, then you’re never going to get anywhere.

You’re not going to accomplish anything or become anything. Goals are a fundamental aspect of life and success. If you don’t have goals the very first thing that you need to do is sit down and come up with some. Think about what your ideal life would be. Try to make it somewhat realistic. Sure riding around in a yacht with 100 models and all that is great, but is it realistic.

And even more than that would it fulfill you? But even if you’re not sure, start thinking. It’ll be time well spent. Look at your ideal life and then work backwards from there. Look at what you’d have to accomplish to make it there. And if that doesn’t work then the first goal I’d focus on is becoming healthier as that’ll help everything else and is the start of change for so many people.

But that’s not what we’re here to talk about, we’re here to talk about how to achieve big goals and what goes into doing that.

Daily Actions & Goal Accomplishment

If you want to be a champion at something, there are certain prerequisites that have to be met. First off you have to not only have the genetic potential to be one, which many do, but also have the right genetic expression. Meaning essentially you got your vitamins and minerals growing up. But above and beyond that you must also have the right training methods and mindset.

And then on top of all of that you must do the right things, day in and day out, essentially since you started walking. It’s not different with accomplishing big goals, minus the genetics parts. You have to take daily effective and efficient action consistently to achieve what you want. Let me state that again and I’ll highlight the key words that make all the difference.

“You have to take daily effective and efficient action consistently to achieve what you want”.

Nothing else will work.

Taking occasional effective and effective action. Taking daily action consistently. And so on and so forth. All the highlighted parts must be there.

But how do we do that and how do we know?

The Process Of Learning

We must continually learn, experiment, and grow. We must try new things. Keeping what is useful and excising that which is not. Always monitoring what is bringing us closer to our goal and what is holding us back, all while taking consistent action to move towards that goal. How do we do this? Especially in relation to achieving our goal. The first thing we do is gather information, learn all that you can about the goal and those that have achieved it before.

Read books, take courses, get instruction, do whatever you to move towards knowledge of that goal. Then using what limited knowledge you have you begin to take action. You set yourself up with daily actions that you’ll do everyday, obviously. Then you’ll set yourself up with weekly goals and monthly goals. Each building off the last. And all the while you’ll continually learn and refine the process.

You adjust as you go. You don’t sit there and gather information but never take action on it. Nor do you blindly charge forward and hope for the best. You gather some preliminary information, shouldn’t take more than a week, and then set down actions. Daily, weekly, and monthly. Then you start taking the actions. And as you go you constantly learn more and revise and grow. Constantly adjusting course as you go. It’s not rocket science but it is what will you get you to where you want to go.

How Long?

Now all the above is well and good, but it’s not where most people have problem. Most people have problem in the “how long” part. Do all the above and then do it for a decade or two, or three, or four. Big giant goals take time, lifetimes often, to accomplish. It’s not something that’s going to happen in a year or two, depending on what it is. A decade and now, yeah maybe. To say this is a marathon and not a sprint is underplaying it.

This isn’t a sprint or a marathon, this is a world trek. Because after all you are moving to a new world when you start accomplishing these big goals. You wouldn’t expect to walk around the world in a day. And frankly accomplishing these big goals is harder than walking around the world, if such a route were even possible.

But it’s worth it. And you’ll find yourself becoming stronger, smarter, wiser, frankly better, with each and every day that you stay on the path. You’ll fall off here and there, we all do, but so long as you keep trudging, you’ll get to good places. May not be exactly where or what you thought when you started. But it’ll be worth it.

Best of luck.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge