Healing The Body, Mind, & Spirit

If at first glance this title doesn’t seem like something that’d interest you I’d encourage you to give it a chance as it’s a very important topic and will lead to much growth and progress in your life. This includes with things like making money, making friends, attracting women, and other things that at first glance might not seem to have any impact on one another.

Not to turn this into some therapist session but we all have different wounds that we’ve gained over the years mental, spiritual, and of course physical. And while physical scars can be cool and even a symbol of pride not so much with mental and spiritual scars. And these aren’t quite as cool as can cause issues down the road (or right now.)

Now don’t worry I’m not going to suggest we all sit down and have a cry or anything like that (not that there’s anything wrong with crying of course, there is a time and place for everything.) Rather I just want to move forward with awareness of this fact. No one has a perfect upbringing in a perfect society and this is just a fact. However just because we have wounds does not mean we have to let those wounds hamper and define us for our lives.

Making Progression & Moving Forward

Though we’ll always have the scars from some wounds that doesn’t mean we have to let them define us or let them rule or ruin our lives. Writing in the “red pill” genre for so long you come across a lot of males who have been wounded throughout life and are looking for a reaction to it. Often its with women but it can also be with humanity and general. So many were preached a message that was so false (that they believed in whole heartedly) that reality tore them to bits.

And so many become bitter and destroyed or take something like the “red pill” and let it poison them. Instead of doing as Bruce Lee would say and take what is useful and discard what is not. And move towards progress and healing. They hold on to bitterness and hates and it ends up doing more damage to themselves than to anyone else. This is just one example there are plenty others.

But its one thing to get hurt and another to recover from that hurt and move towards “fullness” or whatever word that you want to use for it. Again not trying to sound all “woo woo” here because these are actually very true and very solid concepts that can greatly help your life. The first thing you have to understand that progress and healing is possible because if you deny that then there’s no use getting into the practicalities of the matter.

How To Heal

Healing the body involves eating the right nutrients and getting the right amount of sleep as well as training, especially when healthy to help prevent injuries in the future. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had something happen to me that would usually sprain, twist, or break the body of another man my age but have been fine because of something like lifting. Likewise with the mind stillness and rest are also needed. Things like reading to stimulate it and meditation to calm and heal it from the modern world.

Long term things like meditation will help make you resistant to being controlled by your emotions, your tics, and make you more resistant to things like addictions or mind diseases of other types. Just like working out helps to prevent injury to your physical body. The spirit is a little different. The best thing I can say to heal it is to stay away from things that damage it, that and spend time in the stillness and in nature.

These are things that take time. Just like working away at obesity or working away at addiction. Even when doing everything right it’s still going to be a process and its still going to take time to work its wonders. In order to live your life to the fullest you have to have everything working in proper order and with the right strength, healed from old wounds. The sooner you start on this the better you’ll be.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge