Do Good Men Have To Be Soft?

There’s a common misconception that goes on in a lot of the “manosphere” type circles. Where males are divided into spineless simpering beta males and careless sociopathic jerks. And how one is attractive to women and one is not. However this doesn’t even begin to cover the entire picture and can give many people the wrong idea. Many guys end up having the idea that have to treat women like crap in order to be attractive to them when that’s not the case at all.

It’s not the poor treatment (well in some cases it can be) that attracts women to “jerks” but rather the strength that they have. It’s the strength that makes the difference, the masculinity. Thankfully some have at least divided males up into three categories with betas, jerks, and alphas. With alphas being those secure in themselves and having even more strength than the jerk, being more attractive to women as well as more adjusted overall.

Obviously still a gross oversimplification but a step in the right direction. But what does that have to do with what I’m talking about today with talking about do good men have to be soft? Do men who value things like honor, virtue, the good parts of civilization, and so on and so forth have to also be soft? My answer would be no. Even though that’s what we see that’s not the entire story. Just like with the simp and jerk example, yes it’s often what males see but it’s not the entire story.

A Cliche & An Insight

We’ve all heard the quote that goes “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” often attributed to Edmund Burke. And while this may be a cliche there is a lot of truth to it (like most cliches). However here’s the thing when we look at being “good” in the modern world (and by good I don’t mean following society but rather what has traditionally been considered good and natural) the defenders and promoters of it are usually giant pussies to put a not too fine point on it.

For example take religion. Look at your average preacher man (much yes youth group leader) is he someone you would follow into battle? Of course not. He’s generally soft and so full of shit it should be coming out of his ears (though some are good salesmen of course). They preach something but don’t live it or if they did live it then males are looking at it and thinking “Why the hell would I want to be like that?”. I’ll use another example from my childhood.

I grew up going to church and unlike most I didn’t come to hate it or devote myself to it, it’s just something that is. But I remember preacher men talking about how Jesus was the ultimate example of what a man should be yet always portrayed him essentially as some soft long haired hippy (though being against long haired hippies in the world, which confused me). I always identified more with David or Sampson then I did Jesus or anyone from the New Testament.

What Does This Mean For You?

Now I’m not saying religious people are “more good” than others just wanted to use a common example. I’m saying that when you have lackluster males representing high ideals you naturally turn to those that would truly embody the ideals off. I remember being turned off from religion for many reasons but one of the biggest was if these preacher men were “closer to God” why we’re none of them men I’d ever want to be?

Did that mean I didn’t want to be closer to God myself? Did that mean that God was really just some blubbery used car salesman? Or even worse was he some ascetic lifeless creature devoid of blood and vigor? Of course I have since seen otherwise but it was something I wondered a lot about as a kid. If preacher men or Sunday school teachers or other assorted soft dorks (for the most part) were closer to God then I guess I’d have to start worshiping Satan just to be safe (joking but you get the point).

So to come back to my main point. No, those that are good don’t have to be soft and history is replete with examples that run counter to this line of thinking. And not only that but when those that are good are soft then they are ineffectual. They can do nothing but sit and watch as evil has its way with the things they value and love. You can be good and you can be strong (and wise). And not only can you but should you (not great English I know). Serve as an example to others of what you think is best in life.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge