Check Out My Guest Post On Barbarian Rhetoric

I don’t often do guest posts but recently wrote a piece for the site Barbarian Rhetoric called “Reclaiming Your Inner Barbarian”. The site was brought to my attention by a friend Jacob and is one of the few sites I’ve actually written a guest post for.

Barbarian Rhetoric is a site dedicated to “Becoming Awaken, aware of the world around you. This will take you back to a more primitive state.” (from the sites ethos page) and has a crew of talented writers writing for it. I’d highly recommend giving the site a look as well as reading my article on it.

In other news writing guest posts is something that I have been thinking about doing more of lately and if there’s a certain website that you think I should write a guest post for then send me an email at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com or just let me know in the comment section and I’ll take a look.

Also if there is a certain topic that you’d like to hear more about or see me write on (either in a guest post or just in a post in general) then feel free to let me know at the email listed above or in the comments section below.

As a side note if you know of sites that have articles from different people (like Return Of Kings used to) that are in the masculine improvement niche let me know and I’ll do my best to get something together for them.

Or if you yourself have a site that you run, even if it’s not big. Though I will say sometimes I’m hesitant to write for smaller sites because of the fall through rate.

I know there are at least a couple of sites I’ve written something for that are no longer live because the host gave up on the site. But willing to task a risk for readers.

Also this Sunday will be having a guest post from the site’s founder Nathan on the circle of life. Be sure to check it out.

Charles Sledge