At What Point In Your Life Should You Focus On Girls/Money/Success Respectively – Part 2

Alright now for part 2 of the article (something that I think I might start doing more). In the first part we covered what the definition of success is and how it’s going to be different for different people. We covered the whole “20’s for making money, 30’s for banging girls” and how depending on your personal wants and needs that can either be a relatively smart option or an incredibly stupid one.

So now we’re going to continue our discussion of when is the best time in a man’s life to focus on girls, money, and success respectively. While also understanding that there is no perfect answer for any one individual but by understanding the principles behind the advice that I give one can then apply them to their own unique situation and therefore benefit greatly from them. Which is my intent with writing these things.

One thing that I left off with is that if you start early enough there is a way to have your cake and eat it too, which is what we’ll start with here. Granted this will be past for most of us but hey it’s still valuable information to pass on to your own sons or others who can make use of it. So to begin let’s start with some of the worst advice regarding women that I can think of.

You Should Focus On School Over Girls?

During the school years (talking high school to college essentially) you here people of all stripes say that school is not a time to focus on girls but instead a time to focus on getting good grades so one can get into a good college and then (theoretically of course) get a good job and then one can focus on girls. However frankly I think this is some of the dumbest advice out there regarding school and girls.

First off understand that unless you’re going to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or something extremely specific grades and school are completely worthless essentially. Yeah, you heard that right. School is stupid, it really really is. And has little to no real word importance. But here’s the thing and something I learned the hard way. You and never surrounded by more pretty girls then when you are in school and never is the competition lower.

Once you graduate you find out real quickly that having 100+ hot young girls in your complex is NOT the norm. What you’re left with after graduation and moving on to the “real world” just doesn’t compare. Think about it during your school years (talking college/last year high school) never are the girls more plentiful, better looking, and have the least amount of competition. It doesn’t take much to kill it at this stage (just don’t get anyone preggo of course).

So that’s my thoughts with that. And I’m glad I never thought school was that important (though it did get to me in the later college years unfortunately). Also I understand this is not right for every guy, it’s just some honest observations I’ve had. Another option is to date one single girl and eventually marry her if that’s what you want. Again at this stage a little knowledge and application will put you so far ahead of the pack it’s not even funny.

When Should You Focus On Success?

Okay so if the school years are the best time to focus on girls (or at least in general, obviously there are factors that can change this) then when is the best time to focus on success? I would say that the best time to focus on success would be your 20’s. Now granted this is also with keeping money in mind as well, just not making it your main focus. And like I said success means different things to different people.

So defining success is going to be the first step and then working to create the life THAT YOU ACTUALLY WANT and not one that has been force fed to you by the media, culture, society, cults, ideologies, or anything else but one that you and you truly want for yourself. Which is going to look different for different people. For some it’ll be living in a small house where they can write their novels with their wife for another it’ll be having some rented party pad somewhere in Vegas for lavish parties. I don’t know, its something you have to figure out.

But I think your 20’s is the perfect time to do this, while keeping an eye on not going broke as well. Explore, try new things, if you want to take a shot at something (living in a van, writing a novel, moving to another country, and so on and so forth) then now is the time to knock yourself out and try it. You have the rest of your life to work some miserable corporate job (though I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone of course).

Is It Too Late?

Now maybe you’re way out of school age and your 20’s so you’re thinking that this is all useless for you but I’d say not quite. Again these are idealized “guides” if that. Maybe you’re in your 50’s then it’s not too late to try new things and you’ll have the advantage of experience and wisdom that many do not. Making your efforts more fruitful. It’s a lot different writing that novel or starting that business at 50 than it is at 20.

These are made as general guidelines. Nothing more and nothing less. So take them as you will. I know this has worked out for me as well as friends and from what I’ve seen in the lives of others (whether regret or thankfulness) it has worked out pretty well also. So use this information as you may and hopefully its helped to clear some things up for you.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge