Anti-Simping 101 (Alazar Tibebu)

This is a guest post from Alazar Tibebu a longtime reader and someone I am happy to have an article from. We’ve had some interesting discussions through email and so I asked if he minded writing an article (something I love to have from all readers) and he said no problem. This article covers how to not be a simp and how to prevent simping in the first place. Enjoy.

According to the top definition on Urban Dictionary a Simp is “A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table”. Now, any man with basic red pill awareness knows enough to tell simping is a stupid and failed sexual strategy. But telling that to a simp won’t mean shit because the act of simping is just the tip of the iceberg. The problem lies much deeper. 

So why do some men (or actually many men this day) tend to Simp? The answer lies in their sexual behavior. Personality is an expression of sexuality. “The behavior of a human being in sexual matters is often a prototype for the whole of his other modes of reaction in life.” – Sigmund Freud. Let’s look at the basics of this sexual behavior. 

The Root Cause Of Simping

“Love is an involuntary reaction to (perceived) virtue” – Stefan Molyneux. And “Among all the different traits that have been honored three that stand out above all and through all cultures and time periods are as follows. Strength, Wisdom, and Beauty. True virtues, virtues of nature and God not corrupted virtues of man that are simply codes to keep you enslaved” – Charles Sledge, The Ultimate Alpha collection. So, strength, wisdom and beauty being the true virtues, Man’s love is involuntary reaction/attraction to beauty. Women’s love is involuntary reaction/attraction to strength and wisdom.

All things the sexes find attractive are expressions and byproducts of the true virtues. For men, beauty comes before attraction thus men love attractive/hot women. Muscles are expressions of strength and women love muscular men. Also money, “Money you have (or don’t have) is a reflection on the amount of value you have provided (or not provided). “scale” and “magnitude” are implicit to our “net profit” variable” – MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane. Everything women find attractive in a man revolves around his strength, wisdom and their expressions/applications. 

To love is to value. We need values – our survival depends upon them. Simping is valuing the female’s virtue (beauty) too much. Which comes from a place of feeling low value towards oneself. According to Pook, the great respect men find in women is nothing more than a lack of respect for themselves. So, the root cause of simping, white knighting or any other of ‘those’ kind of behaviors is lack of respect for self. And respect for self is your reputation with yourself. If your feel weak and dumb, then your self-respect will be low and it’ll be hard not to simp because virtues invoke involuntary respect. And by comparison, her beauty is the most virtuous thing you can cling to since other virtues (strength and wisdom) are missing from your life. 

The Solution To Simping

Simply put the solution is for a man to develop himself so as to value himself more or as Rollo Tomassi would put it, make himself his mental point of origin. 

Develop your strength and wisdom which in turn will affect/upgrade your muscles, masculinity, mastery, money, etc. It is not easy path but also not as hard as one may think. Interestingly enough all those things are related to each other and putting in the work in one area usually transfers to the others.

To illustrate this point, let me quote an excerpt from Kelly McGonigal’s book The Willpower Instinct. “Exercise turns out to be the closest thing to a wonder drug that self-control scientists have discovered. For starters, the willpower benefits of exercise are immediate. Fifteen minutes on the treadmill reduces cravings, as seen when researchers try to tempt dieters with chocolate and smokers with cigarettes. The long-term effects of exercise are even more impressive.

It not only relieves ordinary, everyday stress, but it’s as powerful an antidepressant as Prozac. Working out also enhances the biology of self-control by increasing baseline heart rate variability and training the brain. When neuroscientist have peered inside the brains of new exercisers, they have seen increases in both gray matter – brain cells – and white matter, the insulation on brain cells that helps them communicate quickly and deficiently with each other. Physical exercise – like meditation – makes your brain bigger and faster, and the prefrontal cortex shows the largest training effect”. Just exercise alone has this much ripple effect. 

Another thing I highly recommend is reading. One of the reasons I am highly grateful towards Charles Sledge is it’s after reading his book ‘The Ultimate Alpha Collection’ that my desire to read spiked up. I highly recommend all men to read it. You see reading is basically taking in condensed thoughts of other wise men. Reading sharpens your mind. Reading non-fiction is the best. You will get wiser than your peers a whole lot faster if you start reading a book a week or two. 

I also recommend to develop your mastery. At the end of the day, a man is what he does. People won’t care who you think you are, they only respond to what you do. Your profession matters a lot not just in terms of income but your sense of self-worth. The more challenging and higher barrier to entry your profession has, the more you feel self-worth.

It is also important to keep in mind the true natural order, Patriarchy. The true natural order is patriarchy. When a man shifts from this mindset and becomes submissive to women, he goes against God and nature and end up hurting both himself and the woman. His own body aromatizes testosterone into estrogen and make him weak. His women (the unfortunate one) will be psychologically unhealthy. Simply, things turn miserable. 

Never Be A Simp Again

Last but not least, Have friends. Friends are important not only to have fun with but they also give you an outlet to your social attachment needs. A man with no friends is easily prone to simping since he views the woman as his “friend” too. Plus, even if you developed yourself in every facet of life mentioned about, you need people to share it with. The most important thing in life are other people.  

Finally, only strong men can stand against the decaying social order and turn it around. That’s why masculinity is seen as a disorder these days. Because it threatens the system. So, help your fellow men. A single hand can’t clap. You alone won’t defeat the societal degeneracy that’s increasing by the day. Before it gets too late, help other men by creating awareness so that heathy society can breed again. Be positive. You reap what you sow, what you give out comes back. That’s a fact whether you believe in God or call it karma.

Charles Sledge