A Morning Routine That Could Very Well Change Your Life

So I’m not big on hype and I don’t think that’s really a secret. You won’t find be pimping the latest crimson/chimpanzee/uber-alpha whatever supplements, you won’t find me telling you how your life isn’t complete without kratom, phenibut, or some other addicting substance (which I conveniently also sell), nor will you find me telling you that my way is the end all be all or that I’m never wrong.

However with all that being said there are certainly things that have made huge impacts on my life and therefore things that I want to share with you, so that you can also experience that same impact. The whole “miracle morning” craze went on not too long ago where if you would just wake up at 5 (or some other ungodly hour of the night) and spent 3 hours working before bed you’d soon find a cure for cancer, be a billionaire, and also become superman.

Obviously it was hype and craze, something the corporate world is always chasing (and ironically producing) however in all of that nonsense there was a very great core idea. And that is getting your day started on the right foot. I want you to imagine what if you could start everyday feeling 110%, feeling like you could just take on the entire world, and kick ass at everything you do?

Well keep dreaming because it’ll never happen. BUT (and this is a big but) you can do something that will maximize your chances of the above scenario happening as often as possible and where you can make it the norm and the majority of your mornings. And it all has to do with getting started right and setting a great morning routine.

The Morning Routine

Okay so here’s how this works. First off wake up at 3 A.M. only betas get up past then. Then take a nootropic stack of Charles Sledge’s Proprietary Uber-Alpha Xtreme Beta Destroyer Pussy Magnet Mindset Blend (yours for the cheap price of 49.99 per bottle (and 4.99 shipping and handling)). Then be sure to take your phenibut capsules combined with lots and lots of kratom. Only betas don’t spend half their income on kratom. Then…okay, sorry you get the point.

But seriously here’s how this works. First off I don’t recommend you getting up at some extreme early hour of the morning (literally 30 minutes earlier than usual is more than enough) as sleep is incredibly important to your mental, physical, and yes even spiritual wellbeing. To cut it out and reduce it drastically is a stupid thing to do. No, for this routine all you have to do is get up maybe 30 minutes earlier (if that depending on how you do it.)

Now I’m not sure about you but there’s one thing I do every morning without fail and while I’m doing this thing I try to read a couple of pages of a non-fiction book. Lately I’ve been reading books about storytelling and fiction writing and how they relate to the world around us (very interesting stuff) but if this is part of your morning routine then get some good non-fiction reading in to jump start your mind (I save fiction for later in the day).

Then next I recommend hoping in a cold shower for about five minutes. I know cold showers might seem like one of those cliche “be an uber-alpha” nonsense but they actually have a ton of benefits and are a great primer for your day. Plus they’re a great setup for the final part of this amazing morning routine. Also feel free to start the water temperature at lukewarm and work your way down. You just woke up you can cut yourself a little slack (as long as you do eventually get to the cold and are in for at least a couple minutes).

After that before you get dressed and ready I recommend sitting down and doing ten minutes of meditation, no more and no less. Just give yourself ten minutes to clear and focus your mind. Will this give you superpowers or make you into the guy from Limitless? No of course not. But it will works wonders for focusing you through the day and of course meditation has a host of other benefits as well.

By the way yes I absolutely Googled benefits of cold showers and meditation and including the first article I found. Trust me these things are great and you can do plenty of your own research if you wish.

Good Morning Equals Good Day?

Well no, plenty of shit happens during the day. But what this does do is get you started on the right foot and in the right direction, which when you think about it actually does a lot. Yeah, it’ll make you more productive, happier, and more accomplished but I think that it does more than that as well. That the sum is greater than the parts. You’ll have to experience this for yourself to find out what I mean but its a pleasant feeling.

So it’s a pretty simple routine. Couple of pages of a non-fiction book to get the mind going. A cold shower to wake up and prime the body while also healing and helping the mind. Then ten short minutes of meditation to get everything set in the right direction. Nothing extreme and nothing that’ll cost you even a dollar (cold showers might actually save you some). But things that’ll make a drastic difference in your life and especially with your mindset. So give it a try for a week and see if you can’t tell a difference (it may be more than you think.)

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge