A Hack That’ll Improve Your Life Ten Fold

Actions speak louder than words. You can tell what a guy values (or a girl) not by what he says or gives lip service to, but by what he actually invests him time and attention in. For example if a guy says he’s trying to be the best that he can be and become stronger, tougher, etc. and yet spends his time smoking weed, hanging out with losers, and playing video games you know that that guy is full of shit and not only lying to you but lying to himself. What a person actually values they will spend their time and attention on.

Which leads me to the “hack” that’ll improve your life “ten fold” and that is stop giving time and attention to things that aren’t worthy of it. While we can always get more money, improve our health, find another wife, have more children, and so on and so forth (not that these things aren’t important of course) one thing that isn’t replaceable is time. It’s our most valuable asset and where we spend it shows us what we truly value in our heart of hearts. Looking at how you spend your time will reveal just about everything about your heart, character, and who you are a man/male.

Stop Giving Time & Attention To Things That Don’t Deserve It

Here’s what I want you to do. Get a notebook and for a week straight record everything that you do with your time and be brutally honest. Only you’re going to see this and it’ll be worth nothing if you don’t honestly record. Feel free to burn/discard it after but record an honest week. So for example if on Tuesday you spent 2 hours watching porn and blazing up then record it, even if you’re ashamed of it. As I said this isn’t going to be effective if you aren’t honest with yourself. At the end of the week, tally up everything.

So for example maybe it was 6 hours gym time, 7 hours fighting, 10 hours writing, 10 reading, and so on and so forth (make sure to include sleep as well as every hour should be accounted for). At the end of the week tally it all up and see how you like what you see. Is it pathetic? It’s fine if it is, but that’s a signal that you need to get after it and change some things. Now I want you to think about the man that you want to be. Does that man spend his time in such a way?

So for example if you want to be muscular and strong do you think you’ll accomplish by spending only 3 hours a week in the gym (hint: no). If you want to be fierce do you think going to 1 hour of fighting a week will do it? Do you think you’ll have the energy and vigor you need by only spend 2 hours cooking and the rest eating take out? And so on and so forth. This also applies to things that take away from your life for example does the man you want to be spend 3 (or any) hours watching porn a week? And so on and so forth.

Things To Stop Giving Time & Attention Too

So maybe you’re not 100% sure exactly the kind of man that you want to be and that’s fine. The point is to spend more time doing things that will add to your development instead of take away from it. And that’s going to be different for different people. For example maybe you like to play an instrument or paint or something of that nature. Which is great and 100 times better than porn, weed, or the many other things that waste your time even though I myself don’t do it. So I want to make a quick breakdown of things to stop giving your time and attention to and then things to give your time and attention too.

Things to stop giving your attention too. There are obvious things like porn and weed, both aren’t doing anyone any favors but it goes beyond that. For example politics and “outrage addiction”, for example giving attention to what the craziest of feminists say (something the red pill does constantly) or what some insane politician says. Some things aren’t as critical as porn or weed but still should have very little time spent on for example TV, video games, as well as drinking. And it not’s just “things” but people as well. Loser friends should be dropped as they hold you back.

Things To Give Time & Attention Too

Now with all of that being said it’s not enough to just take things away without adding something else in (why so many fail to get rid of bad habits). So let’s talk about things to add in to your life. Let’s start with some essentials. Lifting weights (or working out of some sort), fighting (striking, grappling, combatives, shooting, etc.), and reading non-fiction books. Those are three things that really every man should be doing and serve fundamental functions of being a man. Same with eating right/getting enough sleep, bonding with brothers, making money, spending time with beautiful women/a woman, and having adventures.

But those are pretty broad so let’s break it down more. Doing anything that contributes to your bottom line (money made), for the most part is going to be a good use of your time. For example as mentioned above playing an instrument, painting, drawing, writing, or anything of that matter developing a useful skill is certainly a good use of your time. Skills can be hobbies (such as music) or “hard” skills (like copywriting, marketing, sales, or whatever directly correlates to your business and money earned). The luckiest obviously combine hobby and work but this can’t be all of us. And then masculine hobbies like hunting, fishing, riding, and things of that nature are good uses of time as well.


So all in all what you value is what you give your time and attention too. It’s wise to mark out where your time and attention is going and see if it’s inline with your goals and the man that you want to become. If not then you know that things need to change. There are certain things that you’ll need to cut out of your life and more importantly things that you’ll want to replace them with. Prune the bad habits and cultivate the good essentially. So take stock of where your time and attention is going and adjust as needed.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge