The Benefits of RAD-140 Testolone (SwoleAFLabs)

This is a guest post from Daniel of about the SARM RAD-140. Enjoy. I do not use SARMs myself nor recommend but I know there are those that want to learn about them. Always follow your state laws and regulations.

RAD-140 Testolone is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). Its current use is for conditions such as muscle wasting and breast cancer. 

SARMs are gaining a lot of recognition as of late. This is because SARMs work in a different way than that of steroids and prohormones. With any SARM, it will only target muscle and bone growth. Importantly, they will not mess with your hormone system.

With SARMs like RAD-140 Testolone, bodybuilders experience a boost in their gym performance. This is because SARMs are great for gaining lean mass and muscle strength. 

How Does RAD-140 Testolone Make You Feel?

RAD-140 increases your energy. From the very first week of the cycle, users experience increased energy and mental clarity.

The feelings you will get will attribute to you being able to work longer without getting exhausted. And if you are experiencing any mental confusion, RAD-140 Testolone will fix it. It is a “feel good” SARM.

During weeks 1 through 5, you will experience a spike in your libido. This will make you feel like a wild teenager again. This will not last past week 5 though.

The Benefits of RAD-140 Testolone

According to some users, RAD-140 is stronger than LGD-4033. And that is saying something. This is because LGD-4033 is stronger than pure testosterone.

In addition to this, RAD-140 offers some great expectations for your first Testolone cycle.

First, and of course, as stated above, it will increase your energy. This is great because it will get you motivated.

Second, starting in week 3, you will get the pumps without the water retention. This is awesome because your shoulders, traps, and biceps will look like they are twice the size. It is a beautiful compound. This, in turn, makes it perfect for fitness models and women as well.

Third, RAD-140 Testolone will boost your strength. These strength gains are impressive. This means it will make you stronger and faster! Testolone is at the top of the list on SARMs for strength gains.

Fourth, you will develop lean muscle. It is very effective for bulking. As long as you are eating enough, you will gain up to 10 pounds of mass. This can be accomplished in an 8-week cycle. 

RAD-140 Testolone will also make you intensely vascular. Even the most inactive veins in your body will begin to show.

And finally, RAD-140 stimulates fat loss. It is possible that this compound may be one of the only SARMs that has a spot-on relationship with lipolysis. This makes it quite effective in body recomposition.

Does RAD-140 Testolone Increase Testosterone?

Yes, it’s true. RAD-140 will elevate your testosterone levels. Studies have definitively found that RAD-140 will boost your testosterone. Users note that they feel all of the positive effects that link to higher testosterone levels. These are things such as a positive mood, an increase in sexual activity, as well as more power and strength.

Furthermore, studies completed by researchers at the University of Southern California, discovered that Testolone is much safer than testosterone replacement therapy.

The strongest SARM out there right now is RAD-140 Testolone. It is the closest in likeness to steroids without the dangerous side effects.

Undoubtedly, you can expect major changes in your body. You will gain a lot of lean mass while burning fat from your body so long as you abide by the proper use and dosage. 

There is not one SARM out there that compares to RAD-140’s strength. It is even appropriate for beginners!

What Can You Expect From RAD-140 Testolone

If you want to build lean muscle and access raw strength, then RAD-140 is definitely for you! 

RAD-140 really stands out when it comes to putting on mass.

Within the first 2 weeks, you will observe changes in your body composition. This can be accomplished even at doses as low as 10mg! 

The following 2 to 4 weeks into the cycle, your strength will improve greatly. You will be able to work with more weight. This alone will help you build even more lean muscle in this cycle.

Where to Get RAD-140 Testolone

So, are you ready to experience evident results in as little as 3 to 4 weeks?

When choosing a vendor, it is important to know who a reputable seller is. There are so many vendors out there. The bad thing is not all vendors are what they seem. Some will try to sell you a weak product. While others may try to sell you prohormones or even just take your money and scam you. 

That is not the case with RAD-140 Testolone by Swole AF Labs.

The great thing about Swole AF Labs is that they provide third party testing with individual lab results included on their website. They also provide a real, high-quality product. Not to mention, they offer an affordable price that won’t break your wallet. So if you are looking for RAD-140, check out Swole AF Labs, you won’t be disappointed.

Charles Sledge