The Matrix was a hit movie and for many reasons. While the dialogue is at times cringy (as well as some of the action scenes) much of the movie is spot on. The plot and pacing, the whole heroes journey thing, and perhaps more than anything else the theme of the movie. That things are not what they seem and that someone or thing somewhere is pulling the strings on our artificial existence.
Or something like that. Of all of the factors that made this movie a success I’d say the theme would have to be the greatest. For many years now (especially in the Western world) people have felt that something was a bit “off” even if they couldn’t put it into words or put their fingers on exactly what it was and is. This probably started sometime right after the medieval ages but probably goes back even further than that. That whole something being off about what’s around us.
For those that dig (and dig in the right direction) there are many truths to be found that can shake the reality of what one is taught by teachers, the media, politicians, and society as a whole. Truth is, as always, stranger than fiction. This isn’t just some cheeky saying but a fact of life. I think it’s safe to say that most people are becoming aware that we do live in a sort of matrix, depending on what the definition of a matrix is.
The Matrix We Live In
For the purposes of this article we’ll define the matrix thusly. The matrix is a structure created and organized by others to extract maximum value from individuals while giving them little to nothing in return. Like raising cattle or slaves. Except in this case we’d be the cattle/slaves. Now granted the people who run the show have gotten smarter since the “olden days” when these things were done by brute force.
Now they’re generally done through what would be called “social engineering” where using principles of human psychology to make people “willing” slaves. And much of the modern world is designed in such a way. The problem with this is that people can sense it on an intuitive level, even if they’re not the most perceptive people themselves. They feel that something is wrong. Resulting in feelings of unease or going as far as mental diseases (which we have plenty of).
But a person generally assumes that that’s just the way things are and nothing can be done about it (usually because this is what they’ve been told since day one). But this obviously isn’t the truth. Now you can’t overthrow an entire system by yourself but you can free yourself from such a system (as much as possible) and help others to do the same. There is a path to freedom for the few.
Breaking Free Of The Matrix
The first step with anything is simply to be aware of this fact. Things are not what they seem and the rosy tint that is plastered over everything is to hide the rot and decay that is underneath. But after awareness more must be done and activism isn’t necessarily the answer and can backfire just as much as anything. No, the next step is education and understanding. Understand how the matrix came to be and it’s purpose, if not it’s inevitability given human nature.
Understand the means of social control so that you can be cautious of them yourself. It’s like when I say everyone should have a basic understanding of sales and marketing if only so they don’t get conned themselves by such tactics. After awareness comes understanding that is gained through education and research. Then after awareness and understanding can come activism or freeing others from their chains, though this step has to be taken with caution.
First off activism can draw unwanted attention, not to mention without the awareness activism can look like a good many other things from crazy to annoying depending on the perspective. Some people need time before they’re ready for certain truths and some just never will be and that’s just the way that it is. Sometimes this is people we love, but such is life and existence.
The Importance Of Educating
Sometimes the best thing that you can do is just make others aware when you can. Lead them to awareness and let them take it from there. There are many different ways to do this. It was done on a grand scale with the story of Neo and The Matrix but can be done on a much smaller scale with a blog, a book, a podcast, or a million other things. You can have a voice in today’s world.
However you have to also understand how to share knowledge and get people to listen to you. Take a page out of the controllers playbook and understand how they work. How they make a message palpable and attention grabbing. Granted you’ll be doing it for much different (and hopefully more wholesome) reasons but the basic mechanics are the same.
Convincing someone to free themselves and convincing someone to be your slave for life are both based on the same basic fundamentals of human nature and how persuasion works. When the “good guys” neglect this knowledge they leave the world prey to those that don’t neglect this knowledge.
To summarize. Education leading to awareness is the way forward. Not shouting on the street corners, no preaching doom and gloom, not beating people over the head with things. Rather being smart and persuasive. Leading people to the water and letting them drink on their own if they want to but not much more than that. That is in my opinion how the matrix gets broken, if it ever in fact does.