Why You Should Watch Porn, Live In Your Parent’s Basement, Smoke Weed, & Play Video Games For The Rest Of Your Life

Let’s be honest, there’s no way you’re ever going to fix anything. I mean c’mon it’s not even worth it. The best and most manly thing you can do is stated right in the title. Self-improvement? Working hard? These are things the gynocentric order wants you to believe have an effect when they so obviously don’t. No the only rational option for males its to give up and give in. And let me tell you why.

All of this self-improvement, try to change yourself and the world around you stuff just never works. Tell me one time in history when a male doing something other than give up and give in has accomplished anything? Exactly never happened. Males weren’t created to fight! Again that’s the gynocentric order who thinks we’re just expendable pawns talking. You have to free yourself and this is the way to do it.

True freedom stems from being able to do whatever you want whenever you want, nothing more and nothing less. The more excess and “vices” that you give yourself over to the freer that you’ll be. Giving up and giving in is really a revolution and really you’re actually very brave for doing it, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise (gynocentric lies all of it).

Giving Up & Giving In Is The Masculine Way

True men don’t take responsibility for anything. After all responsibility is simply a tool used by others to control you. Here I’ll lay out a step by step plan to free yourself from all responsibility and become to badass free man you were always supposed to be. First off eat whatever you want whenever you want. Don’t be shamed by gynocentric body standards that says we all have to look like the guys on the front of romance novel covers. Obviously they’re losers who are controlled by women.

Don’t develop a hobby that’s what the gynocentric order wants you to do. Instead simply play video games. They offer plenty of dopamine without having to actually accomplish much. The ultimate creation and super freeing. Actual accomplishment in the real world is for suckers. You’ll be showing them by having way cooler virtual achievements. Built you own business? Hah! Sounds like a sucker to me buying into the order is you ask me.

Of course a free man has nothing to do with women. Women have absolutely no place in a man’s life (no homo). Women simply exist to trick and trap men who are suckers and do weird things like interact and talk with them (losers right?). Instead one should simply use tons and tons of porn to satisfy one’s sexual and relational cravings. Porn has no proveable side effects and is totally healthy my psychologist told me so. So use lots and lots of porn.

Beware The Self-Improvement Trap

Don’t be fooled by those peddlers telling you anything different from this. All of this nonsense about saving your culture, having respect for yourself, and all of that. That’s all gynocentric nonsense by dorks who are controlled by women. Real men watch porn, smoke weed, play video games, and live in their mother’s basements. Totally free. Totally men. Do anything else and you’re a sucker.

Plus by doing so you’ll actually be saving our society. See when males start doing the things I talk about above women will suddenly fall in line and all of our problems will resolve themselves. Pretty cool right? So yeah get off all that self-responsibility, taking a stand, actually having balls nonsense and do the ultra masculine thing and give up and give in. Only then will you be truly free.

Alright so obviously this is an April’s fool post. My first one and something I wanted to try. So no I have not gone crazy and no I don’t believe the above. Again just wanted to try something different. First attempt at this so hopefully will get better and better as the years go on. Hopefully you enjoyed.

Charles Sledge