How To Be The Man You Were Created To Be Or Embodying Your Ideal

While it may sound a bit cliche the truth is we were all created unique. As I have mentioned more than once we have all a unique song that’s been put in our hearts and that is unique to our own soul. It may sound a bit similar to others but in the end it is our own. What satisfies one person is not going to be the exact same thing that ultimately satisfies another person.

We were all brought forth from the ether for a particular reason. And until we start on the path to this particular reason we’re not going to be fulfilled. Sure we could spend our time chasing the things that society tells us that we want or that one part of our nature tells us that we want. We could chase a “stable job”, we could chase recognition by peers, women, money, power. But if it’s not that unique path then ultimately it’ll prove unsatisfying.

That’s why a man who lives as a king can be unfulfilled and a man who lives below a pauper can be as happy and fulfilled as can be (by happy I don’t mean a 24/7 happy state but just generally it is “well with his soul” so to speak). One is chasing after ghosts, after mists, that’ll never fill while another goes after what is solid and what his particular soul wants.

What Is Your Ideal?

With that being said there is a certain ideal that appeals most to each of us. What that ideal is, is going to be different for you than it is for me and it’ll be different than what it is for your father or grandfather or friends and so on and so forth. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be similarities just that ultimately everyone’s ideal is uniquely their own. But first we need to discover what represents your ideal even if only in a vague form.

Who are your heroes? Do you have heroes? What are your passions and hobbies? What books do you like to read? What stories appeal the most to you? What animates you and makes your soul “sing”? Do you like tinkering endlessly with things? Modifying and adjusting them to make them what you want? Do you like expressing yourself through art? Through physical movement? Both? Don’t limit yourself to any single thing.

And also understand that as a complete man you’ll have parts of all of these in you, what we’re looking for is the ones that resonate the greatest. For example for myself I love drawing and singing but fiction writing calls to me on a much greater level as far as art goes. Likewise I enjoy lifting weights as well as doing things like football and even pickup basketball games with friends. But combat sports is the physical activity that resonates greatest within me.

Acta Non Verba

Once you start identifying what your “ideal” is what that song in your soul is you then must take actions that move you closer and closer to embodying it each and every day. For me the “Warrior Poet” holds much appeal and is something I strive for each and every day. For you it may be something different or it may be something similar. You don’t want to just have an ideal in your head but then be the opposite of it in your life.

How many young boys read super hero novels but can’t lift a heavy rock or punch their way out a wet paper bag? Now obviously I’m not saying they have to leap over buildings with a single bound or that physical strength is the only component of it, simply stating you want to embody the ideal not just have one in your head.

This happens through taking actions that move you closer to that ideal each and every day. For example I’ll use mine of the “Warrior Poet” each and every day I’m “wordsmithing” either through writing for the site, actually making poetry, or writing fiction (I don’t count copywriting) and while not everyday more often than not during the week I’ll be attending a boxing/MMA/BJJ/Muay Thai class to refine that skill or maybe going to the range with a buddy. Just something to refine that aspect as well. Acta non verba meaning deeds not words.

Embody The Ideal

And sing the song that’s in your soul. Live it out in the world. Takes what’s on the inside and make it shine on the outside. Take what’s in your heart and embody it in the world, whatever that may be. Also understand that an ideal can change or even if the ideal doesn’t change the manifestation of it may change. One is in a very different stage of life as a young buck competing with the world and wizened grandfather leading those who come after him.

And so on and so forth. We weren’t created to simply consume more goods but to live an ideal and bring forth something into the world that is unique and “good” (from a cosmic and primal perspective). Something that is our own and representative of who were are and were created to be. Don’t waste a day doing something else, start embodying who you were created to be right away.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge