One Of The Best Ways To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

I know lately nerds have been making the roundup talking about how EQ or emotional intelligence isn’t a thing because it can’t be measured by IQ. But like most things the nerds are missing the greater point to it all. Sort of reminds me of the dorks who run around saying that the concept of an “alpha male” is “debunked” because the research done on it regarding wolves was wrong or something (I don’t pay much attention to them but you get the point.)

However again they’re missing the greater point. Who gives a shit about some scientist researching wolves we all know and can grasp the idea of an alpha male. Some guys are stronger and more successful and we understand what that means, that means alpha to some extent. Therefore the concept of an alpha male is totally valid to anyone with their head not up their own ass. Likewise with emotional intelligence.

It may not be as clear cut a thing as IQ (which can be shaky at times) but that hardly means that there is no such thing as people who are more emotionally intelligent than others. Also part of me wonders if the reason these groups hate ideas like alpha males and emotional intelligence is because they aren’t the first and don’t have the second. But that’s a topic for another time.

The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence

So now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s talk about the importance of emotional intelligence. To do so let me provide you with an example. Who does better in life (makes more money, attracts more women, has more connections, and so on and so forth) a good salesman or a good scientist? The answer is very obviously the salesman. A good salesman is generally someone who has a more highly developed EQ where a scientist is generally someone who has a more highly developed IQ (not that people can’t develop both if they put their mind to it.)

As humans we are social creatures that make our decisions based on emotions, we also have a bit of logic sprinkled into our brains as well. But we run on instinct and emotion and its instinct and emotion that controls the way that the world works. Those that know how to understand and manipulate (don’t look at that as a bad word) these emotions that control human existence are very obviously going to be able to do a whole lot more with advancing their interests.

Emotional intelligence is more important than IQ when it comes to having a successful and fulfilling life. This isn’t to say that IQ doesn’t have merit or any importance, of course it does. Rather this is to say that of the two EQ comes in a solid first and is something that you’ll want to develop to the best of your ability. Now of course some people are naturally going to have higher and lower EQ but there is something you can do to drastically raise it.

Raise Your Emotional Intelligence Sky High With This

And its something that I’ve been recommending for quite awhile. And that is reading fiction. Studies have shown that reading fiction (especially literary fiction) is great at developing something called “theory of mind” which is essentially your ability to read others, understand their emotions, and empathize with them. At first glance this may not seem like must but its really key to understanding the world around you.

When you read a fiction book you are analyzing social situations, people, and essentially life. Even if it takes place on a far away planet, during another time, or with people who aren’t actually people the process is the same. There is a reason that stories are so important for humans and one big reason is because they help us to understand one another and human society as a whole. Which allows us to then better navigate that society.

Reading has also been shown to help people deal with the uncertainty of life as well as make them better able to solve problems (and we’re talking fiction here, though non-fiction is obviously still recommended for other purposes). So if you want to better understand the world and people around you while sky rocketing your emotional intelligence then be sure to pick up a good fiction book.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge