Stop Being So Damn Nice

Now at first this may seem like a sort of “man-o-sphere” 101 type stuff but I mean it in a way that’s a little bit more nuanced and complex then the typical “be an asshole to girls to sleep with them” type stuff. Not that some guys don’t need a little more of that but just that, that isn’t what this is going to be about. No rather this is going to be about not being so nice to those that don’t deserve it. And no I’m not talking about those “evil wimminz” or whatever but rather in other facets of your life.

For example not only do “nice guys” (depending on what that term means) not succeed with dating and mating but they don’t succeed in business as well. Not this doesn’t mean go around being an asshole to all your customers than wondering why you’re broke it means don’t be scared to drop the hammer when the hammer needs to be dropped, even if it’s on someone who isn’t in the “enemy” group, whoever or whatever that may be.

Some Example

For example when running this site for the longest time I tried to be dimplomatic with the comments and emails that I got. This came from a background in business where “the customer is always right” and “being nice” (neither which are true or work). I rarely if ever told some to just “go fuck themselves” even when that would have been the right thing to say or what I wanted to say. My faulty business “training” (working a while in highschool at a fast food joint where you have to kowtow to the lowest human beings on earth) didn’t exactly prepare me to be a successful entrepreneur.

However this is often exactly what is needed. You have to “spill some blood” every now and then to keep things going right and in the right direction. It might be firing someone, it might be telling someone to go fuck themselves, or it might be calling someone out on their bullshit embarrassing them because you’re sick of it and it’s starting to jeopardize you. You don’t have to be nice to everyone in business to succeed. Especially not as CEO or as an entrepreneur. So when someone writes a comment that says “This is wrong and you shouldn’t think this way” instead of explaining yourself (unless of course it’s someone you know and that have talked with and can have disagreements but discussions with, that’s completely different, I mean a random passer by throwing shit) simply say “Fuck off” and be done with it.

Slam The Vampires

You don’t have to engage with them, slam them and be done with it. Your time and life is valuable. Some people just suck and are going to waste your time and/or destroy you if you let them and the only thing that you can do is slam them and be done with it. You can’t be diplomatic with everyone. Some people are just like that, they drain your energy and life. Things that are valuable to you and that you need. Some people need to see your fangs or see your use them to eviscerate before they’ll shut the hell up and fall in life and stop draining and annoying you.

This is just the way the world works and how many people work. I know we wish otherwise and wish that everyone would pull their head out of their ass but that’s just not going to happen unfortunately. Some times you have to yank it out for them and forcefully. Look be strong and be good but don’t always be nice. Some people are just so stupid, dumb, annoying, and low that they don’t learn any other way than getting eviscerated every now and then. Stop having so much faith in humanity and especially the sad excuse that is the average person.

Drop The Hammer From Time To Time

This doesn’t mean you have to walk around being a posturing asshole (great way to eventually get your teeth knocked in if you’ve ever been curious about that) but rather this means you need to snarl and flex and tear some throats out every now and then. Most people are dumb animals and therefore have to be treated like dumb animals to get to behave right. Yeah maybe that’s mean but more importantly that’s true. Again you have to drop the hammer from time to time to remind some people which way is up.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge