Review of Club Game by Aaron Sleazy

Night clubs have gotten a lot of hate recently and for poor reason. If you’re looking for a place to just get laid with some decent looking women who put effort into themselves then night clubs are a great place. But you have to know what you’re doing. In Club Game Aaron Sleazy breaks down how to pickup girls at night clubs and bars. Aaron runs the blog Getting Women With Sleaze (formerly Men, Women, & Society) and despite the name is far more honest and straightforward than 99% of the “pickup women” type guys.

In Club Game Aaron talks about his success at nightclubs and how to replicate them yourself. Aaron is also the author of Minimal Game which I reviewed recently. I like Aaron’s style as he’s a big fan of no nonsense practical advice. Not some uncalibrated nerd telling you to memorize scripts, wear eye liner, or other ridiculous nonsense. But instead focuses on the tried and true basics that most men ignore (and then wonder why they don’t have success with women). Aaron covers a lot of ground in this short but to the point book starting with why women go to clubs.

The Purpose Of Clubs

Yeah she get all dolled up with high heels, a tight dress, and her hair done to hang out with the girls. That might be what she tells her beta boyfriend but I’d expect you to know better. Aaron breaks down the real reason women go to clubs, to find a hot guy to have sex with (hot being a key phrase there). Aaron breaks down all the benefits of clubs as far as one night stands and hooking up goes, there aren’t really many other places that come close (spring break, vacations, and such but nothing you can do every week).

So then why do guys say nightclubs suck or are horrible places for picking up women? Well that’s because night clubs embody the basics of the Pareto principle to a greater degree. Instead of 20% of the guy getting all the girls in clubs the competition can be even higher. However when you stand out (something Aaron teaches you how to do in this book) then the tables change and clubs going from “sucking” to being one of the best places to get laid.

Never Be Average

Being average just doesn’t work when it comes to getting laid, whether at a club (where this is even more important) or in any other place. Most people make the mistake of trying to blend in and not attract attention to themselves. Aaron talks about developing your own unique taste and looks to stand out from the crowd. He talks about blending in your personality with what you wear instead of just following what everyone else is wearing. He also talks about being polarizing to the women you want.

So for example if you like biker chicks or hipster chickes or trendy chicks or whatever else to tailor your style to fit your personality and appeal to your “target demographic” so to speak. The major point is to not be average which I agree with 100%. Stand out in your own unique way (as well as doing some other things he talks about in a later section). And this starts with expressing your unique personality and standing out from the crowd.

Getting The Edge

The next part of the book talks about getting that edge and standing out from the average masses. It’s this edge that’ll bump you from little to no success to success on a more frequent basis. Aaron states “if you want to have one night stands, you basically just need to be there, have a somewhat distinct look, find a girl who is interested, and move the interaction forward” and if that “distinct look” is tall, jacked, and tan then it gets exponentially easier. One of my favorite quotes by Sleazy in the entire book is “Being unattractive for the very most part is a choice” and this applies to both men and women.

Now this obviously doesn’t mean everyone can be mister super stud but you can do things to maximize your looks (and if you like getting laid you absolutely need to do this, no ifs, ands, or buts about it). If you’re fat get fit, fix your personal hygiene, get a good haircut (I just get mine shaved and it looks great), and dress to impress. Aaron knows a lot about fashion and dedicates agood portion of this section to getting it right.

Aaron recommends adopting a stereotype as opposed to trying to follow fashion trends. Meaning rocker, jock, whatever and getting a basic wardrobe that matches that (and is a good fit for your personality). For example Aaron uses the skinny jean rocker type look while I personally would never dress that way (Aaron would probably say the same of my cowboy boots and polos as well though) point is find something that looks good on you and expresses your unique personality. Remember it’s about standing out and getting that edge.

Looking For Signals

One important part of taking women home (from anywhere but nightclubs especially) is noticing signals and screening for women that are interested in you. The whole talk to everything with a pulse is not only mostly a waste of time but also a great way to be seen as a loser as well. It’s much more effective to pick women that have a much higher liklihood of being attracted to you in the first place through the signals that they give you. Aaron talks about how he doesn’t talk to every woman in the bar but instead selects a choice few and has a much higher rate of success screening women who are interested in him.

This is the only way that makes sense to me as well. Aaron also talks about the importance of capitalizing on opportunities. An average looking guy who tries to make the most of all the opportunities he is given will have much more success than a good looking guy who is indecisive and expects the women to make all of the moves. And when in doubt Aaron advises going for it, the worst she can do is say no or ignore you in which case just move on to a woman who is interested. Aaron also talks about the importance of looking for a woman’s reaction when you approach her, as this will say more than her words or anything else as to how interested she is in you.

Club Game

There are some other great nuggets in here such as don’t be entertaining. Meaning don’t be the guy who entertains women yet never gets laid. Pretty girls are often easier and less bitchy than average girls who get hit on all the time. Conversation skills really don’t matter if a girl wants you then she wants you, you never converse yourself into getting laid. And if a girl isn’t interested in you or is only lukewarm then move on. At best you’ll get lukewarm crappy sex (and maybe a #metoo allegation if she feels like it later). Go after girls who are interested in you, saves time, effort, and is the best sex.

You won’t find any PUA nonsense in this book, it’s straightforward good advice. Get in good shape, dress in a way that expresses your personality, stand out from the faceless masses, find women who are interested in you, and go for it with them. Nothing fancy or complicated, but all stuff that works.

So if you want to start taking home girls from night clubs and racking up notches then get you copy of Club Game today.


Charles Sledge