Charles Sledge


  1. Men cant be men until they have the balls to stand up for their
    beliefs. Men today, even men my age are afraid to stand against
    the weak masses! For instance, you will never make me believe
    its okay to be gay or transgender, you will never make me believe
    that women are as strong as men.

    Men are afraid to be men, men care to much what other weak
    men say, instead of standing on their real values and principles!

    Its more than a trip to the gym that makes you a man, adversity,
    high standards, experience.

    If a man can’t support himself, he is not much if a man, if he
    bends over and takes it from society, not much of a man.

  2. I teach my son to be a real man. I don’t have time for crying or coddling with him. Hes 9 and if he wants sympathy, he can go to his mother. It is harsh, but I’m doing him a justice by not becoming his emotional tampon or adult friend.

    He is an MMA fighter and soccer player, smart, and social. Its crazy seeing him transform into a man by being shown how to think. I don’t demonize his masculinity, but embrace it and then he does the same.

    This is how we defeat the leftist feminist demons. Raising a traditional family. To do that, you need a real man to take charge of it.

    • You are helping you son tremendously. Most think that by being harsh it comes from a place of uncaring when it’s the opposite. We are harsh because we care. Just like a drill instructor showing no mercy to those under him. He does so not because he is sadistic but rather because he know the hell that the recruits under him will face one day and he is making damn sure that they are prepared for it. Great comment.

      • “We are harsh because we care. ”

        That is the best way to describe it. All the teachers I had growing up that I actually learned things from were male, and they were harsh. I want my children and all men to realize that you have to have the balls to fight in any situation. A person who is shielded from the harsh realities of the world emerges as a strange being. The real world comes in like a freight train, destroying their imagined reality and leaving them helpless.

        • Exactly. The government and others will protect women but a man unless he has a disability or something is going to be left out to get eaten by the wolves. He needs to be prepared for this so that he can survive and thrive.

          • Precisely. I was raised fairly coddled by overprotective parents and I can assure you, it did nothing to help me later in life. Fortunately, I was fairly rebellious and naturally tried to do things for myself and not rely solely on my parents to do everything for me, but there’s still quite a bit to deprogram.

          • At least you’re on the right path. That’s what matters most. A man who keeps moving forward will overtake those that started further on the path than him if they do nothing or are slow.

  3. Don’t get me wrong, i already completely understand that life, reality, society is NOT fair, i know that already, but just wondering, do you think it’s a human nature, instinctive natural thought or feeling to wish that life, reality was fair? or is that the result of wrong parental upbringing(as if a guy grows up being either spoiled or coddled by his parents too much growing up), certain childhood social experiences.

    Because i got this response from somewhere when i saw someone explaining to someone that life is not fair: “It is a very human thing to think that everything must be fair; that
    everyone should be given equal opportunities and that everyone should be
    rewarded equally for the same amount of work. But that just isn’t how
    the world works.”

    So makes me wonder, if its a natural, instinctive thought or wish, or if its the result of being socialized into thinking the wrong way, as what i said before such as bad parental upbringing or childhood social experiences.

    • You know that’s a good question. I don’t know that its a natural human inclination to want to believe that necessarily but its certainly a lie that’s pounded into us since birth.

  4. I m 22 years old and and i was rised as a beta…i bought your book the primer and i m doing all that i can to change my life..thank you charles

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