How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog by Bill Belew Review

How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog is a book about exactly what it says. How the author got over twenty million people to read his three blogs. While Bill’s blogs have little to do with masculine self-development (they are about Asian business). What Bill learned from creating his blogs has relevance for anyone who is trying to build a blog and an audience of their own. Bill is no slick marketer as a matter of fact he probably does some things that hard way but he does have the numbers to back up his methods. Granted that you are willing to do the work to make them work for you.

Bill is big on hard work, giving value, and putting in the work. I have to say it’s refreshing to see such an old fashioned way of doing things in the internet age. Which on it’s own would mean little but Bill has the data and statistics to back up that his methods still work. In How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog he lays out the road that he took (with multiple blogs) and some realistic goals and methods of achieving them. How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog was my inspiration for the Blog Yourself Rich series (along with some personal knowledge and other books) and is well worth a read if you are an aspiring blogger. So without further ado this is what you can expect to find in How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog.

The Reality Of Blogging

Blogging is in no way a get rich quick scheme. Even with a product that many people want and the slickest of marketing, it still takes time to develop. And to develop an honest presence by putting out good content consistently takes even longer (though worth it in the long run. Bill doesn’t shy around this, you have to put in long hours that will yield you little reward in the beginning. Truth be told at the start blogging has a horrible ROI, which if you give up or fail to produce unique quality content will never go up. Blogging like any business is filled with could have beens and failed dreams.

Bill has a chapter in the book titled “20 Questions Every Wannabe Good Blogger Must Ask Themselves” in this section Bill details what all blogging takes and how to tell if your up to it. Now if you at the point you’ve bought the book then you already know you want to blog but this chapter still serves as a good reality check. For example Bill talks about the most important aspect of blogging perseverance. Bill states in relation to questions would be successful bloggers must ask themselves

“Do I have perseverance? It takes time for a blog to catch on. The number one reason why businesses fail is because the business does not stay viable long enough for the idea to catch on. Imagine why blogs fail. The writer doesn’t stick to it long enough”

This is something that took me a little while to get especially after reading internet marketing and other marketing books where everything is geared for the short term. However now I understand this and echo Bill’s thoughts as do other intelligent writers. To be a successful blogger requires you to put in work day in and day out until your blog makes it. It’s as simple as that either your in one hundred percent or you’re not going to make it. Either you keep blogging until your blog catches on or you fail. There is no try only do.

What Does It Take?

Many wonder what does it take to be a successful blogger. Well like the above section says perseverance for one. But it takes more than just that. For one you must have quality content. You must give your readers value when they come to you. It is that value that will keep them coming back. Make such a huge impact on your readers, benefit them so greatly, that they have no choice but to come back to your blog. Because their life is so much better for it. Quality is extremely important when pursuing blogging success. Something Bill highlights in How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog.

Bill covers the basics of good blogging which if you’ve never been exposed to them are essential and if you have exposed to them are always good to be reminded of. He advocates for using pictures, putting in links to external articles, has a good title, has a long tail, and is shareable. Things that every blogger should check off as they write every article. These things combined with quality content are what take a blog from being something only a few read to a big time blog that gives values to millions and makes the blogger enough money to live off of.

In addition to this it also takes time. One of the best posts of the blog yourself rich series was based on numbers found in How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog. That post is the “Magic Numbers” post. In Bill’s book he shows his formula for getting thousands of readers everyday and the formula he used to get over 20 million people to view his blogs. That formula is relatively simple, write one thousand posts that are at least five hundred words long. Not revolutionary by any means but Bill includes statistics from all his blogs that show how the formula plays out every time. In addition to this Bill lays out the amount of time that blogs generally require to take off, which is well worth the twelve bucks to purchase the book.

How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog

Reading is truly amazing. Look at How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog. Bill spent years developing his formulas and testing what does and doesn’t work. What took Bill hundreds of hours you can learn in just a few. I know that sounds like some cheesy marketing ploy but that’s the genius of reading. It’s the truth. You can get easy what others struggled for. Now obviously this means nothing if you don’t sit down at the keyboard and get to work but you’ll save yourself lots of time reading the right resources. Of which How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog is one.

As Bill says in the book

“If a blogger wants to have several thousand visitors coming to their site daily, the plan is here. It’s not easy, but it’s not hard. The hard part is doing the easy stuff over and over again until it catches on”

Are you willing to put in the work. How close are you to post number one thousand? Not very? Well then get too it. Put in the work day in and day out and you will reap the rewards.

And do yourself a favor and pick up How Wilby Got 20 Million People To Read His Blog by Bill Belew


Charles Sledge