Members Only Post #107 – Banned Books

Wanted to take a couple seconds to point out a few things happening around us while at the same time talk about some life lessons that’ll help you get the most out of each and every day. Recently, well relatively recently Amazon has started banning books. This wasn’t something I was very much aware of until I saw that books by Kerry Bolton (one of the politically incorrect authors I recommend) were starting to get banned. I don’t have all of them but was looking to purchase another when I saw they were no longer there.

This prompted me to look more into Amazon’s practice of book banning. Now I know there are those who say “Well they’re a private corporation they can do whatever they want, if you don’t like it just go to another.” but that’s not quite how reality works. Stuff like this has society wide effects and I am more concerned with the development of people and a nation then worshipping corporations like many do. But anyways like I was saying, it prompted to me to take another look into things.

I saw that Amazon started with what they called “Nazi” books, now Nazi, much like racist is a word that doesn’t have much of a meaning anymore. It essentially means “person I don’t like” but even then if the Nazi’s are so dumb, evil, and awful as every Hollywood movie has portrayed them as, then why are their books so feared that they must be banned? It started with the “Nazi” books but where does that stop? How long before all “non-official” books are banned. The ban had me questioning the subject of the books, if there was some truth to things I had dismissed before.

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire

As a matter of fact it has me questioning all sorts of things. To me the truth doesn’t need to fear investigation. Now before you think I’ve gone all revisionist historian or whatever I’m not saying that. Most the books Amazon has banned are probably complete nonsense…but then why the need to ban them? Like I said it intrigued and confused me. I noticed what started with “Nazi” books is stretching out to any book that questions any part of the official narrative. “They started with the Nazis…” and all that.

Soon it’ll be any book that says chugging corn syrup isn’t the healthiest way to live will be banned. More and more any voice that dissents is labeled evil and banned. Yet to me that just makes these books irresistible to those that are seekers, those that are always looking, learning, and trying to find the reason behind things. If people were really worried about the awfulness of these books then the best idea would be to ignore them, not ban them. Banning them gives them power and intrigue. Every book on that list I look at and think “Why? Why was this book banned? Is there truth there that I never thought there would be?”

And as Amazon has a monopoly it’ll be very hard to find other books, like Google dropping sites that aren’t politically correct down the search engines. Libertarians and capitalists may say this is the best thing ever, but rational humans know its not. Abuse of power is abuse of power, things that are bad for the culture and populace are bad for the culture and populace. Whether it comes from the government, giant corporations, or other parasites. Then I start thinking how long will my books be on there? Granted they’re not popular, but if they ever start working their way through the ranks and come down to mine.

The Case For Curiosity

Now many of these banned books might be downright awful, complete lies and fabrications meant to deceive and mislead harder than you’re average news broadcaster. But the solution to that isn’t to ban them, it’s too ignore them. When you ban them you make thinking people think “Okay, what truth in there do they fear?”. I would encourage everyone to think about things, don’t take things at face value, and always seek out the why behind things. Always seek deeper, further, behind the mask of things. The search for truth is one we should all be on as men, as humans.

Granted this will often lead to some ugly places, and some places we never want to go back to. The search for truth will lead you dark places, places hidden away. But its always worth it in the end. Like I’ve said before the truth will set you free, but only after it horrifies you to your core. But back to the banned books. When someone bans something it makes me think they fear it and they fear some truth contained with it. So when I look through these banned books I think “What truths are contained there?”. My curiosity is piqued. I also think its funny that those advocating to read banned books, for example ALA, wouldn’t touch any of these books with a 50 metre pole.

Making me even more interested in them. I’ll provide the list at the bottom of the article so you can check them out yourself, maybe pick one up from a third party book seller if possible. Especially if they’re on of the ones from the authors I recommend above. Think for yourself, and reading banned books is a good place to start. Sometimes the books are downright awful or sick as banned books I’ve read in the past have been. Other times you’ll find truths that those in power don’t want you to know. Either way you come away knowing something knew, having learned something. Here’s the list provided by a site called Unz. I’m going to flip through it and see if I can get Bolton’s and if not I’ll buy another. Because I’m curious and I want to know. I recommend you do the same.

Charles Sledge