3 Health Hacks That I’ve Been Using To Build Muscle, Sharpen My Mind, & Live Healthier

Health can be both a simple and complex topic depending on how you look at it. It’s simple in that essentially just get as close to natural living as you can, what we would’ve been doing when our bodies evolved and you’ll be good. Eat natural foods, exercise, spend time in the sun, sleep with the cycle of the sun, and so on and so forth. But then at the same time its complicated because there are a myriad of ways to go about doing all that.

However there are some principles that hold true across the board and can help you achieve the health goals that you want to accomplish. Here I’m going to go over three simple little things I’ve been doing that have made a big difference in my life recently. None of them are anything big or unheard of, they’re all simple things that I’ve mentioned before.

But sometimes its takes multiple times hearing something or being told things in different ways before they start to click. So let’s get into it.

Health Hack #1 – Organ Meats

Most people turn up their nose at organ meats, and that’s unfortunate. Organ meats are some of the most nutrient dense meats in existence. As a matter of fact for many hunter gatherer tribes organ meats are considered the “main” meat and muscle meat considered the excess meat which can be thrown to the dogs at least in part. Some of the most popular meats are liver, kidney, and heart of beef, lamb, and deer. I try to mix it up as much as possible.

I try to have liver twice a week and then another organ meat another time during the week. So maybe liver on Monday, gizzards on Wednesday, and then liver again on Friday. But I’ll mix it up depending on what’s available. Depending on hunting availability, what’s at the store, and what’s on sale.

Regardless you can’t say you’re serious about your health and hormones if you’re not eating organ meats. They’re the best meats out there and you’re missing out on a ton of nutrition if you’re not including them in your diet. So get yourself some liver and dig in.

Health Hack #2 – Meditation

Meditation does a lot of good, at least when used properly. I’m not saying you have to spend hours chanting or anything like that. Simply taking 5-10 minutes to clear your mind daily can pay off big dividends. All you have to do is focus on your breathing for a little bit each day. Breath in for five seconds, hold for five seconds, breath out for five seconds. Count in your head how many you’re doing.

Get to fifteen. That may not seem like a lot but its enough to make an actual difference in your brain and train it to be calm and centered. Sometimes I’ll do this before a workout or before going to bed. It helps me get to sleep and get good quality sleep, plus its good training for my brain. You don’t have to have any special equipment and the benefits are huge.

Just find 5-10 minutes a day and meditate. Check it off day by day. Don’t freak out if you miss a day, just pick it up the next. Sort of like working out. Consistency is huge, however it’s counterproductive to freak out if you miss a day. Meditation helps to clear your thinking, calm your fear and anxiety, as well as make you more focused and present in the moment. And those are things I think all of us could use.

Health Hack #3 – Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene

When it comes to health you have three major areas that you can focus on. Diet, exercise, and sleep. Of them all sleep is the one that is most neglected. After all sleep is something you have to make an effort to do, after all you do it most every night. But just because you’re going to sleep every night doesn’t mean you’re getting good sleep or making the most out of everything that sleep can do for you.

Sleep is important for every process in the body. Want to lose fat? Then get good sleep. Want to have more mental clarity? Get good sleep. Want to gain muscle? Have more drive? Produce more testosterone? Have less anxiety? Sleep, sleep, sleep, and more sleep. With such importance that sleep plays in your health its crazy we don’t invest more in doing it properly.

So what’s good sleep hygiene? How do we make the most out of our sleep? First off you want to get off electronics and hour before bed. Second you want to make sure your room is as cold as it can be, as well as dark. Aside from comfort you want your room representing a cave as much as possible. I’d also recommend investing in a decent mattress. This doesn’t mean expensive, just one that works for you. After all you spend about a fourth to a third of your life on the thing.

3 Health Hacks That’ll Improve Your Life

I’m not saying these things are going to radically change your life, though they might. But what I do know is that if you implement them, they will improve your life. And that’s worth a lot. After all, life change comes out by making little changes here and there. It is those little changes that’ll add up over time to become something great.

Like a completely changed life.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge