Why Mindset Matters

Man’s greatest limit is his own mind. What he thinks is possible and what he thinks isn’t possible. A man’s mind and therefore his mindset is his greatest indicator on his quality of life. Bar none. His circumstances, his environment, everything can be overcome with the power of his mind. Does this mean that it’s easy? No, not at all nothing worth doing is easy. It means that its possible and that for a man who conquers his mind anything is going to be possible.

There have always been outside threats and less than ideal situations on society. Nothing ever goes perfectly even in the best of times. However regardless of whatever situation men have found themselves in they have found the strength to overcome and come out better for it. Whether it was war, economic depress, being crippled, or anything else. There are men who have overcome every situation.

Whining Never Helps Anyone

It’s a bit ironic but often many “men’s” websites cry more about society and situations than the majority of pop sites and sites geared for women. Men have been taught that they are poor victims and should be bitter and whine and complain to fix things. But this isn’t going to do jack shit other than make a man look pathetic. Just like there is no place for weakness in a man’s life there is also no place for negativity.

When men adapt the mindset of a victim they become powerless and become things to be acted upon as they lose their will to fight and act by themselves. A victim mindset is cancerous to men (and anyone really). It should never be tolerated. It shouldn’t be tolerated in yourself and it shouldn’t be tolerated in other men around you. This isn’t the worst or best time to be living, but it doesn’t matter because it is when you are living. Whining about how things are and how they are supposed to be doesn’t solve anything. It dis-empowers you.

Embrace The Hardship

The mind is the source of your life and the quality of your life. Get it in check and everything else falls into place, let it run you and nothing will ever fall in place. Your masculinity, attracting women, attaining wealth, living a fulfilling life, these things all stem from a correct healthy mindset. One founded on truth and positivity, not anger and lies. This is a “secret” that has been know since the beginning of time and passed down from wise man to wise man.

Look things may suck, your life may be in shambles, but you need to fight against throwing in the towel and giving in to weaker emotions. Unless you never want to make any progress. When things are painful keep going, you’re a man. You may get angry, this is understandable. But the fact of the matter is, there is no option B. Well unless you include sitting around and bitching to be a viable option which I don’t and neither should you.

Mind Is The Master

Your focus should be clear focus on attaining the right mindset. If you are unsure on how to go about doing this check out Mind Is The Master a entire book about conquering your mind, which is the first and most important thing that a man must conquer to get the most out of life and truly live as a free man. Without conquering the mind you will always live at the level of a sheep or slave. You will never rise above to the level of greatness. You will never fulfill you full potential.

Your anger, bitterness, or rage may give you comfort but it is poison in the end. In the same way that porn or drugs give comfort to the addicted yet screw them in the end. Learning to let go and embrace something greater and better is a very important process. One that takes time and effort. Nothing happens on its own, not for men at least. Men must create what they want in this world. They must bring things forth from their minds and fantasies into reality. That is how the world has been shaped, by the minds of men.


Get rid of negativity, rage, bitterness, hatred, and any other weak emotions that control you and hold you back. Focus on yourself and bringing your mind to heel. To make your mind serve you as it should instead of you being it’s servant which leads to a wasted life. The mind is the birthplace of all else. Conquer it and the rest will follow. Like taking out the kind of an enemy nation. The ripple was have its effects on everything else. Of course your mind your ally not your enemy but you get what I’m saying.

No one said this is going to be easy but honestly as a man you need to get used to embracing hard things. Of course once you start embracing hard things it is only a matter of time before what once was hard becomes easy. It’s shocking what is considered hard to the average person, especially now. Something being hard is relative based on your experience. Working twelve hours days in nothing to men that have been in war and so on and so forth. Not saying to go to war but simply to embrace the hardships that come your way and overcome them like men should. It isn’t easy but it is worth it.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge