“Get 16 Of My Finest Works For The Price Of 5”
There is a lot a man must master to become master of his world and king of his domain. This world will challenge a man in multiple ways and he must be ready to meet every challenge. He must be able to overcome all that is put in his path. He must master his mindset, money, women, violence, and his own masculinity. He must understand how the world works and what he must do to not just survive but thrive in it. Most men are thrown into this world without any direction. If anything they are given lies that will only lead them to destruction. What they need is a manual and encyclopedia of true living to help guide them in their journey through life.
That is what The Ultimate Alpha Collection is an encyclopedia of red pill knowledge to guide men to be the greatest they can be. It is for those that want more out of life, that don’t just want to be another cog in the machine but rather rise to something greater and better. For those that want to be leaders and masters of their world. Men who internalize and use the knowledge contained within this collection will go further and farther than the average man. They will stand head and shoulders above the masses and be a man, a true man, among weak imitations of various types.
This the manual for men who want to master their lives and get their shit in order. Time is too valuable to waste and this collection will ensure that you never waste another second. But rather that your life becomes a great quest to develop yourself as far as possible and to have the impact that you want to have in this world while getting what you want from it. To be the strongest man that you can be. The Ultimate Alpha Collection contains everything you need to become the man you always wanted to me and master every area of your life. From money to women to masculinity to survival and more. Master every area by applying the knowledge and wisdom contained within The Ultimate Alpha Collection.
What Makes This Different Than Every Other “Alpha” Book?
First off this book is about far more than sleeping with women. Sure you’ll learn all about that and be able to sleep with the women you want with the knowledge in this book but that is just one small piece of the entire puzzle. This is about far more than women and your sex life. This is about becoming the best man that you can be, for yourself. It’s about developing your strength to new heights that you never thought possible. It’s about deep and old knowledge that have allowed men to accomplish great things throughout the centuries. It’s about becoming the best that you can be. Alpha is a word that signifies this to many men, even if the word has been abused.
You’ll learn that strength is the only thing that matters in this world and how to develop it to the best of your abilities. If you’re strong you’ll thrive if you’re weak you’ll perish. This applies to every area from the physical to the mental to the spiritual. Weakness in any area can and has been the undoing of many a great man. This book is about being strong in all areas and becoming the superman Nietzsche talked about. It’s about ascending to the next level of existance.
It’s about rising above. This is so much more than a book about “game” or even “red pill”. It’s about masculinity in every facet and in it’s fullness. To be a man and all that it entails. This is the book men need in this time, the knowledge here will change the lives of men if they digest and apply it. This collection is about starting a revolution of masculinity to sweep across the world and bring it into a new age. A age of masculinity, of strength and honor. But that age will never dawn without strong men combined with the knowledge in this collection.
The Encylopedia Of Masculinity
For those that have forgotten, for those that were never taught, and for those that want to stay the sharpest that they can be. This collection has been years in the making. It’s over 2,000 pages and almost 400,000 words (you read that right) of my best information all geared for men to get the most out of life. Here is the basics of what you’re about to learn in The Ultimate Alpha Collection.
- The Primer – My step by step guide to jump starting your masculine development journey. It lays out a 21 day program to get you started in the right direction doing the most important thing you can, taking action to improve your life. You’ll learn the habits that make for a masculine man and fulfilled life.
- Become A King – Next is my guide to becoming the king you were meant to be and claiming your throne. This journey starts in the mind but then permeates to every facet of your being. Claim your throne and be the king you were born to be.
- Mind Is The Master – A man who has his mind working for him can overcome any obstacle likewise a man who’s mind is his own enemy will never accomplish anything no matter what advantages he is given. A man must learn to master his mind to get the life that he wants. This tome will show you how this is done.
- Man Up – Strength above all. Learn what it takes to be a masculine man in a weak, effeminate, cuckolded culture. Learn the ancient ways of strength and honor. Learn to rise above and become the superman that man was created to be. This will be the shot of masculinity that you need.
- The Outlaw’s Handbook – The social order is against you. It wants you to be a weak slave. Your true path lies in freedom and embracing the outlaw’s ways. You must follow the path of the wolf who lives for adventure, kind, and freedom. Break free from the herd and rewild yourself joining the ranks of men before you.
- To Be A Man – There are certain things that every man must master this book lays them out in a simple format. It explains the primal roots of manhood and what every man is called to be. Filled with politically incorrect knowledge about being a man. This book is designed to put the hair back on your chest.
- How To Get Girls – Now for women. Tons of fun but greatly over valued. Find out how to get the sex life you want with the women you want while at the same time not making woman your sole purpose in life. A true man never lives for a woman or women he lives for himself and his masculinity. Find out exactly how to get girls and how being a masculine man is the number one way to do this.
- Understanding Women – Society would have you believe that women are unknowable creatures. This is a lie designed to keep men in the dark. This book lays bare who and what women are all about. The smokescreens vanish and you will see the truth in stark nakedness. It may not be pleasant but the truth indeed sets you free. Learn the truth about women in this book.
- Be A Man, Get The Girl – Testosterone, the God hormone. And the basis of a man’s success with women (as well as every other facet of his life) foolish games and tricks will get you mediocre success with mediocre women. Being a man will get you lots of sucess with gorgeous woman. Learn why the basis of attraction between the sexes is about a man being a testosterone filled real man.
- How To Be A Good Bad Boy – A bad boy is simply a good man. Not good in the slave morality sense but good as in he is manly. And this is why women go crazy for the bad boy, because a bad boy is a man. Learn why the bad boy has so much success with women and how to develop these masculine traits within yourself taking your masculinity to a whole other level.
- How To Be Successful – A man must also master the world of business and money. But first he must master himself. He must master his mind and learn the skills and principles needed to be successful in this world. This book is the guide to do so. Learn the secrets of the successful and what makes them so. Far beyond a self improvement book this book teaches the tools that the successful use to get ahead of the pack and then stay there.
- How To Make Money – Money makes the world go around and is the basis of freedom for a man. Even if one detests business one must still learn the much need skills of marketing, sales, and how the human animal works. These skills will give one success with money and in life. Learn how to succeed in the world of money with this book.
- Might Makes Right – Learn the truth about how the world and power works. Far from being about fairness and morality in this world one can get one they can gain through their might. As far as nature is concerned there is one virtue which is strength and one vice which is weakness. Learn why this is so and how to become the predator instead of the prey.
- How To Fight – What use is all this knowledge if you can’t throw a decent punch. Violence always has been and always will be a part of our world. Ignoring it is a guarantee you will become a target. Weakness invites destruction. Learn how to throw a punch, where to hit someone for greatest effect, and a whole hell of a lot more.
- How To Stop Watching Porn – Porn, so many men’s Achilles heel. Sure we could sit here and pretend doesn’t have that big of an effect on our manhood but we know deep down that it does. Porn is pathetic and effeminate for a whole host of reasons explained in this book as well as how to break free from the destructive weakening spell of born and reclaim your manhood in the process.
- How To Raise Your Testosterone Naturally – Testosterone the very hormone that makes you a man. Getting your testosterone as high as possible is goal number one in reclaiming your masculinity. In this book you will learn all the natural ways to raise your testosterone to it’s peak so you can dominate life.
What Others Are Saying
But don’t take my word for it, here are what others had to say about The Ultimate Alpha Collection and the books contained within.
“I am in my early thirties, I finished two colleges and ended as a lowly wage slave, my mother is dying of cancer for the last half a year, so at home I act as a housewife/nurse which is very demeaning for me as I am not used dong “female” jobs, and I pretty much withdrawn from dating as I always started as somewhat dominant, but girls would eventually tame me (I don’t need to tell you how it would end).
To not put a boring novel of my last 10 years, I found myself in a situation worse than death, slowly dying through mediocrity. You might think that mediocrity is not bad as a real tragedy, but you would be wrong.
Living a mediocre life is slowly killing your spirit, self-respect and vigor, basically sucking your soul through a straw. Tragedy on the other hand can forge you into a warrior or its brakes you (unfortunately, most people break).
In my case, when I get it too bad to be bearable, I started to break. I was frustrated, depressed and accepted misery as default modus operandi.
I was so unhappy to consider suicide as soon as my mother depart, but then by chance I stumbled on “You Must Travel Through The Abyss Before You Can Soar To New Heights” essay from Charles Sledge. It was the most inspiring essay I ever read. It awaken my fighting spirit, will to survive & thrive and gave sense to my pride (I never lost my pride, but it has degenerated in form of self-pity).
The essay gave me a boost of confidence and purpose, and then what free time I have didn’t waste on movies & series, but started reading the rest of Charles blog.
I have read much in my life (from Aristotle, Seneca, Machiavelli, Nietzsche and so on… and of course Conan Barbarian) so many of the concepts were not new to me, but I never put them into action before. Knowledge without action is impotent (Charles have excellent essay on this topic as well).
So how did Charles help me? Charles inspired me to become warrior in this “Age of Decadence”, he is well read and wise enough to apply the eternal truths in today’s circumstances.
Charles provides an excellent mindset needed for a modern warrior (trust me, even if you don’t agree with most today’s BS values & policies, they have still infected you simply be living a modern male) to adapt, as all other changes start with the mindset. Just by changing mindset, I got more respect from people, girls started to get aroused around me and probably most important, I don’t feel sorry for myself & get depressed, I have renewed life force and ambition to do something about my life. I started to train again (after a very long time), dropped bad food and started to consider business opportunities. Several friends told me that I have new vibe/energy and get a very positive response from most people, and hopefully, it will get even better.
Become a “Man” and rest will fall in its place.
Charles blog was very educational for me, many life concerning topics are covered
I also read many recommendations of “Weekly Roundups” which offered new topics and outlooks to explore.
You could say that Charles was “carbon” in my life, making a crucial impact to turn heated iron to steel.
So if you are aware that you are not living Man’s life of greatness and pride, but you are willing (not just like to) to change that, Charles Sledge can help you. In today’s world where our fathers failed us (at least, most of us), Charles is the next best guide.
Rise to challenge! Don’t just admire heroes, struggle to become one or die trying (still miles better than a life of mediocrity). Thank you Charles for inspiring me to become a greater man, I hope that you continue to inspire more man to become heroes that this age requires to slay modern dragons and giants.”
-F.M. from Croatia
“Dude this book has been showing me all the ways I’ve been fucking up…
I bought it 2 weeks ago and haven’t been able to put it down.
I’m in my late twenties and have done pretty well with finances, women, and lifting but always felt like I was at 1/100th of my potential.
I know I’m gonna become a way better man after applying all the gems of knowledge you’ve shared in the book.
I’m a big believer in your philosophy that “applied knowledge is power.”
Which led me to a whole lifestyle change…
Things I’ve started applying while reading the book:
– Signed up for boxing last week
– Created a diet that’s focused on maximizing T while lowering estrogen- 10xd my income goal from 120k/yr to 1m a year (kinda scary but I know it can be done)
– Implemented daily habits that’ll move me closer to my long term goals such as the affirmation techniques, approaching women, and reading books regarding marketing and sales (your claws and weapons for the business world)
But the biggest takeaway I’ve implemented is learning about copywriting.
I immediately bought your copywriting book and have started writing out sales letters every day while furthering my knowledge on the subject as you’ve advised.
I even made an Upwork account – applied massive action (sent like 10 proposals this weekend) and landed my first copywriting client today!
Now I’m implementing the act of “reaching out” like you mentioned in your How to be Successful book.
Charles, my question is what’s the best way to go about a freelancing copywriting career?
You’ve convinced me that the potential for the skill is unlimited and I’m going to have to master it if I wanna hit that 1 million/yr goal.
I would appreciate if THE MAN himself could give me just a few words of wisdom since i’ve learned from you that time is my most valuable asset and would hate to waste anymore… I feel like I’m already starting kind of late.
I know this email is a little long but I appreciate the book you’ve written and also just wanted to say Thank You!”
-Laz from L.A.
“Hello everyone
So i started reading charlessledge.com in november of 2017
Actually i was working on embracing my masculinity and searched for it online which returned his website
I started reading article one after one and some stuff was so bad at least compared to what I’ve been told my whole life , like about women and world , but still kept reading
After some time, I ordered his ultimate alpha collection, which was basically all his books.
First one, the premier which i would say should be gifted to every guy before he turns 18 is awesome book that would open your eyes. It has chapters about good and bad habits ,jobs,women and lot more. It is designed as a 21 day read which will give you practical steps to actually change your life not some inspirational quotes or motivation.
After that i read other books about becoming a man, money,women,testosterone, being outlaw all were real gems compared to what i paid for it . After you read all his stuff you get your basics covered , now move on and read more and keep working on the knowledge you accquired.
Following his advice can turn you into a wise man others respect, women respect and yearn for and who enjoys life to the fullest and leave a legacy behind.
When i started reading his atuff about women, i saw a lot of women attraction but this one story that blew away my mind was a girl in my college out of nowhere came in my class, sat behind me and started taking to me like we are old friends.
Don’t forget that i was a virgin for 26 years of my life.
Something strange that happens everyday is random people asking me for advice, young guys asking me questions about things they are having problems and i feel like crushing every part of my life.
A lot of old women have commented that i am wise . One of them even insisted me to say thanks for being said wise , as i was being humble.
If all of these things look great to you and as you have only one life and you want to live it fully, go and order the whole package and please say thanks after you have changed your life.”
-J.S. from Toronto
“Hello Charles,
I have been reading your work for a few days now. I also want to mention that I briefly looked into Paul Waggener and Jack Donovan. I did not see it as interesting as your work, my friend. Man , I can not describe my experience with your work. It is absolutely great and I wish I had read this book like 10 years ago.
Although, I feel like I am not completely in the beginning of transformation towards the real man. I am somewhere like 60% ready, but was always missing those 40% but to be honest did not know where and how to get them. Now I know… from your book.
It is so great to read and then feel..oh that is exactly me…in some chapters. Man I really admire you now…so much knowledge, and also as English is not my first language it is very easy to understand. How did you get all of this knowledge, I wonder.
Listen, I started to lead my wife little more and I noticed she likes it…she smiles and looks like want to fuck me…hehe. I proved to myself it is not bullshit but it is exactly as it is.
Man thank you for sharing all this.”
-Pavol from Slovakia
“Hi Charles,
I wanted to take this time to personally write to you and just say Thank You
I purchased your Ultimate Alpha Collection about a month ago, and have already read it over 3 times.
This collection has single-handedly, been the greatest piece of literature I have ever read in my life. Better than any self-help book or non-fiction book in general I have ever gotten my hands on.
I am fortunate to have come across your works and truly believe that the education and knowledge I receive from your books is something I severely lacked as an adolescent growing up.
A bit about me: I live in Toronto, Canada and I am from the Sikh (Punjabi) culture. I really had no strong masculine role models growing up and was a shy young man. Not using that as an excuse, but I do believe that hindered me in a lot of ways. I am now 29 years old approaching 30, and your fine work has really changed my outlook on life. It has given me renewed vigour, confidence and purpose as I endeavour to pursue true freedom. I spent a majority of my 20’s confused about my purpose, masculinity, and women. I knew something was wrong as I plunged into bad habits, depression and numbness. I decided to be more decisive and take massive action towards fixing what it was that was eating away at me.
I first began to unplug a few years ago by reading the Rationale Male and its been no looking back since then. Now with this Coronavirus happening, it made me really think about what you have been saying about taking up hand to hand and armed combat. It is true, we can never get complacent and assume we are safe
You are doing good work and I thank you, you’ve changed my life and potentially saved me.
I hope you and your cherished loved ones/brothers are doing well during this crazy time”
-Shawn Gill from Toronto
“Hi Charles,
I just felt to let you know the progress for me so far reading your book..
I am at pg 520 as of this morning and it is amazing… I am reflecting and thinking on every single page so far…
I have already started writing my goals, gratitude in the morning, Irrational self-confidence_self-talks, etc. .. I am feeling super powerful already.
I am working out heavy 3 times per week also… I also do sprint runs atleast 2 days/week… I am imagining and visualizing myself as a great man. And I am feeling it.
There is this feminist here( he’s male) and we almost got close to a fight the other day… I said “women are insecure and they need attention for validation” and he lost it.. saying only low self-esteem women need attention, etc and all other politically correct crap… the extent how deep the society is brainwashed is crazy.
Ethiopia was pretty conservative Christian country for millenniums. But now, even the new gov’t (Dr. Abiy, the noble peace winner) has made half the cabinet women. And it was simply a feminist move as there were many more experienced qualified men. Everywhere on TV male feminists are praised and depicted as a true role model to follow… Anyways atleast we don’t have the other liberal bullshit seen in america and western europe..
Anyways my man, I just thought to let you know that I see your book (&ur site) as a good moral compass in this lost age.
Keep up the good work!”
-Alazar from Ethiopia
“Just wanted to leave a quick, i bought the ultimate alpha collection, and i fucking love this guy. Good to know some people with their sanity still intact exist. Thank you for doing what you do. The book is truly 1000x worth what ur paying.”
-Hashim Khan
“I’ve learned a lot from reading Charles writing in the past two years. It has made my life x10 better; because I took action with his knowledge. His writing puts fire in your ass to take action; if you want to live the life you want. He will go over and beyond to help if you have questions on anything. He gave me golden advice on how to improve my website. What you’re getting from this membership is easily worth $100 or more. Charles care genuinely care about you succeeding and living the life you want.”
-Larentay Walker
“Wanted to just a leave a quick thank you.
My life has drastically changed for the better ever since i started reading your articles, and then i bought your books which was one of the best decisions i’ve made.
I’ve learned to be stronger, smarter, more productive and a better human being in general. And my integrity dosen’t feel futile anymore.
Now I’m growing and my life is improving because of stuff that you’ve taught me, and i’ve been achieving alot of my personal goals, and i’ve got you to thank for that. (And myself obviously).
You helped me out of the miserable path society and mainstream media had set for me, and taught me a better way. Taught me not to trust the mainstream media, (like my gut always told me), taught me alot of stuff that set me on the path of improvement, and helped me improve, clearing up some of the lies i had been fed, and then most importantly taught me to keep improving, to read and keep growing.
Use it as a testamonial if you’d like, that’s the least i can do.”
-Comment From Guest/Anonymous
“Charles helped me tremendously in forging my masculinity, giving me no b.s. dating advice and self-development tips. I am clearly seeing improvement and big changes in my life following his tips and recommendations, getting more confident and successful following his advice and reading his material. For men who want to improve in any area of their life I really recommend reaching out to him, reading his books and his topics, becouse they are written by a very bold and experienced man who knows what he is talking about.”
-Zsolt From Eastern Europe
“Charles has some brilliant insights into women and life. I was totally blinded to the reality of women. I tried what he recommended, and it worked like magic with women. This is like having a superpower!”
-L. Green
“The book was awesome. I couldn’t put it down I read it in 2 days. I was always mr nice guy. I wasn’t a push over but I didn’t want to hurt a woman’s feeling for nothing. If I did I would always apologize even if I wasn’t wrong. This is my second marriage. Once I read the book I see why my first wife cheated on me and had an affair. I was mr nice guy. I only would put my foot down when I got mad. My new wife loves me but I couldn’t not figure out why she would do the stuff she did. She didn’t cheat. Once I read the book I immediately understood it was not her is was me. I totally changed once I read the book. I applied everything he said in the book once I understood. I told my wife to do things with boldness .
Too my amazement. She fell in line and was so submitted. I didn’t ask her I told her this is what I want and she said ok with no back talk. I was blown away. The most shocking part was when I told her this is what I want in bed and you need to be a master at it. She said Ok I will do it. I said who is this guy that written this book. He is awesome.”
-Russell Young
“Good lessons to contemplate, journal to, and act on. Reclaim and reinforce your manhood with teachings from Mr. Sledge. Embrace your greatness.”
-Brad L.
“Hi im just wondering which freelancer copywriting website is best for me and where i should start i don’t know a shit about how i should get started. About markering sales and copywriting and by the way i bought your ultimate alpha collection book it was a pure 10/10.”
-Saman A.
“Once again Sledge knocks the ball out of the park with the bases loaded. Especially if you’re a cuckold paying alimony – this book is a must read. So much of what Sledge is pointing out is absolutely true.”
-William Sumrall
“Your testosterone book is a gem btw! Gonna be buying lots soon and handing that over to couple younger siblings + boys + next generation What other ways could i send you a gift back to you?”
-Mo Hussein
“Great read for men who wants to turn their life around. I would lovee to have a beer with the author.”
“I kinda felt this way but didn’t want to believe it. Read this book a quarter of the way and I had a one night stand, bagged an incredible married lesbian and just bagged a married Chinese Vietnamese cutie. Women want it, you need to accept the truth and ask for it. It’s all true and they really are hungry for Alphas, I’ve never had it this good til now. Even Baby Mama is begging for it and she has a new man.”
-Ev Cru
“I love Charles Sledges books! With a society of weak sissies and conformists we need more men to write books and just hope today’s weak male stumbles upon one or two books and makes a decision to no longer be a man of value!”
-Johnny Grube
“Sledge has produced a simple, yet significant book on how the common man can defend himself whilst discussing some interesting life philosophy.”
-Dylan A. Ocampo
“Excellent read… Be a man and attract women without having to act fake. What I like most about the book is the statement of the need for men to embrace their masculinity and manliness more than anything else. I find the advice in this book to be useful and practical. 5 stars…”
“Learned a great deal from this book, anyone looking to strike out on their own and start an online business should read this book.”
-Marcus A. Harris
“Really, really enjoyed this book. Charles truly defines what every man should aspire to be. In today’s society, every young man should read this before he becomes overly feminized by the mainstream media and society in general. I look forward to reading the author’s other books”
-Dale Smith
“This book put the battery on my back… It definitely was a game changer for me. Mr.Sledge had confirmed some thoughts that i had looming in my mind already. That chapter on the characteristics of a king is something im going to use daily and share it with my 9 year old son, who’s an amazing athlete.. He needs to have the mindset of a king.. Those characteristics can be applied in sports as well.. A Great read.!!!!!”
-Spencer Bellamy
Just wanted to reach out and explain how amazing I find your content. Found a few free articles online and liked it so much I subscribed.
Im a 47 year old male, 20 year cop, 14 years Swat, and currently on (redacted). Your articles hit home and reinforce many of my beliefs, as well as how I’m perceived by others. Your articles also make me strive to be a better man.
Just read an older article from 2016, Prey, Predators, and Alpha Predators. Loved it.
Keep up the good work.”
-Anonymous (LEO)
Money Back Guarantee
While I’m willing to bet my money you’ll get 10 (if not 100x) your money’s worth from this book if for any reason at all you’re not satisfied there is a 60 day money back guarantee, no questions asked. So even if you somehow were able to read the entire book in 60 days and wanted your money back you’d get it.
Again no questions asked. Feel free to take advantage of this if you want, my main goal is to spread the knowledge that these books contain far and wide. So again at any point in the 60 days after you bought the book if you feel like “Hey this isn’t for me.” then you’ll get your money back.
So that’s a 60 day money back guarantee essentially making this purchase risk free and one of the best decision that you can make.
How To Order
You can get all the knowledge you need to be the best man you can be for only 49.99. The Ultimate Alpha Collection is sold as a PDF that is delivered to your email through a service called Clickbank. It’ll run on Adobe acrobat or any other service that can read PDFs. The file should be delivered immediately upon purchase. If you have any questions you can contact me through the contact page by clicking here.
So what are you waiting for? Isn’t it time you became the great man that you were always meant to be? Don’t wait and get your copy of The Ultimate Alpha Collection: 16 Of My Finest Works Contained In One Volume today!
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