The Truth About The Truth

If you’ve read this site for any length of time then you’ll know that I’m all about the hard truths, or at least I try to be. I try to hammer the ones that stuck out to me so that you’ll understand them. And through my mistakes and learning, you can learn and avoid those mistakes then pass that on to others around you. Thus creating a virtuous cycle.

But in all this talk about hard truths I think there are some other things that are forgotten. I think we spend a lot of time focusing on the things that are ugly. The sometimes ugly nature of biology and how society has set up men and women to be against each other. The lack of community and the lack of health physically, mentally, and spiritually that we see around us.

The ugliness of the art and of the people. The deterioration of the morals and of the architecture. The not so slow decay of what took years to build all around us. These are things that need to be pointed out, that need to be talked about. You can’t have your head in the sand, ignorance is not bliss, it can very well destroy you.


There are also good things. Beautiful things. All around us and in this world. And when we spend too much time focusing on what is base, what is wrong. We can forget the things that we are striving for, the things of beauty, the things that are worth preserving and bolstering. The things that are worth supporting are working towards.

It is not enough just to know what is wrong or base, just to know what not to do. We must also know what to do. Figure out what is right and what is good.

The Truth About The Truth Is…

It’s not just harsh. Sure it can be, like a fire burning way dross. And if often is painful. But at the same time if we stop there then we are only glimpsing half of the truth. The truth is if we just show what is base and wrong and pretend that is all there is, then we are lying. Because there is much beauty and goodness in the world around us. And we must know it, support it, uplift it, grow it, even love it. To love the truth is something that all men should strive for.

If you live in a world of ugliness then you need to find a refuge of beauty. This could be in the arts or meditation, it could be getting out into nature, it could be in developing your mind and your body, it should be in your actions, how you interact with and treat others. Are you growing others or cutting them down? Not that all can be grown but for those that can? Are you trying to be the best that you can be? For yourself? For the world?

Find beauty in yourself and around you. Do not get fixated on the negative. Realize that it is there and realize that you must address it but do not let it cover your eyes to things that are good and beautiful. We have made a habit of fixating ourselves on what is base and negative. Some to revel in it, wallow in it, flaunt if before others. Other have fixated on it to continually call out that it is wrong, to make others know that it is there.

And like I’ve said knowing it’s there and what it is, is important. But not the end of it.

You must seek truth and beauty.

Look at the world around you…

Where To Find Truth & Beauty

Get away from screens and simulations. Get out into the real world. Find stillness and breath. Learn and grow. Interact with others and use your body. Breath in and move towards becoming human again. Treat someone with respect, say hi to someone you’ve never said high too, write in a gratitude journal, take an art class, go to the gym, challenge yourself. There are many ways to reconnect with yourself, your humanity, and the world around you.

We’re going to start talking about leadership soon and that’s something else that I think all men should do. Work on your leadership abilities as leadership is the critical skill to start affecting the world around you. Start with leading yourself and then you will start leading others. Influence is a big part of this but the more I learn the more I’d say it goes even beyond influence. It’s something deeper, stronger, more primal, more powerful. Though of course influence plays a huge role in it.

If you want a good place to start then The 21 Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell provides a great framework that you can then build off of.

Seek truth, aspire to be a leader, aspire to be all that you can be. Seek beauty and goodness. Strive to represent it in yourself. I know that you may not be religious but nevertheless there’s a religious way of thinking that I think is very helpful.

Christians strive to be reflects of God. To shine forth God (the higher order) within themselves. Something that takes much development, understanding, wisdom, courage, love, and letting go. Something that I also aspire to do and that I find to be a very true higher calling.

And something that innately requires seeking truth and beauty

Thanks for reading.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge