The People Who Are Most Successful Have A Bias For This…

Continuing on our discussion of success today. So far we’ve discussed a few habits that separate those that are successful from those that are not as well as we’ve discussed plenty of general success habits on this site. Today I want to drill down to one thing in particular, something that has separated the successful from the unsuccessful in a variety of different fields. From dating to career to life happiness and fulfillment and more.

And that is something that successful people have a bias for, have a innate predisposition for. Something that you can adapt and use in your own life if you want to see the success that you may not be seeing in your life right now. We already talked about the relationship between risk and reward and this ties in nicely with that. If you did not read last week’s article then this is the basis of it. There is no reward without risk.

Risk and reward are tied at the hip. The more that you are willing to risk the more reward that you will give yourself the potential to obtain. The risk of investing in a business that is your own, the risk of investing in yourself, the risk of going after your dreams, the risk of going after what you want. These are all things that tie back to having success and achieving the things you want from your life.

Things like achieving lifelong fulfillment…

Things like breaking free of the rat race…

Things like having the love life that you want…

Having the family that you want…

Making the impact that you want to make on the world…

And a whole lot more.

But first we’re going to discuss two people that have had a big impact on my life.

General George S. Patton and Dan Kennedy.

What A General & A Direct Response Marketing Guru Have In Common

Both were men of wisdom that have contributed much to my life in their own ways. I have never met General Patton, though I did ‘meet’ Dan Kennedy once at a speech. Nevertheless through the written word both men have had an impact on me. And both have had a bias for what successful people have a bias for, each said in their own way. Here’s what General Patton said.

“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week.” – General George S. Patton.

Where Dan Kennedy say is thus.

“Good enough is good enough.”

It also put another way .

“Ready, fire, aim.”

What do all of these phrases have in common? What are they all saying?

They’re all saying that why planning is needed and nice, successful people are not people that have a bias for planning or a bias for giving it one more think over.

Successful people are people that have a bias for action.

They have a bias for doing the damn thing and getting it done now. It’s only through action that things are accomplished. So many people shy away from things and end up losing out on the good that was right there in front of them.

They convince themselves that they’re not ready. That they need to give things a think over, that they need to put it through the mental modules again.

When what is really needed is action.

To pull the trigger and do the thing, send it out into the world.

And then adjust.

Ready, Fire, Aim

Do the thing, send it out into the world, and then use the real world feedback to make adjustments. What you’ll quickly find is that real world feedback can be very different then the feedback you’d give yourself in your mind, essentially it’s different from what you often expect would happen. But it’s only by pulling the trigger and sending something out into the world that you’ll know the reality of the thing.

And by taking action, consistently and relentlessly, that you’ll be able to figure out what works and what doesn’t in the real world, not just in your mind. You should have a bias for action to be successful. This doesn’t mean recklessness or never thinking. Far from that. What it means is that you have a bias for action.

You consistently take action towards your goals.

Because it’s action that’ll get you there.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge