The Nature Of Power & It’s Acquirement

What is power?

And why do we crave it so?

The dictionary definition of power is as follows,

  1. the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality
  2. the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events

Essentially power is about your ability to be able to achieve the ends that you want and to influence other people and the world around. The acquirement, growth, and retention of power is what the story of our lives is about. From the time we are young boys trying to cement our place on the playground to the waning years when we want to leave a legacy that we will be remembered for.

It’s all about power.

That’s not to say that power is something bad or evil, it’s just something that is. And it’s something that we have to deal with. Lately we’ve been talking more about culture and leadership, and something that goes hand in hand with both is power.

The Importance Of Power

A good way to define power is agency, or freedom to act. To pursue one’s desires and goals, to accomplish what one wants in life. Or at the very lease have a chance of that. Power defines every relationship. Father and son, man and woman, boss and subordinate, slave and master, so on and so forth. Power is the undercurrent that runs through all human interactions. Understanding it and understanding how to harness that current for your own ends is a very important skill.

And it doesn’t have to be underhand. I’m talking about being politically savvy, of understanding how people work and how to have that work for you instead of against you. Not through manipulation necessarily, but simply through wise choices. I know we often hate them, and for good reason, but you can learn a lot from politicians and CEOs. People who do horrible things, lie more than they breathe, and just generally are garbage.

And yet people love them, they are given power, and they often have more money than they know what to do with. I’m sorry but obviously they’re doing something right. And that something right is not the horrible things that they sometimes do but rather because they understand how power works and how to achieve it for themselves. Sort of like sales or how to fight. Politicking is a skill that you should have a deep understanding and knowledge of.

Not because it’s pretty, like fighting and sales, it’s not very pretty. But because it’s essential. To moving forward in this world and accomplishing what you want.

Power Through The People

Power flows through people, people have power. To attain and wield power you must understand how to “use” people. It is people that can increase or decrease your power. Politicians learn how to harness people and coast to big paychecks, perks, and adoration by understanding power. Power does not exist in a vacuum. Put these same politicians and CEOs on an island and suddenly they have very little power. Now granted if there are others there, they can usually harness others to put them at the top of the hierarchy sooner rather than later.


Overall they’d be pretty useless by themselves. But we do not live on an island, as much as we like to fantasize about it sometimes. We live in a human world with human issues. Learning to move skillfully through the maze of human interactions is an important skill. Power comes through people, separate from people there is not much power. We are not super heroes. We don’t have laser eyes, incredible strength or speed. What we have is how we can influence others.

Practical Applications Of Power

So you may be agreeing that power is important but how do you go about acquiring it. The first thing I’d recommend is studying those in power. Two great examples from recent politics in the United States. Barack Obama and Donald Trump. These men are very different and on different sides of the political spectrum. But both know how to leverage their strengths, how to motivate others, how to influence others, and how to acquire power. Neither is a fool and you can learn a ton from both.

And you should. You have to put away petty notions of morality and the like and think “Who has power and who does not”. Look at what they do that’s similar. Study profiles in power, not so much biographies and the like as those are always written with a particular slant and gloss over a lot. But look at the facts of those that rise to power. What they do, what they say. Just as importantly what they don’t do and what they don’t say.

Look at your boss, even, especially, if you hate them. What do they do that you do not? Why do they have more power than you? And be honest. Don’t just say “They kiss ass more.” or make excuses. Sure there will be some reasons in there that are BS, but be honest. What do they do better than you? I guarantee you that there are at least a few things there. Look at the higher ups in your community or company. Look at your pastor at your church. You don’t think that guy politicks at all?

Most pastors make election day politicians look like principled hermits. And I’m not saying that to hate. They have many eyes on them, they have to politick, least they be ousted from their position and can no longer feed their family. Politicking is all around us. Look to the powerful and put aside your ego, put aside your hate, and just study.

Watch, listen, learn.

There are many lessons all around you. But the ego prevents us from seeing so much.

Don’t let it. Put it aside and learn. By learning you will improve your life.

And understand the importance of power.

As always, thanks for reading.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge