The Importance Of Having A Familiarity With Violence For Men

We don’t all have to be Navy S.E.A.L.s, UFC fighters, or championship bow hunters and thank goodness because most of never could be. However there is something to be said about having a familiarity with violence. So many males today only interaction with violence is through a screen and if they experience it in real life it’s either sudden and overwhelming (like a shooting) or something like a schoolyard fight.

However this doesn’t produce positive effects for the most part (the schoolyard fight can but anyone degenerates into a cowardly gang brawl vs those with inferior numbers). I believe these two things are related to overall males having a lack of familiarity with violence producing two variants of cowards. On one extreme you have the school shooter and on the other you have five kids ganging up on, beating down, and then stomping and kicking one kid who thought he was going to have a one on one fight.

While these things have also been part of life and human nature I do think certain cultural trends exacerbate and increase these types. Namely as I was talking about a lack of familiarity with violence. It’s funny once you’ve tested yourself and know your capabilities you desire to inflict violence goes down almost in proportion to your ability to afflict it (talking peacetime civilian life here of course).

Early Violence Sets Them Right

While conservatives lament about “violent video games” the fact of the matter is what kids need is more violence, much more violence. Granted structured and organized violence, but violence nonetheless. It’s not violent video games that are the problem its lack of things like boxing, wrestling, football, regular fighting, or hell even dodge ball. While fat white guys who like to watch Fox news and couldn’t punch their way out a paper bag like to talk about the “pussification of America” they do fuck all about it.

For example from boxing I’ve seen kids come up and when they’re exposed to violence at a young age they are often much more complete individuals than those who are not exposed to violence. Not only are they more complete but they do so coming from often much harder homes with lack of father figures being a prime example. Getting acquainted with this violence early in life sets them on the right path as it says in the good book “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Males need violence, it sets them right and helps them to grow and become men. Without violence bad tendencies come out and express themselves in negative ways. Also let me be clear by violence I mean structured violence not beatings or anything of that sort. Structured and organized violence. Again like boxing, wrestling, football, (or if there’s a karate place out there that does real sparring), and so on and forth. Males need to hit and be hit, otherwise their souls never grow right. Familiarity with violence gives strength to the weak and humbleness to the strong. It shows bullies that there’s a two way street and it shows the bullied that they can stand up for themselves.

Familiarity For The Grown Man

But this doesn’t change as one gets old. You can’t say “Oh man I never boxed as a kid, oh well guess I just continue doing nothing in my life.” it counts at any age. Again not saying you have to take up boxing at 70 or whatever, just saying that there should be something there. Go shooting, hunting, just have some semblance of familiarity with violence and don’t expect it always to be outsourced for you.

Look at animals, even in captivity they’re wise enough to “play spar” with one another. To never let themselves grow too dull. The more divorced you are from violence the more divorced you are from your core masculinity. This isn’t to say ravaging serial killers are close to their masculinity, I’m not talking about random and wanton (almost feminine) violence here. I’m talking about structured and organized violence.

My main point with this piece if twofold. First off the importance of raising kids up in the ways of organized and structured violence and the importance of exposing them to it early. And second that importance of being a grown man and having somewhat of a familiarity with violence. Again structured and organized by violence none-the-less. Violence is an important and even sacred part of life, don’t think of it as only evil as they want you too.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge