Modifying Sleep Schedules To Be More Productive

Experimentation is the key to learning. Every day we use the scientific method to grow wiser, become stronger, and do more. We form a hypothesis, do an experiment to conclude if that hypothesis is correct, and then we adjust as needed. Either changing the parameters of the experiment or adjusting the hypothesis. And then we go and test again. That is the formula for success and that is the formula for learning.

You don’t have to be a chemist or rocket scientist to gain from this method or learn from it, it’s something each and every one of us should be doing every day. Lately something I have been experimenting with is my sleep schedule. I find that the older I get the less sleep that I seem to need. Working hours that would have killed me in me teenage years or even my twenties.

And so I’ve been experimenting with productivity. It’s said the Benjamin Franklin used to sleep in shifts. A mid day nap and then another “nap” later at night. Then he’d get up early and was more productive that way. That is something that I have been experimenting with. I’ve tried working at various times in the day and seeing which times are most productive to me.

Experiment & Learn

I seem to be more productive in the morning though I would not consider myself a morning person. I’ve tried 3 am, 5 am, 6 am, 8 am, and many other variations. I’ve tried 10 pm, midnight, and even 1 and 2 am. And I’ve found the earlier hours seem to be most productive to me. With between 6-8 being the best. Earlier than 6 is less productive. With 3 being worse than 5. Even 5 can be somewhat productive. Likewise after a day of working I find that working on other tasks to make me far less productive.

I’ve also lately been working some jobs that have had me up at 3 am and so this experiment had sort of tied into that as well. I had always convinced myself that I was not an early morning person and would never be productive as such but my experiment is proving otherwise. I’ve found that I tend to be more productive before work than after. So I have woke an hour earlier than it would take me to get to my ‘real” work and done work then.

Refine & Grow

And from then I’ve been able to draw conclusions and go back to the drawing board with a more accurate hypothesis. Thus learning and growing day by day. This has in turned made me more productive which helps to get me closer to my goals each and every day. The compound effect works here. A 1% jump in productivity from week to week makes a world of difference ten years from now. It can be the difference from wild and massive success and middling success.

Don’t focus so much on the sleep aspect of this but rather the experimenting aspect of it. There is so much to learn if you sit down and set about doing it. Test your hypothesis, refine it, learn and grow from it. That’s how you keep moving forward. It’s such a fundamental thing but without a basic grasp of it then you will not keep moving forward.

Try it and see how it works for you.

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-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge