How To Rewild Yourself

If you’ve taken a look at health statistics lately, you’ll know that they don’t paint a very pretty picture. In the United States obesity is at something like 40%. And around 20% of adults are diagnosed with a mental illness. And those two statistics leaves out all the other maladies that can affect people. Hormonal issues, neurotransmitter issues, and many others. Safe to safe that the way that the modern industrialized world is living is not a way that will lead to long term health.

And by health I mean more than just being in good shape, though obviously that is part of that. It’s not so much about having a certain body fat or weight but rather to be fulfilling your natural potential. That one nature endowed you with. I have found that the closer you get to living as your body was created to live, the better off that you’ll be. Not just physically, though that as well, but also mentally and spiritually. And this bleeds over into things like relationships, finances, and the like.

Essentially when we look at improving our lives we need to get back to the basics of physical, mental, and spiritual health. Because other things such as finances, relationships, and the like are going to stem from there. That’s not to say there’s not more to learn but that we should get the basics right before focusing too much on other things.

Though of course in today’s world you can’t get far without financials.

But let’s get back to the topic at hand.

What Is Rewilding

Rewilding, at least how I’m defining it here, is getting back to your base nature, to how God made you to be. Optimal hormonal functioning, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness. Like our ancestors would have known living in a healthy tribe and that you still see across the world here and there. Things are taken to excess but balanced. What I mean by that is take a bodybuilder, a monk, and a ascetic. These all represent extremes that can be just as unhealthy as someone who is obese, believes in nothing, or a drunk. We want to strike an optimal balance with the facets of ourselves.

No one is evil and certain people like to deny aspects of our nature. For example sex and violence. Sex and violence are part of our nature and I’d say, when used properly, a very good part. To deny an aspect of who you are, when functioning in a healthy way, is not healthy. A bit redundant but you get the point. So again rewilding yourself is a process of attaching back to your root nature in a healthy way. It’s rebecoming human essentially.

And it’s a drawn out process that takes time. A lot of what I’ve wrote about has to do with rewilding yourself. With detaching from the craziness and nonsense of the modern world and getting back in touch with the root of things. And through doing so experiencing health and vitality like never before. Again not just physically, but that too, but also mentally and spiritually. This has a transformative effect across your life.

How To Rewild Yourself

The rewilding process is relatively straightforward. There are certain habits that will help and then it will be your own research looking for ways to get back to what was lost. Diet is obviously a key area. I won’t go into specific recommendations but essentially if it was not considered food 1,000 years ago then you probably shouldn’t eat it. Also make sure to eat all parts of animals, not just muscle meat. Goes for other things as well. Try to use the whole thing, things weren’t wasted before. Organs were choice delicacies, bones made into soup, and so on and so forth.

I’d suggest spending time in nature and meditating. Just take time to go to a park or wherever you can that’s not surrounded by unnatural light and sound. Meditate when you can. Look for ways to wean yourself off any drugs that you on are, with a doctors help and permission of course. But look to live as naturally as possible. Make an effort to either forge friendships or community or make an effort to strengthen the ones that you have.

You can have a weekly group, spend time with family on the weekends, just make time to spend with those you care about. Even getting out in your community and helping there can aid in this. My point is don’t be a loner. Humans never have been and never will be loners. We are not tigers, we are wolves. And we are weak and aimless without the pack. Humans are tribal creatures, do not forget that.

Further Rewilding Help

That’s just the start if you want to make an individualized plan we can do so. Just check out the coaching tab above. However this should be a decent base to get you started and get you moving in the right direction.

As always, thanks for reading.

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge