How Reading Fiction Makes You More Manly

While there have been many benefits documented related to reading fiction, becoming more manly doesn’t seem like one of them does it? Isn’t reading for dorks and nerds anyways? Isn’t reading associated with being “bookish” and unsure of how the world actually works outside of story books? I mean after all that’s the perception that we’ve been given about reading and as we all know the mainstream perception is always based on fact and one hundred percent right.

Just as we know central banks save the economy, that getting rid of masculinity would solve the worlds problems, and you can trust everything you learn in school and so on and so forth. Wait…what? You’re telling me that those things aren’t all one hundred percent true? You’re telling me that the mainstream perception of things can mislead? Well if that’s true then maybe the perception of people who read has been a bit skewed too as well? Where did this perception of readers being weak come from?

Hollywood? You’d be surprised how much of the world’s perception of how things work came from Hollywood. Story is the most powerful force of changing and shaping opinion in the world, even more than news and “non-fiction”. If you want homogeneity in what people think then tell and show them stories to get them on the same page. In Hollywood and popular culture, which is essentially Hollywood and the music industry, reading has been seen as a nerdish thing, but is this true?

Is Reading For Nerds?

Manly guys play sports and weak dorks read, according to Hollywood and popular perception. After all you can be strong and smart but you can’t be both, at least according to Hollywood. But do nerds actually read? And do they read works of fiction? Granted much of book reading especially when it comes to fantasy and science fiction is done by what most would call “nerds” but correlation does not necessarily equal causation. There is much more that defines nerd culture.

I’m not declaring myself an expert on the subject nor do I want to be but “nerds” are just as likely to be reading a comic book as a work of fiction, if not more, more likely to watch TV shows and movies then read fiction, and a whole lot more. Coupled with a lack of physical and social activity. So I would so no, reading fiction, does not make one a nerd. Not to mention that the majority of fiction read is romance followed somewhat closely by young adult. Yet no one argues that reading makes you feminine or immature does it?

Point being divorce your perception of reading from what you’ve been told it is. It isn’t for nerds, it’s for everybody. Stories have transformative power and can inspire much in the real world, more than facts could ever hope to do. Remember Alexander the Great is said to have had a copy of The Iliad under his pillow when he slept as he conquered the known world. There is much to be gained from story it’s one of the most powerful things in the entire world.

How Does Reading Make You Manlier?

So while you may understand that stories are powerful and that they have many benefits associated with them and that they have little to do with being a nerd, but how do they make you more manly? What is it about story that could possible make you stronger, wiser, and tougher? And does this apply to stories across the board or only action and adventure type stories? Let’s address these one at a time. First off what’s constitutes masculinity? There’s no one answer to this because it’s many different things.

Strength, wisdom, fierceness, honor, pride, loyalty, physical prowess, control, and more. Masculinity is many things. It’s emotional resilience, standing strong if the face of adversity, and keeping on when all about you are giving in and giving up. It’s been proven that stories make you more resilient and I’d say the resilience is a critical part of being a man. You have to stand amidst the storm and everything the world is going to throw at you. But does this only include certain types of stories. Like action and adventure or sword and sorcery?

I’d say it’s not that limited. Sure certain genres might lend themselves more to developing these aspects but you don’t have to limit yourself to spy thrillers, action adventure, and the like. I’d say expand your horizons and try out different genres, you might be surprised at what you find. Just about all genres, depending on how specific you want to get, have something to offer men and our development. So maybe start with the tried and true stories then work your way from there, expanding on your own. Maybe start with the tried and true but expand from there.

Story Builds The Good Things

Well good stories do at least. Story is more powerful than facts, story is more powerful than giant media corporations or even banks. A story can set the world on fire, in the good or the bad way. The enemies of man have understood this, unfortunately man has forgotten it. There’s a reason every tribe had the boys sit around and listen to stories about the great heroes that came before. Take part in that tradition and be better for it.

If anything I said here interests you I’d highly recommend you check out The Ultimate Alpha Collection which is a compilation of 16 of my books for the price of 5. It covers everything from being a man to making money to getting the right mindset to getting girls to fighting and more and is a resource no man should be without. Pick up your copy today!

-Charles Sledge

Charles Sledge