Members Only Post #90 – Different Cultures Live Different Lives

I remember being told that every man should travel, get a sense of the world, even if just to be grateful for what he has back home. For awhile I never really understood this. Sure I got travel for specific reasons. School, career, change of scenery or whatever you wanted to call it, and so on and so forth. But that was about it. I thought traveling the world was something that rich yuppie kids did to stave off going to graduate school or getting a job. Ironically I found myself traveling quite a bit.

Not for pleasure more for necessity but still I’ve since learned that you learn quite a lot when traveling. Not just traveling and hitting the tourist destinations of places but actually living in different places for years and getting an understanding of it. Living in different cultures and different lands and seeing just how damn different this world is and can be. I want to talk more about this because I believe understanding this is the solution to so many people’s problems.

And before we get into this if you’re looking at as race or nation only that’s not what I’m talking about. Not that those things don’t/can’t matter, anyone who’s spent a day in reality know that they do, but I’m talking about culture as a whole. Which even in the same race/nation/tribe can vary greatly. So with that said what does any of this matter to you and why should you care?

Good Cultures & Bad Cultures

Some cultures are superior to others and some cultures are superior to certain people but not to others, let me give some examples of this. Let’s start with some cultures are superior to others, what does this mean? The best way to look at it, in my opinion, is through a natural lens. Sure this doesn’t account for anything but it does account for something. Essentially what cultures survive and which don’t and why is this. Some cultures die out and others thrive. Cultures that conquer other cultures are superior to those cultures, at least according to nature.

Now that doesn’t mean that conquered cultures couldn’t have been “right” on other things or been superior in other ways but according to nature there is superiority and there is inferiority. But what does this matter for you? Well look at your culture and what is happening to it. Is your culture in need of dire fixing? Is your culture on its way out or on the ascent? And either way what’s the reason for this? What can be learned from this? For example in general it seems capitalism consumer cultures in the West are on the way out.

Granted these markets may just move to other cultures but what has this culture done to destroy its host? When money is placed above religion, blood, land, and tribe what happens? Obviously there’s more going on then just this but it’s one example. Let’s look at a smaller example and talk about how one culture may be superior to another depending on the person. For one person a hippie commune somewhere in the forest might be an ideal existence whereas for others maybe a small town with a large percentage of veterans might be the ideal existence.

What’s good for one person may be hell for another, depending on their makeup and a million other factors. For example if a man is looking to have a big stable family and a devoted wife then something like becoming a Mormon or devout Muslim might be a good fit for him. Whereas if a guy wants to bang as many women as possible the capitalist consumerist city is the best place for him. I’m not making value judgements on these things here, just stating facts.

Where’s Your Heaven & Your Hell?

Trying to make the ocean dry or the desert wet is an exercise in futility. You can’t change the larger culture around you so it’s best if you go where your best lined up with your desires. Like the fast lifestyle then the big city is the ticket for you. If you live in America a place like Nebraska would be hell but say Miami, NYC, or LA would be heaven (granted that you have the cash). Likewise want to have a stable happy family? Well then the Midwest and Appalachia which most people (capitalist consumer people) consider hell suddenly becomes your heaven.

Right now we live in mobile times. We can go nation to nation and state to state relatively freely. I’m not sure how long these times will last and it’d be foolish to think that they’ll last forever, especially right now in the Western world. If you’re constantly fighting with those and that around you, now might be the time to find a place with a culture that matches up with you. You’ll most likely never find a perfect fit but you’ll find places that are closer and more like you. And it might not be where you’d expect. I never thought I’d leave the country I was born in but things change more rapidly than you think.

Like a snowball rolling downhill. At first it barely moves and everyone thinks you’re ridiculous for even thinking or worrying about it. That is until it’s picked up so much momentum and size that you can only watch in horror and it comes down on you. My advice is to find your heaven and find it quick, and make sure that it’s your actual heaven and not a stage that you’re going through. Remember it’s important to take the red pill in all aspects of life. Not just one. And culture is one you’d be foolish to ignore.

Charles Sledge