Members Only Post #67 – The Cult Of Money

We’ve taken time on this site to talk about false ideologies whether things like feminism or modernity or things like MGTOW and red pill. How they don’t lead to good places and hurt those that are part of them. However there are plenty of other threats out there that one can lose themselves in and that play of needs but turn them into things that are unhealthy.

For example a healthy man is going to want the company of a woman however when his focus in on pursuing short term bursts of dopamine instead of a long term stable relationship he is going to end up spending more time here than needed and end up unfulfilled and chasing after something that never fulfills. Like always drinking soda when one needs water.

Taking a healthy need (companionship/sex) and turning it into an unhealthy desire. The red pill does this for men, making them unhappy (sort of like feminism for men, both say they help their respective sexes but they actually harm them). I think I’ve done an alright job of addressing this but let’s talk about another field that has grown more and more in recent years (as others fall).

The Cult Of Money

Being an entrepreneur I’ve seen it go from an interesting thing that requires hard work and dedication and is right for some people to this great big cult. It has taken a need (money/free/provision) and warped it to become the end all be all of existence. Taking this need and turning it into something that is unhealthy (notice a pattern?). The cult of money or the entrepreneur.

You see people fall into this cult (both men with promises of being free/ a “big baller” or with women with “It’s the feminist thing to do”/Grrrl power. But both end up unsatisfied and chasing after something that never fulfills. You see it with the endless membership sites, information products, blow hard seminars, and the sell, sell, sell atmosphere that pervades the cult and destroys regular human bonding and development.

It’s all about the sale, it’s about the dollar. It’s all about things that it should never be “all about.” I’ve talked before about how capitalism is just as dangerous to healthy and right living (the primal cosmic order) as Communism or anything else. And this is one (albeit minor) of the reasons why, though there are plenty others. Money is being taken out of its rightful place and placed at the center of a life.

The Rotted Center

This isn’t to say money in and of itself is evil or that you shouldn’t learn to make money. No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I think everyone should learn the basics of sales, copywriting, and marketing as well as dabble in entrepreneurship just to check it out or not get taken advantage of. And we all need money to work and live our lives and this is fine. However it’s when the “hustle” becomes the center of our lives that things get out of whack.

Money as a god is a poor one. Money as the center of your life makes for a poor life. It is one more false idol that is presented in the modern world. And it’s one more way to be misled and wronged. Yes, you need money and yes you should study how to make it and acquire more of it. But don’t fetishize it and make a god out of it. It shouldn’t be the center of a cult or the center of a life.

It’s just money. Again the knowledge of getting it is good. The cult surrounding the worship and love of it is not. Like with a nation, the merchants are a needed part but not the most important part or the center. So yes learn how to acquire money but avoid joining one of the many sales/entrepreneur/money worshiping cults that are popping up everywhere. Money does not in and of itself lead to freedom or happiness.

Charles Sledge