3 Benefits Of Not Drinking When You Go Out

Going out and drinking go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. You often can’t have one without the other. While I have nothing against drinking with your buddies every now and then if it’s something that you have to do every time you go out then it could be a problem. I don’t mean a problem as in you’re drinking too much as twice a week or so isn’t really that big of a deal. Rather you are missing out on a lot and hampering your progress. Let’s break it down.

Males go out for two reasons to socialize and to pick up girls, that’s pretty much it. And drinking usually facilitates both of these things (at least in most males’s minds). However in reality drinking usually lowers the quality of both and can even prevent them from happening. Nothing wrong with having a glass or two before you go out or socializing but if it’s something that you’ve began to rely on as a crutch it’s got to go. If going out without drinking sounds unthinkable to you, it’s might be time to cut it out. But to make the process easier here are three benefits of not drinking when you go out.

Benefit #1 – No Hangover

Sure there are ways to fight hangovers and prevent them but a guaranteed way to not have to deal with them is to not drink in the first place. Hangovers suck and can really dig into your productivity and waste your time. It’s harder to do anything hungover. There’s no need for the annoyance, pain, and waste of time. Instead of spending all day holding you head, taking pain meds, and lying in bed with the shades drawn you could instead have popped right out of bed like you would on any other day and started getting things done.

I don’t like anything that lowers the quality of my life, especially when it gives nothing back. Hangovers fall into this category. They suck and give nothing to you life, they only take away. When something gets in the way of my goals and my success it’s a problem and I cut it out. Time is far to precious to waste with anything that’s not moving me towards the life that I want to live and the things that I want to do. I don’t have the time to spend and entire day recovering from the night before and neither do you.

Benefit #2 – Develop Real Skills Instead Of Relying On A Crutch

Let’s be honest drinking is a crutch to make up for either lack of social skills or lack of game. Without this crutch to rely on you can actually start developing real social skills and good game. Instead of relying on alcohol to give you “courage” or to keep you from getting bored you’ll have to develop balls, social skills, and game. You can still have a drink or two before heading out but there will be no need for it. Plus it’s much better to learn how to get yourself in a good mood with the effects of drugs or alcohol.

Also alcohol can be used a cover up for a life that sucks and getting obliterated (or even “tipsy”) on the weekend is a way to “cope” (as in hide from) this. Without alcohol covering things up you have to stare them right in the eyes and face whatever you’re trying to hide from. If you have to drink of the weekend to recover from the week then you need to change what is happening in your week. And drinking isn’t going to do that. Cutting out the alcohol forces you to develop real valuable skills that are much needed to have the life that you want.

Benefit #3 – Bad For Your Health

While some may be better than others, no matter what alcohol you’re drinking it’s bad for you. Whether you’re a woman pretending that her three glasses of wine aren’t bad for her or the guy drinking low carb beer thinking the same thing. No matter what way you slice it, it’s not adding to your health. Beer is estrogenic and most are essential wheat based products. They are going to have the same effect on you as eating any other bad carb, namely make you fat.

Namely make you fat in your love handles as well. Someone with a better understanding of the human body could explain this but I know insulin plays a role. Put simply, cut out the alcohol for less fat and more testosterone. Sounds like a win win situation right? That’s because it is. Here is how I want you to start thinking about beer, think of beer as estrogen shots. Once you start seeing it as that it’s going to be a lot harder to start swigging them down the next time that you are out.


I have nothing against having a drink or two. Simply wanted to point out that there are benefits to cutting out alcohol when going out and that you can still have fun and accomplish what you want. Regardless if you’re just out to have a good time with friends or you’re out to pick up girls either way cutting out the alcohol is going to work in your favor. It’s something to consider and to do from time to time. While everyone else gets blitzed so they can socialize, talk to girls, or forget their week you will be able to do all those things (well you won’t have to forget your week, because you week will be something you enjoy) and at a much higher level.

If you have any questions you would like to see answered in a future post send them to me at charlessledge001 (at) gmail (dot) com. If you found value in this post then I would encourage you to share this site with someone who may need it as well as check out my books here. I appreciate it. You can follow me on Twitter here.

-Charles Sledge


Charles Sledge


  1. No booze in over 20 years nothing good ever happens
    to people who always booze up. Grew up with and around
    alcoholics, it’s never good.

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