Charles Sledge


  1. I love to hear other voices with the same heart calling all males back to their roots.

    To become a motherfucking outlaw.

    I’m beginning to see more of this type of voice permeate the manosphere and alt right. Maybe it’s my own confirmation bias but still I sense it.

    Call me selfish but I started writing first and foremost for myself. All my life I was told to follow the rules. To be a “good” guy. To be a fucking slave. It never resonated in the most pure parts within myself. I fought and fought thinking I was so bad, sol evil for doing so.

    When I threw off that yoke and started busting heads, not giving a fuck. Grabbing sluts up. Never apologizing. Everything in my life changed tremendously fast.

    Writing these things out helped to codify and inscribe laws written on the heart outward to the world. This is masculine energy.


    Living this life is something I cannot accurately explain to those who are still living “by the rules”. You think you’re so free. True freedom means danger. True freedom means YOU are the ultimate law and the final rule in your world. No one else is going to do shit for you and no one is going to fucking save you.

    If you want something, TAKE it.

    When opportunity shows itself you must IMMEDIATELY go in for the kill.

    I saw an opportunity for a threesome the other night. Two girls nearly 15 yrs younger than me LOL. They both had boyfriends.

    I took it. If you don’t like that. Go fuck yourself.

    • Yes absolutely. True freedom requires risk and danger. You may be hurt, killed, or beaten but you will have your soul and mind free. And there is so much power in that. Safety is largely an illusion. Take freedom over safety everyday.

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